Contents contributed and discussions participated by BalancEd Tech
BalancEdTech - Apps Taskonomy - 77 views
The iPad (or iPod touch or iPhone) with its apps opens many new opportunities for learning. At the same time, it offers a slightly different wrapper for older learning opportunities. Both can be worthwhile, but it would be a shame if teachers missed the former for the latter. And, if past experience and research is any indication, educators are much more likely to co-opt the new technology to accomplish the status quo. This activity is designed to help teachers think through both opportunities and to categorize those apps that lend themselves to either or both. Teachers will start by exploring a variety of apps, some that lend themselves to learning content such as math facts or spelling words and others that can be used in open ended content creation such as storytelling or photography. Then, teachers will examine a set of lessons that use these apps. Finally, teachers will use a "taxonomy" such as Bloom's Taxonomy, SAMR, LoTi, ETaP, Prensky, etc. and attempt to classify/categorize where the apps fall. Most likely teachers will need to contextualize the app to a particular use/activity. Ideally, teachers will realize that in most cases it is not the app itself, but the use that detrmines where it falls and that the apps belong in multiple places.
BalancEdTech - iPad - 82 views
2aAbove And Beyond 2c 0f - YouTube - 59 views
teachwithyouripad - Blooms Taxonomy with Apps - 118 views
Inspiration for a quick PD activity. After playing with a range of Apps, ask participants to place their app in the taxonomy (depending on use of course). Then, ask them if they can imagine a different way to use the app that might place it in a different section. This could also be used with SAMR, LOTI, Prensky, etc.
atw2 - home - 76 views
10 questions - 157 views
February 22, 2011 : The Daily Papert - 50 views
incremental change, if you’ve looked at any system, has a particular way of breeding immune reactions and resistance to further change. If you bring in a little bit of change people adapt to it and then it gets professionalized.
February 20, 2011 : The Daily Papert - 25 views
it takes personal chutzpah to face down members of the Education Establishment when they sneer (or worse, smile) at the idea of technology significantly influencing the content of education.
February 15, 2011 : The Daily Papert - 22 views
past, well what else would you do with the computer except put it in there? But why is there no discussion about whether school could be very different, and how different it could be?
ion about w
But why is there no discussion about whether school could be very different, and how different it could be?
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Curriculum-based Technology Integration Reframed - Harris, Mishra & Koehler, republished - 93 views
Stephen Downes: The Role of the Educator - 122 views
The Learner
The Collector
The Curator
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This isn't just about online learning! How many of these roles do you fulfill as a teacher, "facilitator," or admin? How successful have professional development efforts been in getting teachers to try out new roles? How successful have they been in getting kids to try out some of these roles? What other roles are there for students?
Gone With the Myths - Civil War and Slavery - 56 views
How Does The World Work? - 44 views
Wikispaces Webinar - Birmingham Public Schools - August 18, 2010 - 54 views
Ellumiate session with the second half focusing on the ways Birmingham Public Schools have used wikis throughout the district. Links to dozens of wiki ideas are mentioned.
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