Economic Democracy and the Billion-Dollar Co-op | P2P Foundation - 0 views
Candidate Donald Trump made a campaign stop in February 2016 hosted by South Carolina’s Broad River Electric Cooperative.
By the onset of the Great Depression, few people in the rural United States had electricity at home—about 10 percent. The power companies that had lit up the cities simply didn’t see enough profit in serving far-flung farmers. But gradually some of those farmers started forming electric cooperatives—utility companies owned and governed by their customers—and strung up their own lines.
We typically think of our democratic institutions as having to do with politicians and governments. But there are democratic businesses, too—not just these electric co-ops, but also hulking credit unions, mutual-insurance companies, and ubiquitous cooperative brands from Land O’Lakes to the Associated Press. Their democracy is fragile. When it’s not exercised or noticed, these creatures act on their own volition.
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The People's Disruption: Platform Co-ops for Global Challenges : Platform Cooperativism - 0 views
Experiments with cooperatively owned online platforms are demonstrating that democratic business models can be a dynamic force in building a more equitable economy for people across various income, race and class strata, starting with the most vulnerable populations.
Since the first platform cooperativism event at The New School two years ago, an ecosystem of people, knowledge, and tools has developed around this model.
To think and act our way out of the current crisis, we need to understand the roots of these extractive business models. With such insight, we will be able to build alternatives that best meet the needs of workers, consumers, and citizens.
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Vuoden 2017 alustaosuuskuntakonferenssi tulee.
Winning Power, Not Just Government | Jacobin - 0 views
How to resist the exploitation of digital gig workers | Red Pepper - 0 views
Owning is the New Sharing | Open Co-op Commons - 1 views
“I’m working to find a steady economic base,” he said. “I don’t really want to put it into the hands of the VCs.” Venture capitalists, that is — the go-to source of quick and easy money for clever tech entrepreneurs like him. He’d get cash, but they’d get the reins.
new company,Swarm, the world’s first experiment in what he was calling “cryptoequity.”
Swarm would be a crowdfunding platform, using its own virtual currency rather than dollars; rather than just a thank-you or a kickback, it would reward backers with a genuine stake in the projects they support.
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Europe's Ugly Future: A review of Varoufakis, Galbraith & Stiglitz - Foreign ... - 0 views
Fifteen years ago, when the EU established its single currency, European leaders promised higher growth due to greater efficiency and sounder macroeconomic policies, greater equality between rich and poor countries within a freer capital market, enhanced domestic political legitimacy due to better policies, and a triumphant capstone for EU federalism. Yet for nearly a decade, Europe has experienced just the opposite.
Since 2008, inflation-adjusted GDP in the eurozone has stagnated, compared with an expansion of more than eight percent in European countries that remain outside.
In this situation, a lost decade may well become a lost generation.
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Connecting the Dots 8: The Commons as the Response to the Structural Crises of the Glob... - 0 views
In our contribution, we want to stress the key importance of what we call a “value regime,” or simply put, the rules that determine what society and the economy consider to be of value. We must first look at the underlying modes of production — i.e. how value is created and distributed — and then construct solutions must that help create these changes in societal values. The emerging answer for a new mode of value creation is the re-emergence of the Commons.
In our view, the dominant political economy has three fatal flaws.
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Joseph Stiglitz proposes co-op models as an alternative to trickle-down economics - Co-... - 0 views
A changing political landscape and economic challenges mean we are witnessing “interesting” but “unsettling” times, warned economist Joseph Stiglitz at the International Summit of Cooperatives in Quebec.
He said that alongside changes in the political landscape, such as Brexit and the upcoming elections in the USA, the world faced economic issues which are beyond the control of individuals and even national governments.
“Co-ops and the social economy provide a key third pillar.
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Stiglitzillä on jutussa hetkensä, mutta yleisanalyysi jää nahjuiseksi. Tulee vaikutelma, että uuden talouden tavoittelu edellyttäisi "korkeampaa moraalia". Voihan olla, että tämä on vain Coop Newsin toimittajan osaamattomuutta ja moralismia, mutta lisäksi tuo moraali tuntuisi olevan paljolti työmoraalia. Sosialismin aave jää iloisen kommunistin aaveen varjoon. "Mutta emmehän me halua lisätyötä, vaan vapautta. Eikä solidaarisuus ole meille taakka. Me luomme kulttuuria ja teknologiaa elämälle."
Postcapitalism and the city - 0 views
bullshit jobs
Capitalism’s response mechanisms
a) to maximise capacity utilisation of low-skilled labour and of assets.
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Europe's Left after Brexit | Yanis Varoufakis - 0 views
This article
addresses left-wing critics of DiEM25 claiming that DiEM25 is pursuing the wrong objective (to democratise the EU) by means of a faulty strategy (focusing at the European rather than at the national level).
The question is not whether the Left must clash with the EU’s establishment and current practices. The question is in what context, and within which overarching political narrative, this confrontation should take place. Three are the options on offer.
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Transnational Republics of Commoning | David Bollier - 0 views
The nation-state as now constituted, in its close alliance with capital and markets, is largely incapable of transcending its core commitments to economic growth, consumerism, and the rights of capital and corporations -- arguably the core structural drivers of climate change.
Because the piece -- "Transnational Republics of Commoning: Reinventing Governance Through Emergent Networking" -- is nearly 14,000 words long, I am separating it into three parts. You can download the full essay as a pdf file here.
In moments of crisis, when the structures of conventional governance are suddenly exposed as weak or ineffectual, it is clear that there is no substitute for ordinary people acting together.
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Herätkää vallankumoukseen: älykkäät koneet vievät työt, mullistavat yhteiskun... - 0 views
Automatisaatio ja koneoppiminen ei lähivuosina mullista vain työelämäämme, vaan koko elämäntapamme ja yhteiskuntamme.
MIT:n professori Erik Brynjolfssonin pääviesti
kirjanThe Second Machine Age.
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Teollinen vallankumous korvasi fyysistä, mekaanista työtä. Nyt ensimmäistä kertaa koneet ovat alkaneet laajassa mitassa korvata ajattelutyötä. Kaikenlainen rutiinitietotyö postin lajittelusta röntgenkuvien analyysiin on siirtymässä koneille. Koska ne tekevät sen tehokkaammin ja varmemmin kuin ihmiset. Koneet alkavat muodostaa itseoppivia verkostoja, jotka kehittyvät kokeilemalla ja epäonnistumalla. Uudet ratkaisut tilanteeseen kehittyvät ennen kaikkea kokeellisen yrittäjyyden kautta. Tällä hetkellä tilanne uhkaa kuitenkin johtaa prekariaatin ja köyhälistön kasvamiseen. Siksi olisi luotava uudenlainen koulutus- ja tulonjakojärjestelmä. Perustulon toteuttaminen on avainasia.
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