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Rob Laporte

Limit Anchor Text Links To 55 Characters In Length? | Hobo - 0 views

    Limit Anchor Text Links To 55 Characters In Length? Blurb by Shaun Building LinksAs a seo I wanted to know - how many words or characters does Google count in a link? What's best practice when creating links - internal, or external? What is the optimal length of a HTML link? It appears the answer to the question 'how many words in a text link" is 55 characters, about 8-10 words. Why is this important to know? 1. You get to understand how many words Google will count as part of a link 2. You can see why you should keep titles to a maximum amount of characters 3. You can see why your domain name should be short and why urls should be snappy 4. You can see why you should rewrite your urls (SEF) 5. It's especially useful especially when thinking about linking internally, via body text on a page. I wanted to see how many words Google will count in one 'link' to pass on anchor text power to a another page so I did a test a bit like this one below; 1. pointed some nonsense words in one massive link, 50 words long, at the home page of a 'trusted' site 2. each of the nonsense words were 6 characters long 3. Then I did a search for something generic that the site would rank no1 for, and added the nonsense words to the search, so that the famous "This word only appear in links to the site" (paraphrase) kicked in 4. This I surmised would let me see how many of the nonsense words Google would attribute to the target page from the massive 50 word link I tried to get it to swallow. The answer was….. 1. Google counted 8 words in the anchor text link out of a possible 50. 2. It seemed to ignore everything else after the 8th word 3. 8 words x 6 characters = 48 characters + 7 spaces = a nice round and easy to remember number - 55 Characters. So, a possible best practice in number of words in an anchor text might be to keep a link under 8 words but importantly under 55 characters because everything after it is ignored
Rob Laporte

Domain Moving Day the Key Relevance Way | SEMClubHouse - Key Relevance Blog - 0 views

    Domain Moving Day the Key Relevance Way by Mike Churchill So, you're gonna change hosting providers. In many cases, moving the content of the site is as easy as zipping up the content and unzipping it on the new server. There is another aspect of moving the domain that many people over look: DNS. The Domain Name System (DNS) is the translation service that converts your domain name (e.g. to the corresponding IP address. When you move hosting companies, it's like changing houses, if you don't set up the Change of Address information correctly, you might have some visitors going to the old address for a while. Proper handling of the changes to DNS records makes this transition time as short as possible. Let's assume that you are changing hosting, and the new hosting company is going to start handling the Authoritative DNS for the domain. The first step is to configure the new hosting company as the authority. This should best be done a couple or more days before the site moves to the new location. What does "Authoritative DNS" mean? There are a double-handful of servers (known as the Root DNS servers) whose purpose is to keep track of who is keeping track of the IP addresses for a domain. Rather than them handling EVERY DNS request, they only keep track of who is the authoritative publisher of the DNS information for each domain. In other words, they don't know your address, but they tell you who does know it. If we tell the Root level DNS servers that the authority is changing, this information may take up to 48 hours to propagate throughout the internet. By changing the authority without changing the IP addresses, then while visiting browsers are making requests during this transition, both the old authority and the new authority will agree on the address (so no traffic gets forwarded before you move). Shortening the Transition The authoritative DNS servers want to minimize their load, so every time they send out an answer to a
Rob Laporte

7 Search Tools You May Not Know … But Should - 0 views

  • Soovle Soovle offers a unique search interface that puts a variety of search sites on a single page. But what makes it unique is that, as you type in the search box, Soovle shows you the auto-completion phrases that each search site recommends. In addition to being original, that function could serve to help with a keyword research project. It looks like this: Google is the default search site when you arrive, but you can use the right-arrow on your keyboard to quickly select a different site to perform your search. And there’s also a daily update on the top auto-complete terms. Each day, Soovle queries the search sites to find out what they show as the top results for each letter of the alphabet. Pretty cool stuff.
Rob Laporte

