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Joseph Edore

Solutions for Digital Safety - Youth and Media - 1 views

  • 1. Communication with your daughter or son is key. Build a trusting relationship through dialogue.
  • 2. Create an account to understand how the site works, but not to stalk your kids. They need room to explore, but if you are familiar with the media and technology that they consume, you can provide valuable guidance and suggestions. Surveillance, while possible, damages a trusting parent/child relationship.
  • 3. Ask your kids how they choose to represent themselves and why. Use MySpace as a resource to start a conversation about contemporary fashion, ideals, and media images.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 4. Talk about private/ public issues with your kids. Help them to understand the consequences of making certain information publicly accessible. Get them to think through all of the possible audiences who might come into contact with their online information
  • 5. Talk through what kids should do if they receive unwanted attention online or if they find themselves the victims of cyberbullying. A growing number of sites provide useful information about how to confront such problems, including Net Family News , NetSmartz and SafeTeens.
    "Because being connected is such an integral part of teens’ lives, some youth may hesitate telling their parents about the harassment they encounter for fear that their online privileges will be taken away. The best way to combat cyber bullying or other forms of harassment is not to reign in or limit a teen’s use of technology, but to make sure adults keep the lines of communication open. In addition to keeping the computer in a public space, parents should also become more aware of what their children are doing online. They should consider the Internet as an opportunity to engage in conversation with their children about their interests, talents, and network of friends. It is important to emphasize with youth that there is a distinct connection between what happens online and in the "real world." Adults should communicate to youth that their actions have implications in a real world setting. Regarding cyber bullying in particular, adults must also relay traditional techniques of combating bullying, among them being to report incidents, keep records, and not to engage the bully. “It’s not new bullying, it’s just a vehicle,” says Nancy Mullin-Rindler, director of the Project on Teasing and Bullying at Wellesley College (Paulson, 2003). In addition, because research has shown that the majority of cyber bullies have been victims of traditional bullying, this approach—-combating the behavior versus limiting the technology—-would ultimately help in preventing both cyber and conventional bullying. Cyber bullying poses a stickier problem for schools that are finding themselves in the middle of First Amendment debates. Despite the fact that whatever happens online (no matter where the location) typically spreads to the school environment, inevitably impacting students’ learning, does a school principal have the right to punish someone for what they say outside of school parameters? Because of this legal quagmire, schools’
Mary Westbrook

Technology News: Technology: Personal Tech Addiction Snares Teens, Adults - 0 views

    • Mary Westbrook
      signs someone maybe addicted to the internet
  • An inability to predict the amount of time you spend on the computer; A sense of euphoria while using the computer; Lying to employers and family about computer activity; Withdrawal from real life hobbies and social interactions; and Health issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome, eye strain, weight gain and backaches.
Rachel H

