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Contents contributed and discussions participated by BalancEd Tech

BalancEd Tech

Not Just A Teacher: Teachers As Learners - 55 views

    My very own little star learns best just like me-when she's interested, motivated, under no pressure of expectation and not afraid to fail. How do we as teachers transfer this type of learning to the classroom?
BalancEd Tech

iPad - Affordances & Constraints - BalancEdTech - 19 views

  • The details of this chart are less important than the process of creating it. After playing with the iPad, reading/watching how others use it in the classroom, and trying it out with your own students, get together with a few other educators and fill out your own chart. Here's a blank chart we give out as a part of a Think-Pair-Share. You might want to divide it into sections and consider the affordances and constraints by user (teacher/student/special needs student/administrator), use (reading/word processing/movie making/note taking/etc.), subject, or taxonomy (Bloom/SAMR/etc.). Hopefully you'll revise the chart as you use the tool in a wider variety of ways. This can definitely be combined with ideas of balancing technology, content and pedagogy. (Check out this podcast on TPaCK and SAMR.)
BalancEd Tech

Wolfram Education Portal - 187 views

  • In the portal you'll find a dynamic textbook, lesson plans, widgets, interactive Demonstrations, and more built by Wolfram education experts.
BalancEd Tech

Daily Kos: Universal Public Education Is Dead: The Rise of State Schools - 0 views

  • U.S. schools under the jurisdiction of state and federal governments are now scripted processes that view knowledge as static capital, students as passive and empty vessels, and teachers as compliant conduits for state-approved content. The accountability paradigm is antithetical to human agency and autonomy and thus to democracy, but it serves the needs of the status quo and the ruling elite; in effect, accountability paradigms driving compulsory education are oppressive:
  • Re-reading and re-writing the world acknowledges that being as a human is always becoming, and these acts embrace the perpetual cycle of re-reading and re-writing as essential for both human agency and democracy. Teaching and learning are reciprocal and on-going, not hierarchical and ends to attain, possess.
BalancEd Tech

Multitasking: This Is Your Brain On Media - 6 views

BalancEd Tech

BalancEdTech - Commenting - 15 views

    Agree ... Question ... Connect ... Extend ... Critique ... Synthesize ... Meta Analyze ... Related Links ...
BalancEd Tech

Grading Group Work Effectively - Blog - - 37 views

    • BalancEd Tech
      Add in:1) jigsaw parts of project and make parts interdependent2) if using a wiki, check the history to see who contributed what3) figure out ways to help them help each other constructively
    Add in: 1) jigsaw parts of project and make parts interdependent 2) if using a wiki, check the history to see who contributed what 3) figure out ways to help them help each other constructively
BalancEd Tech

Not Just A Teacher: Stuff and Junk - 7 views

    Reminds me of the point about Steve Jobs saying no to 1,000 things: The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs: 5. Say no to 1,000 things.
BalancEd Tech

BalancEdTech - Wikid Wide Walls - 58 views

    A wide set of wikis that demonstrate the "wide walls" afforded to teachers and students through the use of wikis. Related workshop:
BalancEd Tech

Math Stories at Oak-Land Jr. High on Vimeo - 86 views

    Working our way toward a similar goal with 3rd/4th graders:
BalancEd Tech

Not Just A Teacher: Collaboration - 2 views

    Collaboration vs Cooperation
BalancEd Tech

Not Just A Teacher: A Reluctant Adult Learner - 9 views

    "Teaching this class has allowed me to witness levels of student engagement I have never seen before. Students are motivated, curious, flexible, prepared to take risks, comfortable with failure and they are also having fun."
BalancEd Tech

Plagiarism | Common Craft - 120 views

    An introduction of the basics of plagiarism and how to avoid it, told via a story of a student completing an assignment
BalancEd Tech

TEDxUSC - Dale Dougherty - Do-it-Yourself - YouTube - 65 views

    What do YOU want to MAKE?
BalancEd Tech

BalancEdTech - Teamwork Rubric - 128 views

    Rubric to help students reflect on their: workload, listening, decision-making, interdependence, and flexibility.
BalancEd Tech

Scratch Curriculum Guide Draft | ScratchEd - 134 views

    This Scratch curriculum guide provides an introduction to creative computing with Scratch, using a design-based learning approach. The guide is organized as a series of twenty 60-minute sessions, and includes session plans, handouts, projects, and videos. The 20 sessions presented in this guide are organized into 5 topics: introductionartsstoriesgamesfinal project
BalancEd Tech

BalancEdTech - Blogging Workshop - 48 views

    Professional development designed to be completed by small or large groups in a day, two half days, or several before/after school sessions.
BalancEd Tech

WIKId Wide Walls - Wiki Professional Development Workshop - 47 views

    Professional development designed to be completed by small or large groups in a day, two half days, or several before/after school sessions.
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