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Ashford-University ECE 332 Homework and Assignment Help - 1 views

Get help for Ashford-University ECE 332 Homework and Assignment Help. We provide assignment, homework, discussions and case studies help for all subjects Ashford-University for Session 2017-2018. ...

Early Childhood Education Assignment Help Early Childhood Education Homework Help Early Childhood Education Study Help Early Childhood Education Tutors Help Early Childhood Education Course Help

started by justquestionans on 27 Jun 18 no follow-up yet
Tero Toivanen

Music and the Brain - 0 views

  • A little known fact about Einstein is that when he was young he did extremely poor in school. His grade school teachers told his parents to take him out of school because he was "too stupid to learn" and it would be a waste of resources for the school to invest time and energy in his education. The school suggested that his parents get Albert an easy, manual labor job as soon as they could.
  • Instead of following the school's advice, Albert's parents bought him a violin. Albert became good at the violin. Music was the key that helped Albert Einstein become one of the smartest men who has ever lived. Einstein himself says that the reason he was so smart is because he played the violin. He loved the music of Mozart and Bach the most. A friend of Einstein, G.J. Withrow, said that the way Einstein figured out his problems and equations was by improvising on the violin.
  • Another example of how rhythm orders movement is an autistic boy who could not tie his shoes. He learned how on the second try when the task of tying his shoes was put to a song. The rhythm helped organize his physical movements in time.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Classical music from the baroque period causes the heart beat and pulse rate to relax to the beat of the music. As the body becomes relaxed and alert, the mind is able to concentrate more easily. Furthermore, baroque music decreases blood pressure and enhances the ability to learn. Music affects the amplitude and frequency of brain waves, which can be measured by an electro-encephalogram. Music also affects breathing rate and electrical resistance of the skin. It has been observed to cause the pupils to dilate, increase blood pressure, and increase the heart rate.
  • Mozart's music and baroque music, with a 60 beats per minute beat pattern, activate the left and right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action maximizes learning and retention of information. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music activates the right brain. Also, activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument or singing, causes the brain to be more capable of processing information.
  • According to The Center for New Discoveries in Learning, learning potential can be increased a minimum of five times by using this 60 beats per minute music.
  • Dr. Lozanov's system involved using certain classical music pieces from the baroque period which have around a 60 beats per minute pattern. He has proven that foreign languages can be learned with 85-100% efficiency in only thirty days by using these baroque pieces. His students had a recall accuracy rate of almost 100% even after not reviewing the material for four years.
  • Group 1 was read the words with Handel's Water Music in the background. They were also asked to imagine the words. Group 2 was read the same words also with Handel's Water Music in the background. Group 2 was not asked to imagine the words. Group 3 was only read the words, was not given any background music, and was also not asked to imagine the words. The results from the first two tests showed that groups 1 and 2 had much better scores than group 3. The results from the third test, a week later, showed that group 1 performed much better than groups 2 or 3.
  • One simple way students can improve test scores is by listening to certain types of music such as Mozart's Sonata for Two Piano's in D Major before taking a test. This type of music releases neurons in the brain which help the body to relax.
  • William Balach, Kelly Bowman, and Lauri Mohler, all from Pennsylvania State University, studied the effects of music genre and tempo on memory retention. They had four groups learn vocabulary words using one of four instrumental pieces - slow classical, slow jazz, fast classical, and fast jazz.
  • Surprisingly, the results showed that changing the genre had no effect on recall but changing the tempo decreased recall.
  • One key ingredient to the order of music from the baroque and classical periods is math. This is realized by the body and the human mind performs better when listening to this ordered music.
  • George recognized that Saul overcame his problems by using special music. With this story in mind King George asked George Frederick Handel to write some special music for him that would help him in the same way that music helped Saul. Handel wrote his Water Music for this purpose.
  • Dr. Ballam goes on to say that, "The human mind shuts down after three or four repetitions of a rhythm, or a melody, or a harmonic progression."
  • Bob Larson, a Christian minister and former rock musician, remembers that in the 70's teens would bring raw eggs to a rock concert and put them on the front of the stage. The eggs would be hard boiled by the music before the end of the concert and could be eaten. Dr. Earl W. Flosdorf and Dr. Leslie A. Chambers showed that proteins in a liquid medium were coagulated when subjected to piercing high-pitched sounds
  • Rock music was played in one of the boxes while Bach's music was played in the other box. The rats could choose to switch boxes through a tunnel that connected both boxes. Almost all of the rats chose to go into the box with the Bach music even after the type of music was switched from one box to the other.
  • She found that the plants grew well for almost every type of music except rock and acid rock. Jazz, classical, and Ravi Shankar turned out to be the most helpful to the plants. However, the plants tested with the rock music withered and died. The acid rock music also had negative effects on the plant growth.
  • One cannot deny the power of music. High school students who study music have higher grade point averages that those who don't. These students also develop faster physically. Student listening skills are also improved through music education. The top three schools in America all place a great emphasis on music and the arts. Hungary, Japan, and the Netherlands, the top three academic countries in the world, all place a great emphasis on music education and participation in music. The top engineers from Silicon Valley are all musicians. Napoleon understood the enormous power of music. He summed it up by saying, "Give me control over he who shapes the music of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws" .
    Mozart's music and baroque music, with a 60 beats per minute beat pattern, activate the left and right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action maximizes learning and retention of information. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music activates the right brain. Also, activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument or singing, causes the brain to be more capable of processing information.
J Black