A Completely Different Kind Of Landing Page Optimization - 0 views

    How can you begin using segment optimization in your campaigns? Start by making a list of possible segments within your audience. Who are the different types of people who look for you online - and why? Don't restrict yourself to the way you may have segmented people in your database or your business plan. Brainstorm what's important and relevant from the respondent's point-of-view, by considering any or all of the following issues: * the specific "problem" the respondent wants to solve * the demographic/psychographic "persona" of the respondent * the respondent's stage in the buying process * the role of the respondent in their organization * the respondent's geographic location * the respondent's industry or the size of their organization These are your initial buckets into which respondents could be segmented. Don't worry if there's overlap between buckets, as these won't necessarily be either/or choices. Next, review the keywords and ad creatives you're running in your search marketing campaigns. For each keyword/creative pair, ask yourself - is there a particular segment that its respondents would clearly belong to? If the answer is yes, add it to that bucket along with the number of clicks per month it generates. If there answer is no, leave a question mark next to it - perhaps with a handful of segments it might appeal to. For instance, in our example above, the keyword phrases "french exam" and "college french" are obvious candidates for the student segment. Phrases like "business french" and "executive french" fall into the business traveler bucket. But "learn french" can't be segmented just from the keyword. Now, look over your segment buckets and see which ones have the most number of clicks per month. These are your best targets for segment optimization. For each one, create a dedicated landing page that is focused on the needs, wants, and characteristics of that particular
Rob Laporte

Two Ways To Justify SEO In Uncertain Times - 0 views

    Oct 22, 2008 at 10:55am Eastern by Paul Bruemmer Two Ways To Justify SEO In Uncertain Times In House - A Column From Search Engine Land During uncertain economic times like these, our advice is to always stick with the fundamentals to maintain business efficiency and progress. No matter what your business model, performing the fundamentals will keep you on-track and in-line for leveraging future success. If the C-level executives in your company are having any doubts about the value of SEO and are hesitating to release more funding, it's time to perform a cost-benefit exercise. It's your job as an in-house SEO manager to reestablish their confidence in the value of SEO as well as your value and the value of your team. When funding gets in the way, having a narrow focus, putting it on the table, and describing company goals you are committed to are all very important. 1) Leverage Your Paid Search Data To demonstrate implicit value for SEO, start with a baseline. Show where your key terms currently rank in organic and multiply by the cost-per-click value. Run the numbers for the value of direct clicks with high search intent. One way to go about this is to calculate an Effective Cost-Per-Click (eCPC) for your organic listings: 1. Access the Keyword Tool within your Google AdWords account. 2. Type your best performing (for instance, 20) keywords. 3. Select descriptive words or phrases and synonyms. 4. Click Get Keyword Ideas. This will produce a report; select Exact within the "Match Type" field and click on Approx Avg Search Volume. 1. Look at the Cost-Per-Click column to acquire the CPC value (let's assume it's $2.00). 2. Go to your web analytics data and identify the number of organic clicks for these keywords (let's assume 20,000/month). 3. Multiply the two (CPC times the number of organic clicks (in this case $40,000/mo)). 4. Create a spreadsheet with your best performing keywords and make the statement, "if we
Rob Laporte

Google Analytics Upgrade: AdSense Reporting, Visualization Tools, & More - 0 views

  • Online publishers may be most interested in the AdSense integration tools coming to Google Analytics. After linking an AdSense and Analytics account, you’ll be able to see AdSense data including: total revenue, impressions, clicks, and click-through ratio revenue per day, per hour, etc. revenue per page (what pages are most profitable) revenue per referral (what other sites bring you profitable traffic) Here are a couple screenshots from Google’s videos on the new features (see below for link): During our call this morning, we asked why AdSense itself doesn’t also offer this data without requiring the need for also using Google Analytics to get it. We’re waiting for a reply from Google’s AdSense team and will let you know what we learn. Update: A Google spokesperson says, “We can’t comment on any future AdSense developments or features.” Motion Charts is a visualization tool lets you see and interact with analytics data in five dimensions, a capability made possible by Google’s purchase of Gapminder’s Trendalyzer software in March, 2007. The Google Analytics API, which is currently in private beta, will open up analytics data for developers to export and use however they want. Advanced segmentation allows users to dig deeper into subsets of traffic, such as “visits with conversions,” or create their own segment types. Custom reporting lets users create their own comparisons of metrics. Google has created a series of videos showing how some of these new tools work. Crosby says the new features will be rolled out in coming weeks to Google Analytics users, who may see some new features earlier than others. The AdSense integration, he warns, may take longer to roll out than the other new tools. More discussion at Techmeme.
Rob Laporte