Dell - Healthy Internet Habits | Dell - 0 views

  • Talk About It Talk with your kids about the Internet, and encourage them to see it as a shared, open environment in which they have social responsibilities just as they would in any physical environment.With open discussion, you can set expectations about the behavior you expect from them, curb negativity and discourage behaviors such as secrecy, boundary-pushing or thrill-seeking. You can also emphasize that online safety is something you care about and will continue to examine.Keep in mind: Enjoy the Internet along with your children, and discuss the ways in which it brings value into your lives.Stay open to your kids' questions, and encourage them to share their Internet experiences with you without fear of punishment about what they read, see or experience.Discuss how to safely interact online with others, why kids should stay away from certain types of content and individuals, and that Internet rules are there to protect kids. Teach children to trust their instincts, and to come to you if something or someone online makes them feel uncomfortable or threatened. Stay calm and remind them that they are not in trouble for bringing issues to your attention. Praise their discretion.As kids get older, keep family communications about the Internet as open and positive as you can. Talk with your kids about their online friends and activities just as you would talk about other friends and activities.
  • Set Rules for Internet Use Lay out rules for Internet use, setting clear expectations for your kids' online habits. A good set of rules should include things like the amount of time kids are allowed to be online, what types of content are appropriate and who it's okay to chat with as well as proper online conduct and good Internet citizenship.Keep in mind: The most successful rules are those that are created collaboratively. Work with your kids to draw up an online family safety contract that the whole family can agree to and sign. Discuss the rules frequently. Remind them that the rules are in place to protect your family, and that strictly maintaining privacy online can lower the risk of being targeted by online predators. Tell kids that following the rules and keeping communications open will allow them to gain freedoms as they get older. Let them know that you will reevaluate the rules over time. You can reinforce the rules you set by enabling restrictions on your PC. Windows Live Family Safety lets you set parameters that can limit Internet searches, monitor and filter specific websites, receive detailed activity reports of your child’s online activities, and let you be in control of who your child can communicate with in Windows Live Spaces, Messenger, or Hotmail1.
  • Balance Time Online Maintaining a balance between entertainment and other activities in kids' lives can be a serious challenge. The Internet has made it even more difficult, as the lines between entertainment and education are often blurred. Modeling a healthy balance between your online and offline activities is a great way to encourage children to do the same.Keep in mind: Enforce rules about the amount of time your kids may spend online, and the hours they are allowed to go online. Help your kids develop self-control, discipline and accountability regarding Internet use. Use parental controls in Windows 7 to limit PC time. Set up individual user accounts to determine how much computer time children have and what hours of the day they are allowed to use the PC, as well as which programs and games they can access.Encourage and support their participation in other activities — particularly physical pastimes with other children. If your child is reluctant, look for offline activities that tap into the same interests your kids pursue online. Watch for signs of Internet dependency. If Internet use seems excessive or begins to affect your child's school performance, health or relationships, consider professional counseling for Internet addiction.
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  • Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion Let's face it: There's a lot of content on the Internet that isn't helpful or reliable. While more online fact checking happens today than previously, the ability of nearly anyone to offer opinions or build Web sites can make the Internet a confusing place for young people.Teach your kids how the Internet works, and encourage critical thinking. Train them to use a variety of online resources and to always check, question and verify what they see online. Ultimately, these skills can help your kids avoid bad situations and individuals — such as online predators — that may seek to mislead or trick Internet users. Keep in mind: Start young. Even preschool students use the Internet to look up information. Teach them early to distinguish fact from opinion, and discuss ways to recognize bias, propaganda and stereotyping.Challenge your kids to evaluate what they see online by asking: What is the purpose of this site? To entertain? To sell? Does it provide the author’s contact information or an "About Us" section? Does a company or an individual person sponsor it? Is it a public conversation? Finally, challenge them to consider whether the Internet is the best place to find the information they need.Discuss racism and other forms of hatred with your kids. Software filters can help block hateful material, but critical thinking and an awareness of history and world events can help children recognize more subtle biases.
  • Keep Personal Facts Private Online privacy is vital to your family's safety. Ensuring that your kids communicate online only with people known to them and your family can help limit their contact with unsavory elements. Still, as kids grow older, they are bound to make new friends online. As your kids grow into middle and high school, the most recent research shows that the greatest threat to their safety is actually from people in their own age group, or slightly older.Keep in mind: Ensure that children keep facts such as their real name, age, gender and location private. Discuss how details in photographs can reveal more information to would-be predators than your child intends.Many kids routinely visit social networks and blogs where they may post pictures, make comments and write personal entries. Insist that your kids keep personal information private and that they think twice before joining location-based peer groups that may give away information on their whereabouts.Ensure that your kids understand the risks involved in making private or personal information public online. Keep an open dialogue about the people they come into contact with online. Discuss and evaluate online relationships as you would any other relationships in your child’s life. In this section, we covered some basic knowledge all parents should keep in mind when their children are online. Impress upon your kids the seriousness of online safety concerns, while making sure to keep the lines of communication open and non-judgmental. In the next section, we’ll look at ways to ensure your family’s privacy online isn’t compromised.
    healthy habits for online
Mary Westbrook

How to Stop Your Child's Computer Addiction - wikiHow - 1 views

  • Talk with your child about his/her excessive computer usage
  • Move the computer to an open area if it’s not already in one – sometimes taking it out of the child’s bedroom is sufficient to reduce their computer usage, and it makes it easier to monitor their usage.
  • Set a password for the computer so that only you can log on to it
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  • Find out how bad your child's addiction is, and what exactly your child is addicted to – does your child spend most of his/her computer time playing games, chatting online, or just browsing the Web?
  • If he/she is addicted to learning information, as long as it is legal, safe and decent, then that should not be an issue.
Hayes G.