ed4wb » Blog Archive » The New Bottom-up Authority - 0 views

  • It appears that most teachers today underestimate the amount of learning that is happening among youth outside of schools.  Since this informal learning sometimes dubbed “hanging out”, “messing around” or “geeking out”  happens outside of the classroom and doesn’t look like traditional learning, it’s easy for educators to miss. The quality and quantity of learning, the process by which it occurs, and the way authority is established in these informal environments, should be something that teachers become familiar with. Will Richardson, who writes extensively on these matters, believes that, “One of the biggest challenges educators face right now is figuring out how to help students create, navigate, and grow the powerful, individualized networks of learning that bloom on the Web and helping them do this effectively, ethically, and safely.” (see article)
  • It appears that most teachers today underestimate the amount of learning that is happening among youth outside of schools.  Since this informal learning sometimes dubbed “hanging out”, “messing around” or “geeking out”  happens outside of the classroom and doesn’t look like traditional learning, it’s easy for educators to miss. The quality and quantity of learning, the process by which it occurs, and the way authority is established in these informal environments, should be something that teachers become familiar with. Will Richardson, who writes extensively on these matters, believes that, “One of the biggest challenges educators face right now is figuring out how to help students create, navigate, and grow the powerful, individualized networks of learning that bloom on the Web and helping them do this effectively, ethically, and safely.” (see article)
  • It appears that most teachers today underestimate the amount of learning that is happening among youth outside of schools.  Since this informal learning sometimes dubbed “hanging out”, “messing around” or “geeking out”  happens outside of the classroom and doesn’t look like traditional learning, it’s easy for educators to miss. The quality and quantity of learning, the process by which it occurs, and the way authority is established in these informal environments, should be something that teachers become familiar with. Will Richardson, who writes extensively on these matters, believes that, “One of the biggest challenges educators face right now is figuring out how to help students create, navigate, and grow the powerful, individualized networks of learning that bloom on the Web and helping them do this effectively, ethically, and safely.” (see article)
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  • Schools, in general, are not taking advantage of the power of peer-based learning or the benefits of a more decentralized type of expertise which lies outside of its ivory walls.
  • The same study later describes a writer’s heightened sense of authenticity that comes from peer feedback as opposed to school evaluations: “It’s something I can do in my spare time, be creative and write and not have to be graded,” because, “you know how in school you’re creative, but you’re doing it for a grade so it doesn’t really count?”
    The top-down, authoritarian model found in most classrooms today looks very different from the model many students experience when they learn online. The classroom's hierarchical approach, with the sage on the stage, requires, (and, ultimately demands) passivity and deference on the part of the learner. Informal, interest-driven networked learning, with its access to large stores of information and variety of opinion, on the other hand, takes a much different view of authority. It's usually peer based, largely democratic, meritocratic, often creates dissonance due to variety and demands evaluation. Knowing what we do about active learning, one would seem clearly superior to the other.
Ruth Howard