Relying On Print Yellow Pages? Most Local Customers Turn To The Web! - 0 views

    Oct 22, 2008 at 7:13pm Eastern by Greg Sterling Relying On Print Yellow Pages? Most Local Customers Turn To The Web! Online marketers have been predicting the death of print yellow pages for years. While that will never happen, print yellow pages are no longer the primary way that people seek local information. In fact, the internet collectively - through search engines, local search sites, online yellow pages and other venues - is the top way consumers look for local information. A new study underscores this change and documents with hard numbers why local advertisers have to take the internet into account when trying to reach customers. The study The shift from print to web was captured by advertising agency TMP Directional Marketing, which commissioned comScore to perform a study in May 2007 about local search user behavior - online and off. The stated purpose was to "understand the use and value of on- and offline local search sources," including Internet yellow pages, print yellow pages and search engines. That study involved behavioral observations and survey responses from 3,000 members of comScore's US consumer panel. TMP followed up that original study with a second one this year, in July 2008. The results were released late last week. This overview compares the topline findings from the previous study and those just published. Internet now 'primary' local information source When asked about their "primary" source for location business information, here's how survey respondents answered: In the 2007 findings, print yellow pages were the single, leading source for local business information. However the internet, in the aggregate, was used as a primary tool by almost twice as many respondents. In the 2008 survey, search engines (e.g., Google) have pulled ahead of print yellow pages, while internet yellow pages (e.g., saw growth and local search sites (e.g., Google Maps, Yahoo Local) experienced a slight usage
Rob Laporte

IM Broadcast: "YouTube For Internet Marketers" - 0 views

  • Oct 23, 2008 at 8:41am Eastern by Barry Schwartz    IM Broadcast: “YouTube For Internet Marketers” Our friends, Loren Baker, David Snyder & Jordan Kasteler have launched a new video site named IM Broadcast. IM Broadcast, as Loren describes it, is “YouTube for Internet Marketers.” In short, it is a video sharing site focused around the Internet Marketing industry. The focus is not just to upload videos on Internet marketing topics, but to also create a social networking site around those videos. Why not for our industry? We already have dozens and dozens of discussion forums, we have our own Sphinn site and we have WebmasterRadio.FM as our radio site. IM Broadcast will be live streaming portions of the first Scary SEO conference, as a way to kick things off for the site.
Rob Laporte

Estimated Click Fraud Rate Remains At 16%, Says Click Forensics - 0 views

  • Oct 23, 2008 at 11:14am Eastern by Barry Schwartz    Estimated Click Fraud Rate Remains At 16%, Says Click Forensics Click Forensics has released their estimated 3rd quarter click fraud numbers that they track. The numbers remain pretty much the same, at least as it pertains to the overall estimated industry average click fraud rate. The rate is now 16.0%, down from last quarter’s 16.2%. The main change was that botnets were said to be responsible for 27.6 percent of the click fraud, up 10% from last quarter. The average estimated click fraud rate of on the content networks, including Google AdSense and the Yahoo Publisher Network, was 27.1 percent, which is down from the 27.6 percent rate of the previous quarter. Click fraud was said to originate mostly from Russia (4.9 percent), France (4.8 percent) and the U.K. (3.5 percent) according to Click Forensics. Like always, keep in mind Chris Sherman’s advice when looking at these figures: At first glance, these numbers may seem alarming, but they may not take into account the discounting of questionable clicks done by most search engines. In fact, Google has stated that click fraud amounts to just .02% of all clicks after it allows for other non-converting clicks. See Danny’s Google: Click Fraud Is 0.02% Of Clicks for a detailed look at how Google analyzes clicks and why its number of fraudulent clicks is so much lower than that reported by Click Forensics.
Rob Laporte

