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Jukka Peltokoski

Winning Power, Not Just Government | Jacobin - 0 views

    Keskusta vai kamppailu? Jutun mukaan vain kamppailujen rakentaminen on kestävä vasemmistostrategia. Ilman sitä pelkkä hallitusvaikuttaminen kompastuu kompromisseihinsa.
Jukka Peltokoski

5 Group Decision Making Resources from Loomio | P2P Foundation - 0 views

    Opas Loomion käyttöön osuuskuntien ja muiden ryhmien päätöksenteossa.
Jukka Peltokoski

Joseph Stiglitz proposes co-op models as an alternative to trickle-down economics - Co-... - 0 views

  • A changing political landscape and economic challenges mean we are witnessing “interesting” but “unsettling” times, warned economist Joseph Stiglitz at the International Summit of Cooperatives in Quebec.
  • He said that alongside changes in the political landscape, such as Brexit and the upcoming elections in the USA, the world faced economic issues which are beyond the control of individuals and even national governments.
  • “Co-ops and the social economy provide a key third pillar.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • the salaries of chief executives rising by more than 300 times than that of the average US worker
  • USA
  • ichest 1% (not including capital gains) equals that of the bottom 90%
  • “Citizens know that the establishment has either lied to them or been totally incompetent. They feel that the economic system is rigged. They have lost trust in government and in the fairness of the political and economic system.”
  • I believe we can construct a world where the economy performs better for all, based on solidarity”.
  • “Some governments cut down on social security to grow GDP,” he said, “but the really important aspect is well-being. People actually feel better when they co-operate rather than being selfish.”
  • “There is going to be volatility, and co-ops are better able to manage risks than the private sector,”
  • Asked how much co-operatives could achieve while surviving in competitive markets, Prof Stiglitz warned that they “cannot ignore the laws of the economy”.
  • government regulation
  • t isn’t just the issue of government vs private sector.”
    Stiglitzillä on jutussa hetkensä, mutta yleisanalyysi jää nahjuiseksi. Tulee vaikutelma, että uuden talouden tavoittelu edellyttäisi "korkeampaa moraalia". Voihan olla, että tämä on vain Coop Newsin toimittajan osaamattomuutta ja moralismia, mutta lisäksi tuo moraali tuntuisi olevan paljolti työmoraalia. Sosialismin aave jää iloisen kommunistin aaveen varjoon. "Mutta emmehän me halua lisätyötä, vaan vapautta. Eikä solidaarisuus ole meille taakka. Me luomme kulttuuria ja teknologiaa elämälle."
Jukka Peltokoski

De Meent | The Dutch Commons Assembly | P2P Foundation - 0 views

    Hyvä kommonerin määritelmä, mutta aika sanakeskeinen. Jos yhteinen on tekemistä, niin pitäisi olla yhteistekemistä. Hyvä toki että päätöksenteko otetaan heti tavoitteeksi.
Jukka Peltokoski

The People's Disruption: Platform Co-ops for Global Challenges : Platform Cooperativism - 0 views

  • Experiments with cooperatively owned online platforms are demonstrating that democratic business models can be a dynamic force in building a more equitable economy for people across various income, race and class strata, starting with the most vulnerable populations.
  • Since the first platform cooperativism event at The New School two years ago, an ecosystem of people, knowledge, and tools has developed around this model.
  • To think and act our way out of the current crisis, we need to understand the roots of these extractive business models. With such insight, we will be able to build alternatives that best meet the needs of workers, consumers, and citizens.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Managerial pay has increased prodigiously; income inequality has sharpened, affecting women and marginalized communities most acutely, and trillion of dollars of individual wealth have been tucked away in tax havens. Beyond that, there has been a general shift away from direct employment, leaving more and more workers vulnerable to stalled worker rights, as well as declining wages and benefits.
  • the Web has not made good on its cyber-utopian promises of democracy or social well-being; the rise of the digital commons and practices of peer production, while profoundly important, has not succeeded in generating business models that can deliver livelihoods for practitioners.
  • highly concentrated ownership of robots seems the likely outcome
  • financing and legal support
  • Platform co-ops have emerged in areas like child care, art, journalism, transportation, social media, and food.
  • it is time to determine in which sector this business model works best
  • public policy
  • centralization of data and platforms ownership
  • The fairer digital economy we need is already emerging everywhere around us.
    Vuoden 2017 alustaosuuskuntakonferenssi tulee.
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