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Don Doehla


    La baguette ou le «pain français» comme il est appelé par les Belges ou les Québécois, est un véritable symbole de la France au même titre que le vin ou le roquefort. L'engouement des Français pour leur pain est tel que chaque année autour de la Saint-Honoré, qui est le patron des boulangers, se déroule la Fête du pain. Alors voici une fiche pour faire découvrir à vos élèves son histoire, ses caractéristiques et sa fabrication.
Sandy Dewey

Assistive Technology for Libraries - 0 views

    This library training has been developed to help front-line library workers better serve patrons with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities. The training was created using input from focus groups consisting of public library staff members, mental health consumers and mental health professionals. The content of the program reflects many hours of collaboration and interaction between Department of Mental Health (DMH) librarians and the "in-the-trenches" front-line workers of many Missouri libraries.
Justin Medved

HOME - the movie - 0 views

    We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate. The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being. For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film. HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.
Martin Burrett

UKEdChat Magazine - Issue 46 [Early Access] - 2 views

    UKEdChat Patrons get early access to the latest UKEdChat magazine.
Martin Burrett

The UKEd Podcast - Episode 14 - @StarbuckEdu - Play & EYFS - 3 views

    "Hosted by @digicoled, this episode we release the audio of one of the presentations from the UKEdChat Online Conference. James Starbucks shares his thoughts, philosophies and passion for play-based learning, especially for young children developing their lives. You can see James' full video presentation, and others, from the conference replay page at which also explains how you can access by becoming a Patron of UKEdChat."
Megan Reif

Elections and Events 1811-1849 - The Library - 11 views

    • Megan Reif
      NOTE: 1849 has information primarily from 1839 except first highlighted yellow section
  • Indirect elections are “in use between 1840 and 1872.  Indirect elections enhanced the political power of the hacendados, because voting districts often coincided directly with the boundaries of haciendas.  The first stage of an indirect election, when voters gathered to choose electors, occurred in the cantones, the administrative sub-units of a municipality.  Cantones often were made up of nothing more than one or two haciendas, giving landowners a clear advantage to control the selection of electores.  Above and beyond all other aspects of the electoral system, the oral vote [in use until 1950] insured the predominance of patron-client relations” (pages 65-66).  Describes process for recording oral votes.  “Throughout the nineteenth century, national politics followed to a great extent the rise and fall of alliances between departmental networks.  For instance, in the mid 1840s San Vicente and San Miguel were allied against Sonsonate and San Salvador” (page 163).
  • o Vasconcelos “al término de su gestión promovió su reelección, para lo cual reformó la Constitución el 9 de marzo de 1849.  Deseaba otro mandato constitucional de dos años para reconstruir Centroamérica.  Francisco Dueñas y el Coronel Nicolás Angulo se opusieron a esta reforma, alegando que se quebrantaba el ordenamiento constitucional” (page 140). Figeac 1938:  “Don Doroteo Vasconcelos se portó a la altura del deber patriótico en el primer período de su Administración, pero cometió un grave e imperdonable error:  permitió que lo reeligieran para un segundo período presidencial.  La Constitución Política entonces vigente, prohibía en su artículo 44 la reelección del presidente de la República, y para dar el paso apuntado se dispuso la reforma [de 9 de marzo de 1849 de la Cámara de Senadores]” (page 171). Leistenschneider 1980:  “En marzo de 1849 la Asamblea Legislativa reforma el Art. 44 de la Constitución Nacional, el cual fijaba el período presidencial para dos años, prohibiendo la reelección; la reforma permite la reelección de Presidente por una sola vez” (page 88). Monterey 1978:  Marzo 17, 1849—“La Asamblea Legislativa…convoca a los pueblos a elecciones de Presidente del Estado, Diputados y Senadores” (page 85). December Monterey 1978:  Diciembre 1849—“Se efectúan en el Estado de El Salvador las elecciones de Autoridades Superiores; fué reelecto el Presidente don Doroteo Vasconcelos” (page 93).  “Se presentaron como principales candidatos a la Presidencia de la República, los señores Doroteo Vasconcelos y Lic. Francisco Dueñas” (page 94). El SalvadorAcronyms1811-18491850-18991900-19341935-19691970-19791980-19891990-19992000-2009More than one electionSources UC San Diego 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla,
Holly Barlaam

ARKive - 76 views

    "A vast treasury of wildlife images has been steadily accumulating over the past century, yet no one has known its full extent - or indeed its gaps - and no one has had a comprehensive way of gaining access to it. ARKive will put that right, and it will be an invaluable tool for all concerned with the well-being of the natural world." Sir David Attenborough Wildscreen Patron
    Information and wonderful photography on endangered species. Information includes stats about each species, such as its classification, range, habitat, threats, current endangered status, conservation efforts, etc. The photos/videos are amazing.
Betiana Caprioli