Google AdWords: Now With Images - 0 views

  • Oct 23, 2008 at 1:42pm Eastern by Barry Schwartz    Google AdWords: Now With Images Some AdWords ads on Google are now showing associated images — and getting much larger in the space they take up — through a “Show products from” Plus Box implementation that some are seeing now when searching at Google. For example, try search for bluenile, which brings up a Blue Nile ad. Under the usual ad title and description is a plus symbol (called a Plus Box), followed by the words, “Show products from Blue Nile for bluenile.” If you click on the box, it opens up three product listings from Blue Nile, each listing with an associated image. The most shocking part of this ad is that how much room it takes up. Here is the ad when it is closed: When you click to open up the product results, the whole visible part of the page is consumed with this one ad. Here is an image of just the ad, that measures about 370 pixels tall for me: The ad also shows on the right hand side, as Steve Rubel shows. I was able to replicate Steve’s findings, by searching for diamonds. This implementation is better, in my opinion, because it does not change how the natural/free results are shown but rather only pushes down other ads on the right hand side. Images associated with search ads are not too surprising. We have seen implementations of video ads in AdWords several times. It just seems to me that Google is willing to try anything now when it comes to ads, from video to images to multimedia and who knows what. Do note that back in November of last year January, I reported that Google was testing product results within AdWords. But those product results seemed to have been powered by Google Base and did not contain product images. Google has also been testing showing banner ads in image search.
Rob Laporte

Microsoft adCenter Fall Upgrade - 0 views

  • Oct 28, 2008 at 9:11am Eastern by Barry Schwartz    Microsoft adCenter Fall Upgrade The Microsoft adCenter blog has an army of posts containing details of their large fall upgrade. The main features most advertisers may notice are: Campaign Management: ability to pause and resume ads and keywords, geo-targeting enhancements, and improved performance reporting on the Ads page Editorial Improvements: faster reviews, dynamic feedback about why ads and keywords were disapproved, and inline notification when dynamic text causes your ads to exceed character limits User Management: if previously you were only able to have one user, now you can create multiple account users Content Ads (U.S. only): get keyword bid suggestions and performance estimates for your content ads Here is a breakdown of all the blog posts I found pertaining to this fall upgrade: adCenter Fall Upgrade: New Features, adCenter Blog for Advertisers Blog adCenter API Production Fall Upgrade Now Live, adCenter API Blog for Developers adCenter Fall Upgrade: Campaign Management Updates, adCenter Blog for Advertisers adCenter Fall Upgrade: Content Ads Updates (U.S. only), adCenter Blog for Advertisers adCenter Fall Upgrade: Editorial Updates, adCenter Blog for Advertisers adCenter Fall Upgrade: User Management Updates, adCenter Blog for Advertisers adCenter Analytics Beta Refresh - Check Out The New Features, adCenter Analytics Blog adCenter API Production Upgrade Now Live, adCenter API Blog for Developers
Rob Laporte

SEO Tools Come To iPhone - 0 views

  • Oct 28, 2008 at 9:17am Eastern by Barry Schwartz    SEO Tools Come To iPhone I was waiting for the day someone would bring an SEO tool to the iPhone. Today is that day, Infindigm released a tool named proSEO - iPhone SEO Content Analyzer. You can download the tool on iTunes or on your iPhone. To see the tool on iTunes, use this link. It does cost $14.99 but it seems to have a nice feature set, including: Complete source code listing Listing of META keywords Listing of META description Listing of all META tags in the document Tag counts - this feature counts all the tags in a document to give clues about composition. Contents of the <title> tag. The body of text with tags removed Percentage of body words that are stop words (See Supported Languages Below). Stopwords are not counted by the search engines, so you can determine how effective your marketing copy is by knowing how much of what you’ve written will be ignored. The total word count of the document for words that are not determined to be numbers Phrase counting for phrases of length 1 to 5 words — this helps you determine repetitive phrases in the document The anchor tags in the document — and, specifically if there is an image in the link text. The inner HTML of of the tag. This is the same as the link text. All the image tags in the document The the text of the image “alt” attribute I wonder how popular this app will be. Even for SEOs, do they find themselves needing to analyze sites on the go? If so, would this tool be it?
Rob Laporte

Google Rolling Out "SearchWiki"? Move Results Up, Hide Them Or Suggest Your Own - 0 views