Internet Privacy Law - 0 views

  • The right to privacy in Internet activity is a serious issue facing society. 1 Some users of the 'net wish to shield their identities while participating in frank discussions of sensitive topics.
    Sometimes it is very hard to shield your identity while participating in discussions over the internet.
DaneY_mca MCA

Digital Rights Management | Electronic Frontier Foundation - 0 views

    DRM and tell about the responsibilities with downloading, plus DM copyright laws.
Brody C

digiteen2008 - Digital Security and Safety - 0 views

  • Middle/ High School Aged Students A lot of middle and high school students are members of websites like Myspace and Facebook. To some teens, these websites become addictive and they become so obsessed with talking to people that they start talking to anybody. They need to learn to not put personal information on their page like their phone number or their address because some of the people who look at that would want to hurt them. Another problem with teens is that some of them download illegal music and videos. Two of the most common sites are Frostwire and Limewire. Another thing some teens do is download free software and then their computers run really slow. That's because spyware is usually packaged with the free software. Three ways to keep your computer safe is "only download free software from reputable sites, kids and teens should be told to ask permission before downloading anything, and you can eliminate most spyware by downloading the free Microsoft Windows Defender and scanning your PC." [2]
  • Many people don't realize how important it is to have a secure password. A password is like a key to the door of your personal space on the internet. It is extremely important to keep your password safe. Some ways to choose a secure password are to use a word(s) that is totally unrelated to you. DO NOT use your maiden name, your dogs name, your phone number, your birthday, or any other things that could be related to you. A word on its own isn't very strong, so to increase strength you can add numbers and or symbols. An example of this is if you use the word " apple ", on its own it won't be very secure. If you were to put some numbers and symbols, then it would make it " apple321 " and it would be more secure. If you were to make some of the lower case letters capitals, "aPpLe321 " then it would be even stronger. If you wanted the most secure password possible, then you could insert some symbols, making it " (aPpLe321) "After 30-60 days of using the same password, it would be wise to alter or change your password. You should also use different passwords for different applications. If you would like to test your password, click here
  • 2. How safety and security positively and negatively impacts people How safety & Security positively impacts people you can know where you can rely on some of the website or blogs you feel comfortable to talk to each other sometimes when you are in a reliable website you don't have to tell every single thing about yourself to people online How safety & Security negatively impacts people sometimes strangers can put weird/inappropriate pictures online of you in other sites without your permission you may accidentally reveal your personal information to other strangers and might get in danger people sometimes bully other people they don't know sometimes, the predators make websites to attack you. They make you think the website is reliable and forces you to tell them your personal information
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  • Cyber Stalking: This one of the most dangerous things on the internet; people every day are blackmailed into giving personal info like Accounts, credit card numbers, and others info. If you receive or see: · Threatening E-Mails · Post showing you differently to destroy your character · Info About your life posted on the internet
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students Teenagers everywhere use blogs such as Myspace and Facebook. They need to be safe and secure while they do these, as online predators with bad intents can find you if you give to much information. We as teens must obey online laws and common sense.When online teens usually disregard things there parents tell them. Sexual and online predators can ruin a person's childhood if they are able to find them. They can also put the wrong ideas into the minds of children, making them unwanted and bad for your health.
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students Teens use Myspace and Facebook to talk to their friends and stuff. Although, others that they don't know just might become interested in them. Online predators try their best to find out where you live. If they do, it can be bad for your health and childhood. On one website, I found a story in which a real life person fell in love with someone on the Internet. It turned out she left with him for a while and it turned out he was a sexual predator. Always be safe on the Internet.
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students One possible solution is to be safe while blogging. Also, never have a personal meeting. Never include your full name, address, or school, as they can look up your name and find you. Never put pictures online that could help online predators find you. If someone who talks to you online does not seem right or makes you nervous just stop talking to them and tell an adult. Just let them handle it because they are smarter and wiser in those kind of situations.
  • B. Middle / High School Aged Students Teens need to be safe and never give out information Be careful what they download. Be their selves because they don't need to be what they're not. Not talk to strangers.
  • Blogging Tips for Teenagers Being safe on blogs and other websites is very important. I have found some tips to help us be safer on the Internet, which is an important part of a teenager’s everyday life. The first way to be safe is to avoid posts that enable online predators to find and locate you. This means to not give information out like where you go to hang out, your name (last name especially), where your school is and its name, and especially where you live, because everybody can see what you write including the predator. Most people don't know this, but if you give out your phone number, than anybody, including a predator, can type your phone number into google and then they can see where you live. This helps a predator lead straight to you. If someone asks you for private information, DO NOT give it to them. It should be a red flag for you to ignore him or leave the chat room. Also, in chat rooms, if you feel something is going wrong and you feel uncomfortable with anything, leave the chat room immediately. Never have your screen name the same as a nick name. Online predators can sometimes track you down by screen names, which are private unless you give them out. Remember, if your going to have a blog or belong to a chat room, be safe and follow the rules. Also if you find something abnormal online, tell an adult you know and someone you can trust 100%. Always be yourself when on an online blog, which means never put fake information about yourself. In addition, always be respectful to others. If you write a bad comment, it might come back to you. Also, don’t put many pictures about yourself unless you can trust who your sending pictures to. It only helps online predators having a picture of you. Never, never have an in-person meeting. You never know if the person you are meeting has bad intentions. Be honest about your age. If there is an age limit on a chat room then there is probably a reason for one. You never know what you are getting into on the internet. The last tip is that you shouldn't meet anybody without your parent's permission. The reason is because even though you think you know very well the person by catting with them online for few years, it might be the predator that wants to harm you. The predator might told you the false information that he/she is the same age as you or live near your house. So you have to be careful if you are meeting the right person. Adults Although adults are able to have a form of independence, safety and security is very important. They have to be cautious about doing things like online banking or putting personal information online. Adults who put credit card numbers and other personal information should be aware of pharming and phishing. Many adults believe because they are experienced, they know how to be safe. They need to make sure the website they are putting personal information on is secure. You need to look for the "https" at the link of the website. When adults commonly think of online safety they think of online fraud. Identity takers feed off information given out online. If you are a victim of identity fraud it could have an effect on your future. Other than just internet fraud another thing adults have to worry about while online is cyber stalking. Cyber stalking is another way of harassment through the computer. Cyberstalking includes threatening emails, people posting private information about you for others to see, and posing as you online. Many adults seem to feel like they're older so they are less likely at risk for having predators after them. This is not the case. Websites such as and are websites that leave predators open to find people. If you do plan on meeting someone you meet at one of these sites you should make your date at a public place and make sure not to be alone.
  • Digital Security and Safety is an issue that relates to a person's well-being and safety on a computer. Safety and security are two topics that are closely related. Security is the condition of being protected against danger, loss, and criminals. Safety is the condition of being protected against non-desirable events. Some studies have shown "The odds of becoming a cyber victim have dropped to 1 in 6, from 1 in 4 last year.[1] Some examples of potentially unsafe sites online are Facebook and Myspace, which can sometimes can be dangerous because there can be bullying online. On facebook and myspace you can put your picture or pictures on and some people put inapporaite pictures on, which is not safe because thier are always predators out there on the internet and they could see your picture and ask to meet. If you agree to go and meet them then you could be injured.
Steve Madsen