Entrevista: "Las Neurociencias están cambiando el paradigma educativo" - 8 views

  • la región perisilviana izquierda tiene funciones neurolingüísticas y su disfunción ocasiona trastornos disléxicos o el área hipocámpica de ambos hemisferios tiene relación con la memoria a largo plazo y su alteración origina trastornos mnésicos, el síndrome de disfunción hemisférica derecha provoca síntomas discalcúlicos y disgrafía, así como alteraciones conductuales, cuya expresión más grave entra en el espectro autista (sistema límbico, región orbitofrontal).
  • Los estudios de neuroimagen permitieron constatar que el cerebro de un lector normal y el de una persona con dislexia difieren en sus patrones de actividad eléctrica y en la estructura cerebral. Se observó que, durante la lectura, la región parieto-temporal y la porción inferior y posterior de la región témporo-occipital se activan de manera diferente, siendo disfuncional en los disléxicos. El área de asociación auditiva donde se procesan los fonemas se activa con menor fuerza en los disléxicos, razón por la cual se cree que se ponen en funcionamiento otros circuitos cerebrales compensatorios en las áreas de la corteza visual para poder decodificar el lenguaje escrito. Todo ello incide desfavorablemente en la velocidad de procesamiento de la información escrita y en su retención. Asimismo, se detectó una reducción de la asimetría del lóbulo frontotemporal característica del cerebro normal (comúnmente está más desarrollado el lado izquierdo) lo cual influiría en el procesamiento del lenguaje.
  • ¿Es posible que las nuevas tecnologías estén forzando la aparición de nuevas formas cognitivas? Está claro actualmente que el ambiente regula la expresión genética, y que de esta interacción única surge la conducta humana. Esto explica la singularidad del ser humano, y la imposibilidad de que existan dos personas iguales.
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  • Según las Neurociencias, ¿es válida la antinomia constructivismo/conductismo, o estamos frente a dos mecanismos igualmente eficientes, pero aplicables a diferentes tipos de aprendizaje? Las neurociencias han aportado evidencias sobre qué ocurre en el cerebro durante el aprendizaje pero aun no se sabe exactamente cómo ocurre el aprendizaje y cuál es el efecto de las distintas prácticas pedagógicas en el funcionamiento cerebral de los niños. Sí se sabe que el aprendizaje se relaciona con un cambio en las conexiones sinápticas de las neuronas o de un grupo de neuronas específico, y/o con la generación de nuevas sinapsis, que se originan como una respuesta a cambios internos al cerebro y/o a los provenientes del entorno. No existiría una única manera de aprender del cerebro sino que los mecanismos y las áreas cerebrales implicadas difieren de acuerdo con el tipo de información o conocimiento que tengamos que adquirir. No es lo mismo aprender a leer que aprender a sumar y restar, y tampoco lo es el aprender fechas históricas precisas, la tabla periódica, una técnica deportiva o a tocar un instrumento musical. Intervienen distintas regiones cerebrales y se almacenan en diferentes sistemas de memoria. Es por ello que los métodos de enseñanza deberían diferenciarse también según el contenido de que se trate.
  • Es necesario continuar construyendo puentes de entendimiento entre los investigadores y clínicos que se dedican a las neurociencias cognitivas y los profesionales de la educación a fin de que los hallazgos de las investigaciones puedan traducirse en un lenguaje accesible y en prácticas concretas para el ámbito escolar.
D. S. Koelling

