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Kathleen N

Home | PBS Video - 0 views

    video -programming--full length shows
Eric G. Young

frontline: secret history of the credit card | PBS - 39 views

    Frontline airing that discusses the rise of credit cards, the complexity of their terms in modern society, and includes a teaching feature which I think would be excellent for high school teachers to utilize.
BalancEd Tech

After Banner Decade, Peering in on the Future of Technology | PBS NewsHour | Jan. 4, 20... - 30 views

    "After looking back at technological advancements during the last decade, Ray Suarez talks to an expert panel about how technology may shape our lives in the next ten years."

PBS and Grunwald National Research Indicates Lack of Technology Infrastructure in Class... - 23 views

    A better writeup than the one on, which was a little too self-promotional for my taste.
Kelly Boushell

LIBERTY! - The American Revolution - 66 views

    The Liberty! Teacher's Guide is designed to fully engage students in the drama and rich educational information presented in the six-part PBS series LIBERTY! THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION.
Amy Roediger

Home . Fizzy's Lunch Lab | PBS KIDS GO! - 41 views

    A PBS site devoted to good nutrition and physical activity.
Michelle Krill

Interviews - Clifford Nass | Digital Nation | FRONTLINE | PBS - 58 views

  • So what we're seeing is less of a notion of a big idea carried through and much more little bursts and snippets. And we see that across media, across film, across, in Web sites, this idea of just do a little bit and then you can run away.
    • Michelle Krill
      I consider this to fit in with my 'plate spinning' analogy.
  • anytime you switch from one task to another, there's something called the "task switch cost," which basically, imagine, is I've got to turn off this part of the brain and turn on this part of the brain. And it's not free; it takes time.
    • Michelle Krill
      I make use of this task switch time by noting things that pass through my brain during this lapse in work time. I keep post-its around all the time and carry a jot it down notebook. It's rationalizing, but I do feel like I make use of the 'lost' time.
  • One of the biggest delusions we hear from students is, "I do five things at once because I don't have time to do them one at a time." And that turns out to be false. That is to say, they would actually be quicker if they did one thing, then the next thing, then the next. It may not be as fun, but they'd be more efficient.
A Gardner

MediaShift . Why Schools Should Stop Banning Cell Phones, and Use Them for Learning | PBS - 74 views

    Polleverywhere anyone?
Craig Campbell

FRONTLINE | Watch Online | PBS Video - 52 views

    149 programs plus many clips
Glenn Hervieux

Ecosystem Explorer | EARTH A New Wild | Science | Interactive | PBS LearningMedia - 46 views

    "Inspired by content from the upcoming PBS series EARTH A New Wild, the Ecosystem Explorer is a collection of videos, games, and infographics designed to take students deep into the ecosystems of three thrilling animals: vultures, wolves, and sharks. Use the related videos highlighted below to introduce each ecosystem and discover that the relationship between animals and humans is often much more complicated than we realize. Then, encourage students to play through the interactive and discover more exciting science about the ecology and conservation of these three worlds."
Annette Yono

Transform Your Classroom: Digital Resources You Can Use Tomorrow | Professional Develop... - 34 views

    PBS Media has free professional development

How to Raise a Good Citizen - Expert Tips & Advice . PBS Parents | PBS - 9 views

    Good citizens are supposed to not only take care of themselves, but also contribute to the well-being of the people and the communities around them
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