Are kids becoming phone addicts? - Technology - - 0 views

    Three-quarters of Australian children aged 12 to 14 own a mobile phone but by the time they are 15 that number surges to 90 per cent, according to figures from the Australian Communications and Media Authority.
    phone addicts... may lead to health & wellness issues? Australian focus.
radhika chatterjee

Capturing and Holding the Attention of The Contemporary Internet Surfer: - 0 views

  • he online forum has been changing the way we grab attention, and the way we give it. In the world of cyberspace, fewer and fewer people have the concentrative patience to devote long moments of attention to text.
  • Animated graphic ads and dynamic sound effects succeed in getting but not holding attention. The average internet surfer just does not have the mindset to settle on the details, and that's what a web manager wants them to do.
    • radhika chatterjee
      This fits in with the needs ofthe NetGen.
  • The internet format provides a unique opportunity to use blends of imagery both motion and still, sounds both effects inspired and content driven, and text both bulleted and extrapolated. We are seeing more intelligent and blended use of these mixed media methods, and the population responds to it.
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  • Entertainment is a huge content sector, but so is education. Cooking shows, healthcare issues, charity efforts, financial advisors, and a near infinite list of additional subject potentials lend themselves to the task of effectively capturing and holding the attention of large bodies of internet traffic.
GabrielleE_mca MCA

