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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Keith Bryant

Keith Bryant

Sharing | Cathy's Blog ECI 831 - 6 views

  • Why do we all need to stick together? Why do we need to share? We share to learn. The world is changing at an accelerated rate. It is almost impossible to keep up with it by yourself. You need others. When others share they have already filtered what you don’t need to know. Time saving! The also provide their perspective, perhaps good, perhaps bad, but it is a perspective that you may not have employed. Sharing broadens us, it helps us grow. What do we share? Ideas (the hottest commodity in the world) How to . . . Resources Pictures/videos Thoughts and feelings What worked and what didn’t Your biggest Ah Ha moments.
    All about sharing... Why, why not, what etc. Used in presentation of social media for uni teachers.
Keith Bryant

Sharing: The Moral Imperative | K12 Online Conference - 23 views

    2010 PRECONFERENCE KEYNOTE This keynote looks at the new obligation of sharing for educators. With stories from the a variety of sources, the fact that we now have the ability to teach and share beyond our classrooms is moving from "nice to do" to "necessary to do". See if you agree.
Keith Bryant

6 Easy Steps to Online Success -- Campus Technology - 113 views

    I don't totally agree with everything Richard Rose writes here but all the points are worth thinking about and discussing.
Keith Bryant

TED's Chris Anderson: the man who made YouTube clever | Technology | The Observer - 1 views

    How YED Talks started and the founder.
Keith Bryant

Tips for distance teachers - Uppsala University - 36 views

    From Uppsala University (Sweden) but written in English
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