Rob Laporte

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Make your 404 pages more useful - 0 views

    This Blog Google Blogs Web Blog News This Blog Google Blogs Web Blog News Make your 404 pages more useful Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 10:13 AM Your visitors may stumble into a 404 "Not found" page on your website for a variety of reasons: * A mistyped URL, or a copy-and-paste mistake * Broken or truncated links on web pages or in an email message * Moved or deleted content Confronted by a 404 page, they may then attempt to manually correct the URL, click the back button, or even navigate away from your site. As hinted in an earlier post for "404 week at Webmaster Central", there are various ways to help your visitors get out of the dead-end situation. In our quest to make 404 pages more useful, we've just added a section in Webmaster Tools called "Enhance 404 pages". If you've created a custom 404 page this allows you to embed a widget in your 404 page that helps your visitors find what they're looking for by providing suggestions based on the incorrect URL. Example: Jamie receives the link in an email message. Because of formatting due to a bad email client, the URL is truncated to As a result it returns a 404 page. With the 404 widget added, however, she could instead see the following: In addition to attempting to correct the URL, the 404 widget also suggests the following, if available: * a link to the parent subdirectory * a sitemap webpage * site search query suggestions and search box How do you add the widget? Visit the "Enhance 404 pages" section in Webmaster Tools, which allows you to generate a JavaScript snippet. You can then copy and paste this into your custom 404 page's code. As always, don't forget to return a proper 404 code. Can you change the way it looks? Sure. We leave the HTML unstyled initially, but you can edit the CSS block that we've included. For more information, check out our gu
Rob Laporte

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: More on 404 - 0 views

  • Have you guys seen any good 404s?Yes, we have! (Confession: no one asked us this question, but few things are as fun to discuss as response codes. :) We've put together a list of some of our favorite 404 pages. If you have more 404-related questions, let us know, and thanks for joining us for 404 week!"If you're looking for an item that's no longer stocked (as I was), this makes it really easy to find an alternative."-Riona, domestigeek"Blame the robot monkeys"-Reid, tells really bad jokes"Boost your 'Time on site' metrics with a 404 page like this."-Susan, dabbler in music and Analytics"It's not reassuring, but it's definitive."-Jonathan, has trained actual spiders to build websites, ants handle the 404s"Good with respect to usability.""At least there's a mailbox."-JohnMu, adventurous"It's pretty cute. :)"-Jessica, likes cute things"Flow charts rule."-Sahala, internet traveller"I can has useful links and even e-mail address for questions! But they could have added 'OH NOES! IZ MISSING PAGE! MAYBE TIPO OR BROKN LINKZ?' so folks'd know what's up."-Adam, lindy hop geek
Rob Laporte

Appropriate uses of nofollow tag -- popular pick - Crawling, indexing, and ranking | Go... - 0 views

  • What are some appropriate ways to use the nofollow tag? One good example is the home page of If you visit that page, you'll see that the "Sign in" link is nofollow'ed. That's a great use of the tag: Googlebot isn't going to know how to sign into, so why waste that PageRank on a page that wouldn't benefit users or convert any new visitors? Likewise, the "My itineraries" link on is nofollow'ed as well. That's another page that wouldn't really convert well or have any use except for signed in users, so the nofollow on Expedia's home page means that Google won't crawl those specific links. Most webmasters don't need to worry about sculpting the flow of PageRank on their site, but if you want to try advanced things with nofollow to send less PageRank to copyright pages, terms of service, privacy pages, etc., that's your call.
Rob Laporte

SEOmoz | Announcing SEOmoz's Index of the Web and the Launch of our Linkscape Tool - 0 views