Side effects of Computers - 0 views

    this website tells about the side effects the computers might have on you
Callie S

Internet Safety - 4 views

  • The Internet can be a wonderful resource for kids. They can use it to research school reports, communicate with teachers and other kids, and play interactive games. Kids who are old enough to punch in a few letters on the keyboard can literally access the world. But that access can also pose hazards. For example, an 8-year-old might do an online search for "Lego." But with just one missed keystroke, the word "Legs" is entered instead, and the child may be directed to a slew of websites with a focus on legs — some of which may contain pornographic material. That's why it's important to be aware of what your kids see and hear on the Internet, who they meet, and what they share about themselves online. Just like any safety issue, it's wise to talk with your kids about your concerns, take advantage of resources to protect them, and keep a close eye on their activities. Internet Safety Laws A federal law, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), was created to help protect kids online. It's designed to keep anyone from obtaining a child's personal information without a parent knowing about it and agreeing to it first. COPPA requires websites to explain their privacy policies on the site and get parental consent before collecting or using a child's personal information, such as a name, address, phone number, or Social Security number. The law also prohibits a site from requiring a child to provide more personal information than necessary to play a game or participate in a contest. But even with this law, your kids' best online protection is you. By talking to them about potential online dangers and monitoring their computer use, you'll help them surf the Internet safely.
  • Listen
    This is a good website that tells you how to be safe on the web.
  • ...1 more comment...
    How often do you let your children or siblings use the computer? In fact a lot of kids use the internet not only at home but also at school. This page helps teach younger kids internet safety for when no one is around. Quote: 'The Internet can be a wonderful resource for kids. They can use it to research school reports, communicate with teachers and other kids, and play interactive games. Kids who are old enough to punch in a few letters on the keyboard can literally access the world.'
    This paragraph begins by disscussing kids and safety on the internet. offers tools to be involved in kids online safety. The article the importance of sharing an email account with a child and keeping the computer where you can see it. The article suggests having basic rules like never trading pictures and never revealing personal information. It also discusses being aware of preditors. So finally the article ends with warning signs like long hours online especially at night.
    "Internet Safety Laws A federal law, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), was created to help protect kids online. It's designed to keep anyone from obtaining a child's personal information without a parent knowing about it and agreeing to it first."
brooke s

digiteen2008 - Digital Law - 0 views

  • This is the electronic responsibility for actions which says if something is ethical or unethical. The responsibility of the digital law deals with the ethics of technology as a whole. Digital Law deals with four main topics: copyright, privacy, ethical issues, and piracy. Unethical use of computers can form into theft or crime like piracy. People that are ethical in the use of their computers may actually be the ones being hurt by those who are not following these protective laws. A student should not be allowed to mess with other peoples work or identity with rules being applied. We have the digital Law to basically protect us; since most people don't follow it, the internet is becoming a very dangerous place.
    • brooke s
      this paragraph explains the four main topics dealing with the "Digital Law"
  • . There are so many new illegal ways to get what you want and not get caught that it is very hard to find the causes of viruses and other crimes. Some problems with Elementary students are that they can get on sites too mature for their age. The information on these sites may be inappropriate for their age group. Another problem may be that older people may harass them. There are also some problems with Middle/High school aged students. They may get on sites such as MySpace or Facebook and lie about their age, name, or any other aspects of their lives. This is not a very smart act considering that later they may be abused. They may use bad language on the internet or chat rooms. Predators can trick some teens that are unaware of such dangers into meeting up with them. Parents/guardians are unaware of what teens are looking at and/or doing and therefore cannot stop them from seeing and/or doing inappropriate things.
    • brooke s
      This paragraph explains the dangers on the internet.
  • Some teens download illegal music such as Limewire or Bearshare.This affects not only the artist, but record producing companies.
    • brooke s
      using internet wrongly could hurt other people financially, such as music artists and producers.
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  • There are also some problems with adults. Using bad language, harassing and trapping youth, and the buying and selling of illegal merchandise are just some of the problems the adult generation faces today. Many adults are very sneaky and can use tricks to socialize with young adolescents. Some adults use Facebook, Myspace, or chatrooms to trick younger people into meeting up with them. These are just some of the main problems our generation of all different ages faces in this day and time.
    • brooke s
      More dangers of the internet.
  • Breaking the law: On the internet you will come upon websites that will be breaking the law and you can report this to "NETALERT" www.neralert.vic.a, they will contact the authorities and put a stop to the website. Another problem is copyright. There is an easy solution to this problem though, and this solution is creative commonscreative commons is a site that lets you easily make your own copyright laws for your work. There are rules like no one can make money off of your work, no one can change the appearence of your work, and many more. By making it a law that people have to use creative commons to put anything on the internet, you can reduce the amount of copyright laws broken. Making adults aware of the consequences of their actions should help the problem dramatically. Most adults break digital laws thinking, " Oh yeah, sure, I'm not going to get into any trouble." when in fact they are on the verge to getting very serious legal punishment.
    • brooke s
      more on breaking the internet law
  • There is a very interesting controversy brewing in Orange County, Florida. A 13-year-old girl Alisha Dean has a MySpace page that portrays herself as a 19-year-old divorced woman. She has been accused about lying to two men — Morris Williams, 22, and Darwin Mills, 24, about her age in two separate incidents. Both have been convicted and sent to jail for statutory rape. Digital Law for Middle School students not only has to deal with privacy but copyright and piracy.
    • brooke s
      controversy with young people lying about their age
Riley F.

