"Why Jesus Came and Walked the Earth" - Bible Gateway - 0 views
John 3:16-17
Gary Patton on 18 Dec 12In John 3:16-17, God, The Heavenly Father shares in a nutshell His "Gospel". Gospel is the English translation of the Greek meaning "Good News". The Good News is that about Jesus' gift to every person on earth and His coming to live in His Followers in the person of God the Holy Spirit! Jesus is the English translation used for God the Son's original Hebrew name, Yeshua. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2011-09-08)
only begotten Son
He (B)gave His [a](C)only begotten Son
The King James Version (KJV), the New American Standard Bible (NASB) and other modern translations of the Christian Bible use the older English word "begotten" in this verse. Begotten, the progressive tense of the verb "begat" would be better translated in all Bible versions as "one and only". Begotten in the context of this verse does NOT mean procreation by sexual intercourse as it does when referring to humans and animals. The latter is what the Islamic Qur'an argues in Surah 23:89-91. Because of the Islamic teaching about the meaning of begat, I like "The Message (MSG)" paraphrase of the Greek for "one and only" at http://diigo.com/0n225 . There the writer uses "one of a kind". I feel that "one of a kind" in lieu of "one and only" is a more modern and still accurate expression. It also is clearer in confirming the "oneness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit", the plurality within the Oneness of God. This is what Christians call "The Trinity of God" although that expression is not used in the Bible. God, obviously, does not have sex with humans. And no Christian believes that He does. A so-called, Christian contemporary of the Muslim Prophet, Muhammad, may have improperly explained the Gospel ("Good News") of Yeshua /Jesus to him. History documents that some of those calling themselves Christians in Arabia in the 7th Century were NOT truly Followers of Jesus. They had a poor understanding of the Christian Scriptures as nominal believers ...like some so-called Muslims, then and now. The cult to which some of these belonged and with whom Muhammad may have had contact or received reports about also believed that Jesus had sex with Mary, a Follower of His. These nominal Christians were really pagans with an incomplete understanding of what followership of Jesus entailed. If Muhammad had not received this misinformation about what Christians believed, He would not have recorded Qur'an 5:116, 6:101, 19:35, 19:88-91, 23:88-89 nor similar passages that deny Jesus
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"Why Jesus Came and Walked the Earth" In John 3:16-17, God, The Heavenly Father shares in a nutshell His "Gospel". Gospel is the English translation of the Greek meaning "Good News". The Good News is that about Jesus' gift to every person on earth and His coming to live in His Followers in the person of God the Holy Spirit! Jesus is the English translation used for God the Son's original Hebrew name, Yeshua. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2011-09-08 & 2012-05-12 2012-10-08)