    After 12 long months of brainstorming, testing, developing, and analyzing, the wait is finally over. Today, I'm ecstatic to announce some very big developments here at SEOmoz. They include: * An Index of the World Wide Web - 30 billion pages (and growing!), refreshed monthly, built to help SEOs and businesses acquire greater intelligence about the Internet's vast landscape * Linkscape - a tool enabling online access to the link data provided by our web index, including ordered, searchable lists of links for sites & pages, and metrics to help judge their value. * A Fresh Design - that gives SEOmoz a more usable, enjoyable, and consistent browsing experience * New Features for PRO Membership - including more membership options, credits to run advanced Linkscape reports (for all PRO members), and more. Since there's an incredible amount of material, I'll do my best to explain things clearly and concisely, covering each of the big changes. If you're feeling more visual, you can also check out our Linkscape comic, which introduces the web index and tool in a more humorous fashion: Check out the Linkscape Comic SEOmoz's Index of the Web For too long, data that is essential to the practice of search engine optimization has been inaccessible to all but a handful of search engineers. The connections between pages (links) and the relationship between links, URLs, and the web as a whole (link metrics) play a critical role in how search engines analyze the web and judge individual sites and pages. Professional SEOs and site owners of all kinds deserve to know more about how their properties are being referenced in such a system. We believe there are thousands of valuable applications for this data and have already put some effort into retrieving a few fascinating statistics: * Across the web, 58% of all links are to internal pages on the same domain, 42% point to pages off the linking site. * 1.83%
Rob Laporte

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog - 0 views

  • Message Center warnings for hackable sites Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 8:28 AM Recently we've seen more websites get hacked because of various security holes. In order to help webmasters with this issue, we plan to run a test that will alert some webmasters if their content management system (CMS) or publishing platform looks like it might have a security hole or be hackable. This is a test, so we're starting out by alerting five to six thousand webmasters. We will be leaving messages for owners of potentially vulnerable sites in the Google Message Center that we provide as a free service as part of Webmaster Tools. If you manage a website but haven't signed up for Webmaster Tools, don't worry. The messages will be saved and if you sign up later on, you'll still be able to access any messages that Google has left for your site.One of the most popular pieces of software on the web is WordPress, so we're starting our test with a specific version (2.1.1) that is known to be vulnerable to exploits. If the test goes well, we may expand these messages to include other types of software on the web. The message that a webmaster will see in their Message Center if they run WordPress 2.1.1 will look like this:
Rob Laporte

Understanding Google Maps & Yahoo Local Search | Developing Knowledge about Local Search - 0 views

    Google Maps: relative value of a OneBox vs top organic results Category: Google Maps (Google Local) - Mike - 5:50 am Steve Espinosa has some interesting preliminary research on the relative click thru rates of a #1 listing in the Local 10-Pack and a simultaneous #1 listing in organic. The organic listing showed 1.6x the click thru of the the Local 10 Pack listing. As it is preliminary research and only looked at click thru not call in or other measures of action, it is an important piece of research but doesn't speak to ultimate customer action. According to TMP's Local Search Usage Study : Following online local searches, consumers most often contact a business over the telephone (39%), visit the business in-person (32%) or contact the business online (12%). If one works out the combined math of the two studies (a not very reliable number I assure you), in the end the top local ranking would still provide more client contacts either via phone or in person than the organic ranking. At the end of the day, Steve's research can not be viewed as a reason to not focus on local but rather as a call to action on the organic side. I think he would agree that, in the excitement around local, you can't forget organic's power and that in an ideal world a business would use every tool available to them. However, many times, due to the nature of a business, a business may not be able to legitimately play in the Local space and their only recourse is to optimize their website for local phrases. Another interesting outcome of Steve's initial research was "the fact is that the majority of the users who got to the site via the natural link had resolution above 1024×768 and the majority of users who visited via the Onebox result had resoultion of 1024×768 or under." As Steve pointed out, this could be do the greater real estate visible to those with larger screens and thus greater visibility of organic listings above the fold. It could also, however, be
Rob Laporte

Official: Selling Paid Links Can Hurt Your PageRank Or Rankings On Google - 0 views

  • Oct 7, 2007 at 5:38pm Eastern by Danny Sullivan    Official: Selling Paid Links Can Hurt Your PageRank Or Rankings On Google More and more, I’ve been seeing people wondering if they’ve lost traffic on Google because they were detected to be selling paid links. However, Google’s generally never penalized sites for link selling. If spotted, in most cases all Google would do is prevent links from a site or pages in a site from passing PageRank. Now that’s changing. If you sell links, Google might indeed penalize your site plus drop the PageRank score that shows for it.
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