Students as 'Free Agent Learners' : April 2009 : THE Journal - 0 views

  • 51 percent of teachers are interested in learning how to integrate gaming into daily learning activities;
  • Sixty-five percent said it appeals to different learning styles; another 65 percent said it increases student engagement. Others said it allows for student-centered learning (47 percent), helps develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills (40 percent), helps develop creativity (39 percent), allows students to gain experience through trial and error (37 percent), and helps students visualize difficult concepts (35 percent).
  • Of those who have some interest in gaming, responses were varied as to its value in education. Sixty-five percent said it appeals to different learning styles; another 65 percent said it increases student engagement. Others said it allows for student-centered learning (47 percent), helps develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills (40 percent), helps develop creativity (39 percent), allows students to gain experience through trial and error (37 percent), and helps students visualize difficult concepts (35 percent).
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  • Of those who have some interest in gaming, responses were varied as to its value in education. Sixty-five percent said it appeals to different learning styles; another 65 percent said it increases student engagement. Others said it allows for student-centered learning (47 percent), helps develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills (40 percent), helps develop creativity (39 percent), allows students to gain experience through trial and error (37 percent), and helps students visualize difficult concepts (35 percent).
    Students want more control over their own learning experiences through technology and want to define their own educational destinies and determine the direction of their learning. "This free agent learner is one that is technology-enabled, technology-empowered, and technology-engaged to be ... an important part of driving their own educational destiny. To some extent they feel ... it's a responsibility. They also feel it's a right to be able to do that. So technology has enabled this free agent learner. We have the opportunity in education to make sure they're on the right track and to be supportive of their learning experiences." Ive been waiting for this! This is exciting it points to the idea that students will co-create their curriculum. In my mind it will become imperitive that individuals choose their highest bliss-subjects and projects that reflect their passions. In the new collaborative work environments students will be more highly valued for their contributions to areas that they are most naturally motivated to explore. Their resulting contributions will result in inventiveness and cutting edge investigations via passion, self motivation and peer inspiration and direct access to thought leaders/mentors in the field. Teachers might become guides to ensuring students intentions are achieved- teachers as arbiters of human potential. Students will no longer be compared to each other. They will score according to their own self affirmed destinations-allowing of course for reviews and changes of destiny.Teachers might also need roles in law and ethics to ensure students are safe in their online world activities, monitoring students and their online peers, intercepting or prompting inside the conversations?
    Of those who have some interest in gaming, responses were varied as to its value in education. Sixty-five percent said it appeals to different learning styles; another 65 percent said it increases student engagement. Others said it allows for student-centered learning (47 percent), helps develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills (40 percent), helps develop creativity (39 percent), allows students to gain experience through trial and error (37 percent), and helps students visualize difficult concepts (35 percent). But perhaps the most significant trend in education technology, Evans said, is the emergence of the student as a "free agent learner": Students want more control over their own learning experiences through technology and want to define their own educational destinies and determine the direction of their learning. "This free agent learner is one that is technology-enabled, technology-empowered, and technology-engaged to be ... an important part of driving their own educational destiny. To some extent they feel ... it's a responsibility. They also feel it's a right to be able to do that. So technology has enabled this free agent learner. We have the opportunity in education to make sure they're on the right track and to be supportive of their learning experiences."

The Ummed School - Best School in Jodhpur - 0 views

    Our holistic learning approach continues in different forms, so, today lemonade making activity organized in The Ummed School in which students learned how 2-3 substances are mixed and a totally new substance is formed. This type of practical learning approach helps a lot in developing creativity and forming a thought process. Lemonade is the drink of choice for countless people-and now you can use it to teach your little ones the scientific method! This fun science activity for kids allows children to make their own lemonade while following directions, making a hypothesis, and collecting data through observation. Activity Instructions Cut a lemon into four pieces and throw away all of the seeds. Put a piece of lemon in a Ziploc bag, one for each child and one for yourself. Help your children measure and add a half a cup of water and a teaspoon of sugar to their bags. When all of the ingredients are added, zip the bags. Help your child squeeze the lemon into the bag and shake it up to mix the contents. As you are shaking it ask your kids to predict what will happen to the ingredients. Have them talk about the changes they are seeing within the bag and how they think the lemonade will taste. After 30 seconds, stop mixing and add a couple of ice cubes to each bag. Hand your little ones a straw and enjoy! The outcome of Activity This fun science activity for kids will teach your little ones how to follow the scientific method. They will listen to your instructions, predict the outcome of the activity, and make observations throughout. Additionally, they will create a delicious drink that they can enjoy!
Dennis OConnor

