Contents contributed and discussions participated by Philippe Scheimann
Hidden Tools on YouTube - Katherine Boehret - The Digital Solution - AllThingsD - 67 views
Startup Weekend and Grockit Partner to Launch Education-Focused Startup Weekends | Star... - 6 views
dedicated education (EDU) vertical within Startup Weekend. Startup Weekend EDU is designed to attract and assist entrepreneurs working to bring new solutions to education.
How to Focus Mind Map - 50 views
Helping Children Become More Mindful | Tufts Now - 23 views
Another mindfulness exercise is to ask a child to listen carefully for about a minute and then name five sounds he heard while being quiet.
Facebook's New Privacy And Sharing Defenses Are Quite Nice - 24 views
Google+: 10 things it does better - - 42 views
Perhaps the greatest selling point of Google+ is the most obvious, however: It's new. The opportunity to start afresh with an up-to-date list of friends, no spam, no ads and an uncluttered interface is a novel experience for those of us who have spent years maintaining profiles on other websites.
Why Are Finland's Schools Successful? | People & Places | Smithsonian Magazine - 26 views
“Children from wealthy families with lots of education can be taught by stupid teachers,” Louhivuori said, smiling. “We try to catch the weak students. It’s deep in our thinking.”
“We prepare children to learn how to learn, not how to take a test,”
“Play is important at this age,” Rintola would later say. “We value play.”
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Life Narratives in Social Media | DMLcentral - 8 views
In a parallel of a market economy, we find ourselves in an attention economy, tailoring our digital stories to maximize the numbers of friends, followers or replies, deploying our digital narratives in competition with other users for a share of the audience’s limited attention. Rather than engage in conversations, we can find ourselves attempting to cultivate audiences.
As educators, we know that we need to help young people understand how their digital stories might be interpreted and appropriated, and support them to maintain their privacy. But can we also find ways to help them tell their stories in ways that are not just about presenting idealized versions of themselves to a corporate world, but allow them to critique these narratives and gain agency over their own stories?
HTML Color Picker - 25 views
Giving peace a fighting chance - 17 views
10 Simple Postures That Boost Performance - PsyBlog - 43 views
Psychological research suggests simple actions can project power, persuade others, increase empathy, boost cognitive performance and more...
Pose for power
Powerful poses take up more space, so spread your body and open up the arms or legs. When you dominate the space, your mind gets the message.
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Family Echo - Free Online Family Tree Maker - 27 views
Six Reasons Why I'm Not On Facebook, By Wired UK's Editor | Epicenter | Wired... - 33 views
Private companies aren’t motivated by your best interests
They make it harder to reinvent yourself
Information you supply for one purpose will invariably be used for another …
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VisualBee offers a free PowerPoint plugin (add-in). Design professional presentations a... - 31 views
isualBee enhances your plain presentation in PowerPoint automatically, creating an exciting and powerful showcase. It's the graphic design PowerPoint plugin you need. Learn how VisualBee can help you right now.
The Twitter Experiment at UT Dallas - 10 views
Some general comments on the “Twitter Experiment”
I used twitter in the basic U.S. History II survey course at U.T. Dallas in the spring 2009 semester.
Scientific Curiosity Captured in Photos - 38 views
Scientific Curiosity Captured in Photos
What's your natural thinking pattern? - 43 views
Summary: Which of the 6 natural patterns of human intelligence do you use?
iA » Cosmic 140-Art for Geeks - Web trend Map - 22 views
Here it is, our next Web Trend Map. No Metro lines, no URLS. This time, it’s 140 most influential Twitter users, their #name #handle #category #influence #activity, when they first started and what they first said.
Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine - 16 views
Dozens of studies by psychologists, neurobiologists, and educators point to the same conclusion: When we go online, we enter an environment that promotes cursory reading, hurried and distracted thinking, and superficial learning. Even as the Internet grants us easy access to vast amounts of information, it is turning us into shallower thinkers, literally changing the structure of our brain.
What we’re experiencing is, in a metaphorical sense, a reversal of the early trajectory of civilization: We are evolving from cultivators of personal knowledge into hunters and gatherers in the electronic data forest. In the process, we seem fated to sacrifice much of what makes our minds so interesting.