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Contents contributed and discussions participated by webExplorations


Yugma, Free Web Conferencing, Online Meetings, Web Collaboration Service, Free Desktop ... - 0 views

    An on-line collaboration tool. I'm thinking how I would use this as part of my online classes. The free option allows 1 host and 2 attendees.

How To Use TechSoup - 85 views

  • nonprofits and libraries can request and receive technology products donated by TechSoup partners, and they can find tech-focused content and community tuned to their needs.
    A good resource for software products for libraries and non-profits.

‪TEDxAtlanta - Sally Hogshead - How to Fascinate‬‏ - YouTube - 11 views

    Our attention span to captivate is now 9 seconds. Sally Hogshead talks about 7 triggers that will catch people's attention. Use these ideas to reinvent your course materials.

YouTube - ‪How brilliant and innovative !I just love this idea !!‬‏ - 81 views

    Stairs or escalator? Here's how making something fun helped people decide to take the stairs.

We Have to Fix E-Mail - - 69 views

    David Pogue added some other entries to the email charter. Very good tips to add onto the original 10 set up by Chris Anderson.

Save Our Inboxes! Adopt the Email Charter! - 118 views

    The Director of the TED Conference came up with these 10 Rules to help everyone with email. I plan to make them part of my curriculum for all my classes.

Musical Wood - 5 views

    music appreciation, engineering, patience. A wooden ball is used to play Bach's Cantata 147 in a forest. (Only 24 prototypes and 49 takes.)

Rupert Murdoch - Education: The Last Frontier - 50 views

  • We must begin by exciting the imaginations of our young people.
  • my second point: more personalized learnin
  • Finally, with digital we can bring the world’s greatest thinkers to every student, anywhere in the world, at a very low cost.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Outside the classroom, digital has already done this. Not so very long ago, you had to be rich to hear the best opera or symphony. Now you can now download the world’s best recording of your favourite Mozart concerto for about a dollar.
    Well-presented examples of how we can break out of the "all the seats in a row" mentality using the tools available today.

Home » LibreOffice - 34 views

    This is an excellent (and free) alternative to Microsoft Office. Can be used on either Macintosh or Windows.

SpeakIt! - Chrome Web Store - 86 views

    Chrome extension
    Google has come a long ways on text-to-speech. This page has a video demonstrating the Chrome plug-in with a variety of languages. What a great addition for students who learn better by listening. ( I believe you'll need to view the page with the newest version of Chrome or FireFox 4, or IE 9)

David Arendale's Web Site - Tutorials for Use of Software - 110 views

    David Arendale has put together a really great set of tutorials covering iTunes, podcasts, YouTube, Blogger, and Wiki Web Pages. He uses these in his classes having students create podcasts and other media as part of their learning experience.

Welcome | Flat World Knowledge - 5 views

    Books that are customizable using Open Source licensing (if you change it, share the changes back to the community for the good of all.) Books are free if read online along with a wide variety of printed and eBook options for reasonable amounts. Limited library right now but I suspect this area of alternative books will be growing rapidly.

YouTube - TEDxNYED - Will Richardson - 03/05/2011 - 65 views

  • A parent of two middle school-aged children, Will Richardson has been blogging about the intersection of social online learning networks and education for the past 10 years at He is a former public school educator for 22 years, and is a co-founder of Powerful Learning Practice, a unique long-term, job-embedded professional development program that has mentored over 3,500 teachers worldwide in the last four years.
    A Tedx video describing the state of education today and giving several examples of teaching for learning instead of teaching to the exam. A powerful 14 minute presentation.

Adobe Museum of Digital Media - 106 views

    A-B-C Atoms (physical) Bits (Virtual) C (craft) Craft? The New Craft: Virtual and Physical blended together. The tools and the media are converging. This site puts you on a high hill giving you a much better viewpoint of the horizon. A new view showing how technology and design are beginning to work together in today's world: A-B-C Enjoy.

20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web - 107 views

    An online "book" with valuable information about the Web and browsers from Google Chrome. Even though I teach this stuff every semester, I still found some tidbits I didn't know.
    Using the paradigm of a "book" with valuable information about the Web and browsers from Google Chrome. Even though I teach this stuff every semester, I still found some tidbits I didn't know.

Disrupting College - 3 views

  • Using online learning in a new business model focused exclusively on teaching and learning, not research—and focused on highly structured programs targeted at preparation for careers—has meanwhile given several organizations a significant cost advantage and allowed them to grow rapidly.
  • Using online learning in a new business model focused exclusively on teaching and learning, not research—and focused on highly structured programs targeted at preparation for careers—has meanwhile given several organizations a significant cost advantage and allowed them to grow rapidly.
  • Using online learning in a new business model focused exclusively on teaching and learning, not research—and focused on highly structured programs targeted at preparation for careers—has meanwhile given several organizations a significant cost advantage and allowed them to grow rapidly.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Recommendations for existing institutions of higher education also emerge from an understanding of disruptive innovation. These colleges and universities should: Apply the correct business model for the task. These institutions have conflated value propositions and business models, which creates significant, unsustainable overhead costs. Drive the disruptive innovation. Some institutions have this opportunity, but to do so, they need to set up an autonomous business model unencumbered by their existing processes and priorities. They can leverage their existing fixed resources in this autonomous model to give themselves a cost advantage over what to this point have been the low-cost disruptive innovators. Develop a strategy of focus. The historical strategy of trying to be great at everything and mimic institutions such as Harvard is not a viable strategy going forward. Frame online learning as a sustaining innovation. Institutions can use this new technology to disrupt the existing classroom model to extend convenience to many more students as well as provide a better learning experience.
    An article showing how online learning is a disruptive technology. Shining [the challenges of today's higher ed] through the lens of these theories on innovation will provide some insights into how we can move forward and a language that allows people to come together to frame these challenges in ways that will create a much higher chance of success. This report assumes that everyone is adept at online learning. This is not the case and students will have to be trained on how to be effective online learners. Courses will also have to address multiple learning styles and not just the read/write that most online courses currently are programmed for. Despite this missing piece, this is a very important article that focuses on some very key issues of our current higher ed system. The recommendations at the end of the article for policy makers are very apt. Highly recommended reading!

YouTube - Daniel Pink: Education and the Changing World of Work - 88 views

    Moving from left-brain centered education (NCLB) into a more of the whole-brain point of view. He expounds on this more in his book A Whole New Mind.

A Way to Teach | The Text is a Terrible Thing to Waste - 94 views

    Using Flash or PowerPoint to help students focus on ideas. An interesting way to present written ideas. I'm thinking of using this concept in my Intro to Programming class, showing how the pieces of a program work together. Notice how they use a point system to entice people to participate in the site.
    An interesting way to present written ideas. I'm thinking of using this concept in my Intro to Programming class, showing how the pieces of a program work together.

STUDYBLUE | Make online flashcards & notes. Study anywhere, anytime. - 142 views

    Set up notes and/or flashcards by course. Allows recording notes as part of the text. Record online, no special software needed.
    Interesting tool. Have to have department added by webmasters so there's a slight delay from instant gratification. ;-)

YouTube - IBM Centennial Film: They Were There - People who changed the way the world w... - 46 views

    An IBM marketing peace that also gives an excellent timeline to many important historical events over the last 100 years.
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