News: The Evidence on Online Education - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • WASHINGTON -- Online learning has definite advantages over face-to-face instruction when it comes to teaching and learning, according to a new meta-analysis released Friday by the U.S. Department of Education.The study found that students who took all or part of their instruction online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through face-to-face instruction. Further, those who took "blended" courses -- those that combine elements of online learning and face-to-face instruction -- appeared to do best of all. That finding could be significant as many colleges report that blended instruction is among the fastest-growing types of enrollment.
  • the positive results appeared consistent (and statistically significant) for all types of higher education, undergraduate and graduate, across a range of disciplines, the study said.
  • On the topic of online learning, there is a steady stream of studies, but many of them focus on limited issues or lack control groups. The Education Department report said that it had identified more than 1,000 empirical studies of online learning that were published from 1996 through July 2008. For its conclusions, however, the Education Department considered only a small number (51) of independent studies that met strict criteria. They had to contrast an online teaching experience to a face-to-face situation, measure student learning outcomes, use a "rigorous research design," and provide adequate information to calculate the differences.
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  • Using technology to give students "control of their interactions" has a positive effect on student learning, however. "Studies indicate that manipulations that trigger learner activity or learner reflection and self-monitoring of understanding are effective when students pursue online learning as individuals," the report says.
  • n noting caveats about the findings, the study returns to the issue of time."Despite what appears to be strong support for online learning applications, the studies in this meta-analysis do not demonstrate that online learning is superior as a medium," the report says. "In many of the studies showing an advantage for online learning, the online and classroom conditions differed in terms of time spent, curriculum and pedagogy. It was the combination of elements in the treatment conditions (which was likely to have included additional learning time and materials as well as additional opportunities for collaboration) that produced the observed learning advantages. At the same time, one should note that online learning is much more conducive to the expansion of learning time than is face-to-face instruction."
  • " What the study demonstrates, she said, is that colleges need to think broadly about using online education, and not be "artificially limited" to face-to-face instruction.
  • Successful education has always been about engaging students whether it is in an online environment, face to face or in a blended setting. And fundamental to that is having faculty who are fully supported and engaged in that process as well."
    Timely information for our group! The learning time issue in particular is an important finding that points to a cost effective way to increase student learning time without tackling the issue of a longer school day head on. We know that more time on meaningful tasks is crucial, but the physical cost of attending a bricks and mortar classrooms is prohibitive.
Fatima Anwar

The Integrated Learning Platform: Cardiff Univeristy - Cardiff is everything a good uni... - 0 views

    Cardiff University is recognized in independent government tests as one of The British leading educating and analysis colleges. Established by Royal Charter in 1883, the University today brings together impressive modern facilities and a powerful approach to educating and analysis with its proud culture of service and accomplishment. Cardiff University is the biggest University of mature education and learning in Wales, with the Cardiff Center for Long term Studying offering several hundred programs in locations across Southern Eastern Wales. The University's lifelong learning actions also include the professional growth work performed by educational institutions for companies, and many of these is custom-made to match an individual business's needs. The Center also provides business terminology training at all levels. Founded: 1883. Structural features: Merged with University of Wales College of Medicine (UCWM) in 2004. Location: Close to Cardiff city center. Healthcare care learners also at hospital website, Heath Recreation area University, 1 mile away. Getting there: Cardiff Primary Place on the national train network; trainers to bus station (next to train station); M4 from London and M5 (west county and Midlands). For school, frequent teaches from Primary Place to Cathays station (on campus), regional vehicles from bus station (53, 79, 81 for main campus; 8 or 9 for hospital site). Academic features: 4-year incorporated food techniques, 5-year two-tier techniques in structure and town planning. 5-year medical and dental programs, plus foundation season for those without science backgrounds; medical teaching throughout Wales. Awarding body: Cardiff University; Wales University for some healthcare programs. Main undergrad awards: BA, BD, BDS, BMus, BN, BSc, BEng, BScEcon, LLB, BArch, MB BCh, MPhys, MChem, MEng, MPharm. Length of courses: 3 years; others 4 and 5 decades. Library & IT facilities: Integrated collection,
Ian Woods

AJET 26(3) Drexler (2010) - The networked student model for construction of personal le... - 17 views