Side effects of Computers | Socyberty - 0 views

  • Now day’s computers are in every house and children are perpetually on it .There eyes are getting affected but there is an lcd screen but it only stops 60% of the strain caused but the rest 40% is harmful children nowadays play many games they can sit and conquer countries but cannot cross a small road.
    this tell one side effect of children on the computer and its relation with the real world
hannah h

Internet Collaboration: Good, Bad, and Downright Ugly - 0 views

  • Tips for Effective Internet Collaboration
  • in order to make the most of an often bad situation, I offer eight tips for effective Internet collaboration. These tips were developed based on my experiences over the past
  • While
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • c communication re
  • I believe strongly that electroni
  • mains a poor substitute for face-to
  • -face communication, I also realize that some collaborative projects would n
  • t be practical without it. So,
  • ew years with groups that follow them and
  • th groups
  • with groups that don't.
  • 1. Appoint a single leader or a small group of leaders who are responsible for making sure everything runs smoothly. These leaders need not have any decision-making authority, but they should have administrative responsibilities such as: keeping debates on topic, setting and enforcing deadlines, maintaining the group mailing list, and keeping a group archive. They should also be willing to serve as a resource and answer questions from group members so that these questions need not clog the mailing list. These leaders must be diligent about carrying out their responsibilities and should seek assistance should they find themselves over burdened. 2. Establish a no flame policy for your group. Flame wars are destructive to just about any collaborative effort. Group leaders should make a point of not involving themselves in flame wars, even if they are the target of a flame. They should also gently remind other group members of the policy. Some groups may wish to give a leader the authority to remove group members who repeatedly engage in flame wars. 3. Establish a policy of open communication between all group members. Members should keep everyone informed of the progress they have made i
  • n carrying out their responsibilities. If someone is havin
  • Establish
  • trouble completing a task they volunteered to do (due to lack of time, lack of expertise, or any other reason), they should inform other group members. If some group members communicate privately about a group matter, they should inform the rest of the group about the outcome of their discussion (being careful to say ``we recommend'' rather than ``we decided'' unless the group has given them the authority to make the decision). It is especially important for anyone in a leadership position to communicate with other members and make sure that the members are communicating with each other. 4. Establish a mission statement and set of operating procedures for your group. Depending on the size of your group and the duration of your project, this may be a short list of ground rules or a formal constitution. You should have guidelines and rules that cover the responsibilities of the leaders, the responsibilities of members, procedures for making decisions (including what to do in the event of a deadlock), procedures for appointing and expelling group members or leaders, and procedures for changing these rules. When working on a long-term, open ended project it is best to keep the ground rules somewhat flexible so that unanticipated ideas are not precluded and new group members don't feel stifled by a framework established by members long-retired. 5. Whenever a new and likely controversial topic is introduced to the group, have people respond to the original poster rather than to the entire mailing list. Then have the original poster collect all the responses into a single message (and if possible prepare an executive summary) and send that back to the group. You may want to repeat this for several rounds of discussion before opening the topic up for general debate. The idea here is to put all the issues on the table at once so that people don't start a debate before they have all the facts and a general understanding of the concerns of other group members. 6. Hold periodic virtual meetings. This can be done through a conference call, audio or video online conferencing software, an online chat room, or even an agreement that everyone will be online and checking their email at a specified time. Any of these formats should allow for a more or less synchronous debate followed, if necessary, by a vote. 7. If your group has trouble making decisions and is unable to get group members together for a virtual meeting frequently enough, try resorting to an electronic equivalent of Roberts Rules of Order in which the rules of debate are spelled out in great detail. (The nice thing about Robert's Rules is that they have been well established and thus groups can agree to adopt them without arguing over what they should be. Adopting a set of electronic rules for debate may be tricky if your group has to write these rules from scratch. But you may be able to get your group members to agree t
  • o adopt a set of rules written by
  • subcommittee or a neutral party.) Such rules might include the maximum amount of time allowed for a debate before a vote must be taken, the amount of time members have to submit their votes, and the maximum number of words or separate email messages a member may send to the mailing list on a particular topic. I see this mostly as a method of last resort, and I don't recommend writing this into the group's constitution or ground rules unless you've tried it and found it to be effective. 8. Try to find ways for as many of your group members as possible to meet in person. Ideally you would fly everyone to a central location for a group retreat. But financial concerns often don't allow for such luxuries, so do the best you can. Encourage group members to visit their geographically closest neighbors in the group and to meet other members at conferences or when traveling. The more group members get to know each other, the easier collaboration will be. If possible, try to get the entire group together at the beginning of the project and at the end of the project (or for a lengthy project, after every major phase of the project has been completed). Getting the entire group together at the beginning will help the group establish a common sense of direction. Meeting at the end or after the completion of a major phase will provide a sense of closure and an opportunity for group members to evaluate what they have done.
    This is some collaboration tips.
Theresa Allen

