students missed our classes and struggled to stay caught up.
Contents contributed and discussions participated by Chuck Baker
the digital learning farm and ipad apps - 72 views
30 Online Multimedia Resources for PBL and Flipped Classrooms | 21 st Century Education... - 158 views
Graph Paper for High School Math - 101 views
Sine Waves and Sound - 55 views
How the Flipped Classroom Is Radically Transforming Learning - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smar... - 117 views
Flipping the classroom has transformed our teaching practice. We no longer stand in front of our students and talk at them for thirty to sixty minutes at a time. This radical change has allowed us to take on a different role with our students.
One of the greatest benefits of flipping is that overall interaction increases: Teacher to student and student to student. Since the role of the teacher has changed from presenter of content to learning coach, we spend our time talking to kids
- ...6 more annotations...
5. Signs of the Trigonometric Functions - 56 views
Student Learning with Diigo - 113 views
Sumo Paint | Online Image Editor - 81 views
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