    • jordi guim
      Muy interesante sobre PLE / PLN
  • Table 2: Personal learning environment toolset Web application (networked student component) Tool used in test case Student activity level of structure Social bookmarking (RSS) Delicious Set up the account Subscribe to each others accounts Bookmark and read 10 reliable websites that reflect the content of chosen topic Add and read at least 3 additional sites each week. News and blog alert (RSS) Google Alert Create a Google Alert of keywords associated with selected topic Read news and blogs on that topic that are delivered via email daily Subscribe to appropriate blogs in reader News and blog reader (RSS) Google Reader Search for blogs devoted to chosen topic Subscribe to blogs to keep track of updates Personal blog (RSS) Blogger Create a personal blog Post a personal reflection each day of the content found and experiences related to the use of personal learning environment Students subscribe to each others blogs in reader Internet search (information management, contacts, and synchronous communication) Google Scholar Conduct searches in Google Scholar and library databases for scholarly works. Bookmark appropriate sites Consider making contact with expert for video conference Podcasts (RSS) iTunesU whatson/itunesu.html Search iTunesU for podcasts related to topic Subscribe to at least 2 podcasts if possible Video conferencing (contacts and synchronous communication) Skype Identify at least one subject matter expert to invite to Skype with the class. Content gathering/ digital notebook Evernote Set up account Use Evernote to take notes on all content collected via other tools Content synthesis Wikispaces Post final project on personal page of class wiki The process and tools are overwhelming to students if presented all at once. As with any instructional design, the teacher determines the pace at which the students best assimilate each new learning tool. For this particular project, a new tool was introduced each day over two weeks. Once the construction process was complete, there were a number of personal web page aggregators that could have been selected to bring everything together in one place. Options at the time included iGoogle, PageFlakes, NetVibes, and Symbaloo. These sites offer a means to compile or pull together content from a variety of web applications. A web widget or gadget is a bit of code that is executed within the personal web page to pull up external content from other sites. The students in this case designed the personal web page using the gadgets needed in the format that best met their learning goals. Figure 3 is an instructor example of a personal webpage that includes the reader, email, personal blog, note taking program, and social bookmarks on one page.
  • The personal learning environment can take the place of a traditional textbook, though does not preclude the student from using a textbook or accessing one or more numerous open source texts that may be available for the research topic. The goal is to access content from many sources to effectively meet the learning objectives. The next challenge is to determine whether those objectives have been met.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • AssessmentThere were four components of the assessment process for this test case of the Networked Student Model: (1) Ongoing performance assessment in the form of weekly assignments to facilitate the construction and maintenance of the personal learning environment, (2) rubric-based assessment of the personal learning environment at the end of the project, (3) written essay, and (4) multimedia synthesis of topic content. Points were earned for meeting the following requirements: Identify ten reliable resources and post to social bookmarking account. At least three new resources should be added each week. Subscribe and respond to at least 3 new blogs each week. Follow these blogs and news alerts using the reader. Subscribe to and listen to at least two podcasts (if available). Respectfully contact and request a video conference from a subject matter expert recognised in the field. Maintain daily notes and highlight resources as needed in digital notebook. Post at least a one-paragraph reflection in personal blog each day. At the end of the project, the personal learning environment was assessed with a rubric that encompassed each of the items listed above. The student's ability to synthesise the research was further evaluated with a reflective essay. Writing shapes thinking (Langer & Applebee, 1987), and the essay requirement was one more avenue through which the students demonstrated higher order learning. The personal blog provided an opportunity for regular reflection during the course of the project. The essay was the culmination of the reflections along with a thoughtful synthesis of the learning experience. Students were instructed to articulate what was learned about the selected topic and why others should care or be concerned. The essay provided an overview of everything learned about the contemporary issue. It was well organised, detailed, and long enough to serve as a resource for others who wished to learn from the work. As part of a final exam, the students were required to access the final projects of their classmates and reflect on what they learned from this exposure. The purpose of this activity was to give the students an additional opportunity to share and learn from each other. Creativity is considered a key 21st century skill (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2009). A number of emerging web applications support the academic creative process. Students in this project used web tools to combine text, video, audio, and photographs to teach the research topics to others. The final multimedia project was posted or embedded on the student's personal wiki page. Analysis and assessment of student work was facilitated by the very technologies in use by the students. In order to follow their progress, the teacher simply subscribed to student social bookmarking accounts, readers, and blogs. Clicking through daily contributions was relatively quick and efficient.