Digital Citizenship wiki - 7 views

    "This is a collection of resources that can be used by educators or students regarding the issue of digital citizenship. Note: the questions used here are targeted primarily at high school students, but many of these questions apply to anyone new to the topic."
Molly S

Digital Citizenship - 1 views

  • Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology. Too often we are seeing students as well as adults misusing and abusing technology but not sure what to do. The issue is more than what the users do not know but what is considered appropriate technology usage.
Margaret O.

Tech Talk with Tamika: Google+: The Educational Game Changer - 0 views

  • For the past few years educators have sought a way to utilize social networking to communicate and collaborate with other teachers, parents and students.  From Twitter to Facebook teachers have created streams to alert parents of upcoming assignments, Q&A pages and be available for students long after the school doors have closed
  • Security and privacy issues have run amuck with teachers ‘friending’ students on Facebook.  In fact, teachers have lost their job for placing school administratively deemed inappropriate photos on their wall. My school district has mandated that educators follow certain guidelines for teachers to adhere to when students or their parents attempt to become our social network friend. Some people may call this extreme but I view said guidelines as a form of protection for all involved.
    Teachers have lost their ability to teach effectively by friending their students online
Valerie K

M.E. Sharpe, Inc - Article - 0 views

    This is about social awareness and the behavioral intention it causes.
Nolan C

Copyright Law and Fair Use - 1 views

    "What is a copyright? A copyright is the set of exclusive legal rights authors have over their works for a limited period of time. These rights include copying the works (including parts of the works), making derivative works, distributing the works, and performing the works (this means showing a movie or playing an audio recording, as well as performing a dramatic work). Currently, the author's rights begin when a work is created. A work does not have to bear a copyright notice or be registered to be copyrighted. " the web site tells me all about what copyright laws and others are. I think that it is very useful to people, because it can help them learn more about copyrighting.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Explains what is copyright and fair use is and what is legal and what isn't
    Guides to copyright law and fair use in academic settings.
    This guide addresses issues concerning the use of copyrighted material in an academic setting. Guidelines for protecting works created by faculty and students are available from the library. A separate Web site about copyright and fair use provides extensive additional information, including surveys of primary materials, links to other Internet sites, and an overview of copyright law.
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