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Horizon Report 2013 - 3 views

    The NMC is pleased to announce the interim results of the 2013 Horizon.K12 Project, as presented at the 2013 CoSN Conference in San Diego. The Horizon Project Advisory Board voted for the top 12 emerging technologies as well as the top ten trends and challenges that they believe will have a significant impact on teaching, learning, and creative inquiry in global K-12 education over the next five years. These initial results will be compiled into an interim report, known as the "Short List," and described in further detail. The "Time-to-Adoption Horizon" indicates how long the Advisory Board feels it will be until a significant number of schools are providing or using each of these technologies or approaches broadly. Near-Term Horizon: One Year or Less * BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) * Cloud Computing * Mobile Learning * Online Learning Mid-Term Horizon: Two to Three Years * Adaptive Learning and Personal Learning Networks * Electronic Publishing * Learning Analytics * Open Content Long-Term Horizon: Four to Five Years * 3D Printing * Augmented Reality * Virtual and Remote Laboratories * Wearable Technology
Dallas McPheeters

Learning Is Not Enough: The Behavior Framework by Nic Laycock : Learning Solutions Maga... - 43 views

  • “Innovative, resilient, self-determined, integrated among, integrated within, perceptive, inquisitive.”
    I like the idea of reinforcing the valued behaviors using the technology tools in our hands. Promoting key self-descriptors such as resilient, innovative, self-determined, integrated, and the like, on the pages of our training materials both paper and electronic, would create added value.
Michael Ashley

Join | Seeing Ear - 5 views

    If you have any students registered blind or issues with motor skills or dyslexia then this site provides electronic bookms for them tyo listen to. Fantastic!
rmollap Rafa

Animacions de McGraw Hill en castell¡a (hispano) - 0 views

    Animacions de McGraw Hill en castellà (hispano): Spanish Animations Actividad citotóxica de las células T contra las células blanco Antigenos dependientes de las células T Bomba de intercambio sodio-potasio Bomba de intercambio sodio-potasio Canales controlados por la diferencia de potencial y el potencial de acción Caracteristicas únicas de la meiosis Combinación de conmutadores: el operón lac Cómo bloquean la división celular los genes supresores de tumores Cómo surgen los priones Comparación de meiosis y mitosis Conjugación bacteriana: Transferencia de un plásmido Contracción del sarcómero Control del ciclo celular Control del la expresión génica en eucariotas Duplicación del ADN bidireccional Efecto de las ondas de sonido en las estructuras cocleares Elaboración de vacunas El represor de triptófano Endocitosis y exocitosis Endonucleasas de restricción Espermatogénesis Estimulación de la replicación celular Experimento de Hershey y Chase Experimento de Meselson y Stahl Factores de transcripcion Fases de la meiosis Fotofosforilación ciclica y no ciclica Función de la sinapsis neuromuscular Hipersensibilidad mediada por IgE (tipo I) Hormonas y secreción gástrica Horquilla de replicación del ADN La replicación del ADN Lisosomas Mecanismo de acción de la hormona esteroide Mitosis y citocinesis Movimiento del oxigeno y del dióxido de carbono en el cuerpo Orientación aleatoria de los cromosomas durante la meiosis Pasos en la clonación de un gen Polimorfismos de longitud de fragmento por enzima de restricción (RFLP) Procesamiento del ARN por parte de los espliceosomas Procesamiento de la información de los genes: Procariotas frente a eucariotas Producción de anticuerpos monoclonales Propagación del potencial de acción en un axón sin mielina Reacción en cadena de la polimerasa Replicación del VIH Retroinhibición de las vias bioquimicas Segundos mensajeros:cAMP Sintesis de proteinas Sistema de transporte de electrones y sintes
Trevor Cunningham

FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible ID: 659 - $24.95 : Adafruit In... - 63 views

    A marriage of STEM with Art and Design.
Randy Yerrick

Animated Chemical Bonding | Creative Educator - 13 views

    I like this idea of having the students write a narrative for how the bonds form and creating a model for it.  I think it would be better if there was some type of computer program where they can create the model electronically instead of using clay.
Bob Rowan

Cloth Addiction: the microfiber cloth that has changed my life | ZDNet - 65 views

    suggested as good cleaning cloth for ipads or other electronic devices
Marc Patton

Florida TechNet - 5 views

    Florida TechNet is an electronic clearinghouse of resources and elearning funded through a State Leadership grant from the Florida Department of Education.
Michele Brown

AUP Online - Lersun Development - 26 views

    AUP Online is an instructional program that requires no staff development, is self contained, interactive, with electronic AUP document sign off.  This program provides a cost effective method to comply with the CIPA mandated instructional requirement, and provide much needed instruction to students as they participate in their online world.
Marc Patton

WOWparts Online Store - 2 views

    We're big fans of all the latest cutting-edge consumer electronics here. We also believe that A Good Cat Deserves A Good Rat. For this reason, we specialize in selling the good value accessories.
Bram Moreinis

Tech Class Blog: Electronic Use - 2 views

  • looking things up in a book or ask other people every now and again.
Daryl Bambic

Cloud for teachers? - 20 views

Wikis also work well. Students can have separate folders where they can submit their work. Google docs would probably be best. The student shares their document with you. This eliminates email ...

Roland Gesthuizen

Weighing the environmental costs: buy an eReader, or a shelf of books? - 61 views

    "Bookshelves towering floor to ceiling filled with weighty tomes, or one book-sized device holding hundreds of "books" in electronic form: which one of these options for the voracious reader creates the least damaging environmental footprint? "
Judy Arzt

How to Create a Portfolio with Evernote (Education Series) « Evernote Blogcast - 199 views

    Explains how to set up class accounts and how to use Evernote for creating electronic portfolios
Thieme Hennis

Reading Comprehension: Paper or Screen? | DMLcentral - 61 views

  • What makes for effective reading, then? Before trying to answer this question, one has to acknowledge that the answer is complicated and depends on individual users' familiarity with the reading tools that they are using and the purpose for which they are reading. With that in mind, these studies suggest at least a few features. Readers should be able to clearly see the text, and the more text that can be placed within their field of vision at a time, the better. They should have a means for accessing their current place within the text, as well as the ability to quickly move through the text to find information. Finally, they should be familiar with the reading technology, so they can ignore it and simply read. 
    I argue that the differences revealed in these studies are not between paper and screen, as Jabr suggests, or even between print and digital. Rather, these differences in reading comprehension seem to be a product of how readers interface with these print and electronic technologies and the affordances that each provides to these readers. 
Roland Gesthuizen

Unleash Kids Campaign - 0 views

    "Unsung Heroes of the One Laptop per Child movement, interviewed live! Unleash Kids enables global volunteers who liberate kids via direct exploration of their electronic/outdoor worlds."
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