gfhgfgfg - 0 views


learning tools

started by shahbazahmeed on 15 Apr 21 no follow-up yet

Buy Old Gmail Accounts - 100% real and verified accounts - 0 views

    How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts? How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts You can buy aged Gmail accounts at reasonable prices. We have a wide range of 2 years old Gmail accounts available for sale, which are ready to use and can be activated within minutes. You will have full access to all your emails, calendar events and contacts when you purchase our service. The best part is that we offer free shipping in all countries worldwide so there is no need for you or your recipient to pay any extra charges if they live outside of Europe! Buy Old Gmail Accounts With Us Today! Why Should You Buy Old Gmail Accounts? Why should you buy old Gmail accounts? Old Gmail accounts are very beneficial because they allow you to access your mail, contacts and calendars in an easy way. When it comes to other Google services such as Hangouts or Drive, these apps can be accessed through the web browser so that they do not require any third party application (e.g., Chrome). The main advantage of using an old Gmail account is that there's no need for installing anything on your smartphone or computer; all that needs to be done is login into the website where you'll find all of your personal information stored securely within one place! How to Buy old Gmail accounts How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts You can buy old Gmail accounts from a reliable source, such as the original owner of your email address. This is typically a good idea if you want to keep your information private and secure. However, it may also come with a cost: You will have to pay an additional fee for each account that you purchase. You'll need an account number (it's usually something like "123456789 abrade") so that the seller can verify that it's yours before sending out payment instructions. Buying old gmail accounts can be very beneficial. Benefits of buying old gmail accounts: Old Gmail accounts are more effective than new ones because they are more likely to be used by the people who bought them. This means that you
    How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts? How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts You can buy aged Gmail accounts at reasonable prices. We have a wide range of 2 years old Gmail accounts available for sale, which are ready to use and can be activated within minutes. You will have full access to all your emails, calendar events and contacts when you purchase our service. The best part is that we offer free shipping in all countries worldwide so there is no need for you or your recipient to pay any extra charges if they live outside of Europe! Buy Old Gmail Accounts With Us Today! Why Should You Buy Old Gmail Accounts? Why should you buy old Gmail accounts? Old Gmail accounts are very beneficial because they allow you to access your mail, contacts and calendars in an easy way. When it comes to other Google services such as Hangouts or Drive, these apps can be accessed through the web browser so that they do not require any third party application (e.g., Chrome). The main advantage of using an old Gmail account is that there's no need for installing anything on your smartphone or computer; all that needs to be done is login into the website where you'll find all of your personal information stored securely within one place! How to Buy old Gmail accounts How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts You can buy old Gmail accounts from a reliable source, such as the original owner of your email address. This is typically a good idea if you want to keep your information private and secure. However, it may also come with a cost: You will have to pay an additional fee for each account that you purchase. You'll need an account number (it's usually something like "123456789 abrade") so that the seller can verify that it's yours before sending out payment instructions. Buying old gmail accounts can be very beneficial. Benefits of buying old gmail accounts: Old Gmail accounts are more effective than new ones because they are more likely to be used by the people who bought them. This means that you
    Buy Old Gmail Accounts Introduction There are several reasons why you should buy old Gmail accounts. You can do so when you want to start a new email address or if your current one needs an update. This article will tell you more about this topic as well as how to buy old gmail accounts without having any hassle in the process. How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts? How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts You can buy aged Gmail accounts at reasonable prices. We have a wide range of 2 years old Gmail accounts available for sale, which are ready to use and can be activated within minutes. You will have full access to all your emails, calendar events and contacts when you purchase our service. The best part is that we offer free shipping in all countries worldwide so there is no need for you or your recipient to pay any extra charges if they live outside of Europe! Buy Old Gmail Accounts With Us Today! Why Should You Buy Old Gmail Accounts? Why should you buy old Gmail accounts? Old Gmail accounts are very beneficial because they allow you to access your mail, contacts and calendars in an easy way. When it comes to other Google services such as Hangouts or Drive, these apps can be accessed through the web browser so that they do not require any third party application (e.g., Chrome). The main advantage of using an old Gmail account is that there's no need for installing anything on your smartphone or computer; all that needs to be done is login into the website where you'll find all of your personal information stored securely within one place! How to Buy old Gmail accounts How to Buy Old Gmail Accounts You can buy old Gmail accounts from a reliable source, such as the original owner of your email address. This is typically a good idea if you want to keep your information private and secure. However, it may also come with a cost: You will have to pay an additional fee for each account that you purchase. You'll need an account number (it's usually something like "123456789 a
David McGavock