5 Myths About the 'Information Age' - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Ed... - 0 views

  • 1. "The book is dead." Wrong: More books are produced in print each year than in the previous year. One million new titles will appear worldwide in 2011. In one day in Britain—"Super Thursday," last October 1—800 new works were published.
  • 2. "We have entered the information age." This announcement is usually intoned solemnly, as if information did not exist in other ages. But every age is an age of information, each in its own way and according to the media available at the time.
  • 3. "All information is now available online." The absurdity of this claim is obvious to anyone who has ever done research in archives. Only a tiny fraction of archival material has ever been read, much less digitized. Most judicial decisions and legislation, both state and federal, have never appeared on the Web. The vast output of regulations and reports by public bodies remains largely inaccessible to the citizens it affects. Google estimates that 129,864,880 different books exist in the world, and it claims to have digitized 15 million of them—or about 12 percent.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • 4. "Libraries are obsolete." Everywhere in the country librarians report that they have never had so many patrons. At Harvard, our reading rooms are full. The 85 branch libraries of the New York Public Library system are crammed with people.
  • 5. "The future is digital." True enough, but misleading. In 10, 20, or 50 years, the information environment will be overwhelmingly digital, but the prevalence of electronic communication does not mean that printed material will cease to be important. Research in the relatively new discipline of book history has demonstrated that new modes of communication do not displace old ones, at least not in the short run.
  • I mention these misconceptions because I think they stand in the way of understanding shifts in the information environment. They make the changes appear too dramatic. They present things ahistorically and in sharp contrasts—before and after, either/or, black and white. A more nuanced view would reject the common notion that old books and e-books occupy opposite and antagonistic extremes on a technological spectrum. Old books and e-books should be thought of as allies, not enemies.
  • Last year the sale of e-books (digitized texts designed for hand-held readers) doubled, accounting for 10 percent of sales in the trade-book market. This year they are expected to reach 15 or even 20 percent. But there are indications that the sale of printed books has increased at the same time.
  • Many of us worry about a decline in deep, reflective, cover-to-cover reading. We deplore the shift to blogs, snippets, and tweets. In the case of research, we might concede that word searches have advantages, but we refuse to believe that they can lead to the kind of understanding that comes with the continuous study of an entire book. Is it true, however, that deep reading has declined, or even that it always prevailed?
  • Writing looks as bad as reading to those who see nothing but decline in the advent of the Internet. As one lament puts it: Books used to be written for the general reader; now they are written by the general reader. The Internet certainly has stimulated self-publishing, but why should that be deplored? Many writers with important things to say had not been able to break into print, and anyone who finds little value in their work can ignore it.
  • One could cite other examples of how the new technology is reinforcing old modes of communication rather than undermining them. I don't mean to minimize the difficulties faced by authors, publishers, and readers, but I believe that some historically informed reflection could dispel the misconceptions that prevent us from making the most of "the information age"—if we must call it that.
Charity Fisher

Teachers Testimonials : TTS Online : Free Text to Speech : Read The Words - 83 views

  • find to be one of the most useful services on the Internet today. Many LD (learning disabled) students struggle with auditory processing.
  • these students are very capable, they tend to favor auditory processing, versus the more common visual processing. It is important that these students learn how their mind works and modify their learning techniques accordingly.
  • 5 students incorporate this service for study of their weekly vocabulary words. We started by making an audio file of the words and definition, and turned it into an mp3 format. The students spent 10 minutes each day on the computer. Each student has averaged a minimum of a full letter grade higher. Two students have received perfect scores for the past 2 weeks.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • been created to cater to these students.
  • is an AMAZING SERIVCE for young students.
  • allows me to create listening material for some learners that struggle a little bit. It allows my students to read along with the Virtual Avatar Reader. This saves a lot of time so I can focus on certain children without slowing down the rest of the class.
  • We create links to audio files that read our upcoming events, and we use it to help visually impaired patrons read anything - articles, letters they have received, emails that can be copy/pasted from their email account...the possibilities are endless! On a personal level, I have been using ReadTheWords toolbar plug in.
  • service with my university students who are learning English
  • brings the text to life, and stimulates my second language learners in a dynamic way. I would recommend this program to all foreign language teachers,
  • I have been assisting students to create audio files of study review materials. This greatly helps them decode and analyze the material for comprehension. I have seen a great improvement on test scores
  • Students listen to a piece of their own writing, so they can hear if what they wrote sounds correct. It helps students with comprehension, spelling, grammar and structuring sentences.
  • This service is godsend for many students, especially auditory learners. I cannot even begin to imagine how many people this will help in the future. We just received approval to offer this service to our entire school. (Email to get a special deal like we did.
    • Charity Fisher
      I believe that the audio could act as a reinforcer of the written word as students read. This could be helpful not only with students who are Language Impaired, but also for students who struggle with reading comprehension.
    • Charity Fisher
      This website could be benefitical to students who are Hearing Impaired or Learning Disabled in Reading.
    • Charity Fisher
      Thsi tool can reinforce the written word and comprehension.
    • Charity Fisher
      Something not mentioned by these teachers is the possible benefit to Autistic and Aspergers students. I can this being used as a reward or incentive because the work could be done independently. Since these students generally feel more at ease working independently, it would a motivator to them.
    • Charity Fisher
      This could be a great tool for Language Impaired students, but also Learning Disabled in reading as well. The audio would act as a reinforcer of the written material. Even though this is learning or reading comprehension tool, students may see it as a reward thereby motivating them to read more. This could a aid to any teacher attempting to motivate reluctant or struggling readers.
  • for Special Ed, ESOL, Low Level Readers, Writing and More!
    Read The Words could be a beneficial tool to students who are Language Impaired and/or Learning Disabled in Reading. The audio can reinforce the written word and increase comprehension. Also, it could be a valuable tool for autistic students who prefer to work independently. They can use this to aid comprehension and also it could be a reward. This tool could also add interest to text for any student.
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