CITE Journal - Editorial - 21 views

  • A classroom that has successfully integrated technology into the curriculum would be one where you would not really notice it because it would be so second nature. The teacher would not have to think up ways to use whatever tools were available, but would seamlessly use them to enhance the learning of whatever content was being covered. Technology [would be] used to assist in acquiring content knowledge, and the acquisition of technology skills [would be] secondary. Contrast this depiction with what the International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S; ISTE, 2002) say about technology integration: Curriculum integration with the use of technology involves the infusion of technology as a tool to enhance the learning in a content area or multidisciplinary setting….Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions—as accessible as all other classroom tools.
  • his urging to shift the focus from the learning tools to what is being learned and how that learning happens still needs to be heeded—almost 20 years later.
  • Integration is defined not by the amount or type of technology used, but by how and why it is used.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • many of these technology-specific studies did not explore more fundamental issues in technology and education
  • what needs to be further developed, examined, and shared
  • particular curriculum standards-based instructional strategies that are appropriately matched to students’ learning needs and preferences
  • understanding the processes and interim results of how and why specific tools can and should be appropriated
  • help students with distinct needs and preferences to achieve identified learning goals.
  • the STaR Chart
  • According to the national StaR Chart, then, technology use in what is typically described as “constructivist” learning is preferable to technology used to “reinforce basic academic skills.”
  • Constructivists view people as constructive agents and view the phenomenon of interest (meaning or knowledge) as built instead of passively “received”
  • curriculum-based integration of educational technologies – defined in Education and Technology: An Encyclopedia (Kovalchick & Dawson, 2004) as “the effective integration of technology throughout the curriculum to help students meet the standards and outcomes of each lesson, unit, or activity”
  • As discerning educators and researchers, we should question why teachers’ roles “must” change to integrate technology effectively into K-12 curricula.
  • the technologies themselves do not require this shift
  • Though teachers in the nationally representative sample they studied acknowledged that computers helped them to change instructional practice over time, they cited experience, organized professional learning, and school culture as the primary factors provoking instructional changes.
  • In districts in which teachers’ academic freedom is preserved—at least in part—aren’t the pedagogical approaches to be used the result of decisions that each teacher makes, preferably rooted in a well-informed knowledge base of both students’ learning needs and preferences and corresponding methodological alternatives?
  • Can it really be assumed that a particular approach “works best” in all teaching, learning, school, district, and community contexts?
  • perhaps a new approach is warranted at this point in time—one that genuinely respects pedagogical plurality and honors teachers’ academic freedom.
    A classroom that has successfully integrated technology into the curriculum would be one where you would not really notice it because it would be so second nature. The teacher would not have to think up ways to use whatever tools were available, but would seamlessly use them to enhance the learning of whatever content was being covered. Technology [would be] used to assist in acquiring content knowledge, and the acquisition of technology skills [would be] secondary. Contrast this depiction with what the International Society for Technology in Education's (ISTE) National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S; ISTE, 2002) say about technology integration: Curriculum integration with the use of technology involves the infusion of technology as a tool to enhance the learning in a content area or multidisciplinary setting….Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions-as accessible as all other classroom tools.
Cassie Banka

Vocabulix - Learn Spanish, German, and English - 0 views

    Vocabulix provides numerous free tools for learning Spanish, German, or English. On Vocabulix can be used to create quizzes or take quizzes online. Vocabulix provides dozens of drills and activities designed to help students learn Spanish, German, or English. The verb conjugation chart can be used on the Vocabulix website. The verb conjugator code is freely available for use in third party blogs, wikis, or websites. As most new language learning websites do, Vocabulix has a social networking option that helps match native speakers with learners. Applications for Education Vocabulix is a great tool for independent study or practice of a foreign language. The activities are short and sweet and give students instant feedback. The pre-made Vocabulix exercises are flexible enough for use with a wide range of students from beginners to advanced language learners. Students can select the type of response, multiple choice or written response, the level of difficulty, and choice of having or not having visual clues. The verb conjugator widget is a nice tool to include on your class blog, wiki, or website to support student learning outside of the classroom.
John Smith, Mcafee Support number, McAfee/Activate, Install McAfee - 0 views

    PPT For Retail Card - Activate mcafee internet security 2015 retail card. Instant Online McAfee Activate, Our Toll Free is 1-800-445-2810 and website
Mendi Benigni

Mobile Teaching Versus Mobile Learning (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    • Mendi Benigni
      It seems like it's more about multimedia stimulating the brain in different areas rather than the fact that it's mobile or portable.
  • need to move beyond the heavy reliance on text.
  • lot of digital books floating around, being hailed as amazing advancements in teaching and learning. Although I know the majority of materials currently available to students on their portable multimedia consumption devices are still primarily text-based, maybe including a static image or two (see Figure 3, a color, static digital page with a Venn diagram that is no different from the same page in the printed book5),
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • it's not enough for CourseSmart to make PDF-like copies of textbooks available for students to purchase; instead, we need the type of interactivity we're starting to see from the textbooks available in Inkling.
  • transformative
  • we need to think more systematically about how to design education to facilitate learning
  • We need to provide materials or applications that allow students to practice identifying parts of the body on their mobile multimedia devices before taking the high-stakes midterm or final exam.
  • At minimum we could be asking our students to capture raw material from the real world and engage with it based on the concepts we are teaching them.
  • It's one thing to learn about different architectural styles in a Western Civ or Construction textbook or lecture; it's another to apply what you've learned by going out into the community and taking pictures of buildings and then identifying the architectural influences
  • In both cases the activity of capturing "raw" digital material can lead to further learning or assessment activities where students might develop multimedia projects.
  • a Citrix server with the ability for students to check out laptops and iPads with Citrix running on them gives faculty outside of the art and business departments the ability to require students to manipulate images. For example, Scottsdale Community College in Arizona has a Citrix environment that allows students to access applications like Photoshop on an iPad (Figure 6).
  • engaging
  • away from how instructors teach to how students learn. Research now shows that successful learning needs to be act
  • active
  • connect to the students' prior knowledge
  • simulate real-world experiences
  • To achieve the promise of mobile learning, we have to stop thinking about these powerful mobile multimedia devices as only consumption devices and get students using them as production devices.
  • To achieve the promise of mobile learning, we have to stop thinking about these powerful mobile mu
  • mobile devices not only makes the content more accessible, it also helps students engage the content using multiple senses
Glenn Hoyle

Microsoft Learning: Rapidly Create Online Courses - 0 views

    The Microsoft Learning Content Development System (LCDS) is a free tool that enables the Microsoft Learning community to create high-quality, interactive, online courses. The LCDS allows anyone in the Microsoft Learning community to publish e-learning courses by completing the easy-to-use LCDS forms that seamlessly generate highly customized content, interactive activities, quizzes, games, assessments, animations, demos, and other multimedia.
Nigel Coutts

The learner's role in their search for learning - The Learner's Way - 3 views

    Rather than expecting to be immersed in learning that shines a light on the path forward the notion of searching for driftwood that suits the learner's needs is very empowering. It requires an imagining of learning as a very active process where the learner is aware of their context, their current understanding and what they might need to move forward. It demands a conscious practice of reflection and a disposition towards taking charge of one's learning. It is a very agentic view where learning is something that you do, not something that happens to you. 
Judy Robison

Learn.Genetics™ - 1 views

    Educational materials on genetics, bioscience and health topics.
    These resources for learning about genetics by the University of Utah's Genetic Science Learning Center include interactive visualizations, 3D animations and activities. Student activities include taking a "tour" of DNA, a chromosome or a protein, building a DNA molecule, or exploring the inside of a cell. The university is also building a sister site, Teach.Genetics, with print-and-go lesson plans and supplemental materials for some channels on the Learn.Genetics site.
John Smith

McAfee/Activate - Install Your McAfee | WWW.MCAFEE.COM/ACTIVATE - 0 views

    Step By Step Process For Retail Card - Activate mcafee internet security 2015 retail card. Instant Online McAfee Activate,
Hare Marke

Buy Facebook Comments - Buy Real Facebook Comments - 0 views

    Buy Facebook Comments Introduction Facebook is one of the most widely used social networking platforms. With more than two billion active users each month, it makes sense that companies would want to purchase Facebook comments. But there are a few things you should know first. Facebook comments for businesses can be a terrific method to solicit client feedback, increase brand recognition, and increase website traffic. What Are Facebook Comments? Posts on a Facebook page or profile are referred to as Facebook comments. Anyone who is friends with the person who posted it or with the person who left a comment on it can view these posts. Everyone who has liked the page or profile can also view the post. When someone leaves a remark on a post, it will show up in both their own feed and the feeds of their friends. The commenter is also able to see who posted it. The comment is visible to everyone if the post is public. Buy Facebook Comments Why Facebook Comments Matter? Engagement is essential in social media. The importance of comments cannot be overstated in terms of interaction. Facebook comments demonstrate that readers are eager to interact with your material and are interested in what you have to say. Also, comments expand the audience for your work. Your content is more likely to be seen by others if it receives more comments. Also, the more eyes on your material, the more likely it is to receive likes, shares, and finally, purchases. Why Should Your Purchase Facebook Comments? Facebook is one of the most crucial sites to concentrate on when it comes to social media marketing. Facebook provides businesses with a tremendous opportunity to contact their target audience because to its more than 2 billion monthly active users. One of the most successful methods of marketing on Facebook is to purchase Facebook comments. In essence, when you purchase comments, you are paying for others to submit favorable reviews or comments on your page or blog. This may be a really
    Introduction Facebook is one of the most widely used social networking platforms. With more than two billion active users each month, it makes sense that companies would want to purchase Facebook comments. But there are a few things you should know first. Facebook comments for businesses can be a terrific method to solicit client feedback, increase brand recognition, and increase website traffic. What Are Facebook Comments? Posts on a Facebook page or profile are referred to as Facebook comments. Anyone who is friends with the person who posted it or with the person who left a comment on it can view these posts. Everyone who has liked the page or profile can also view the post. When someone leaves a remark on a post, it will show up in both their own feed and the feeds of their friends. The commenter is also able to see who posted it. The comment is visible to everyone if the post is public. Buy Facebook Comments Why Facebook Comments Matter? Engagement is essential in social media. The importance of comments cannot be overstated in terms of interaction. Facebook comments demonstrate that readers are eager to interact with your material and are interested in what you have to say. Also, comments expand the audience for your work. Your content is more likely to be seen by others if it receives more comments. Also, the more eyes on your material, the more likely it is to receive likes, shares, and finally, purchases. Why Should Your Purchase Facebook Comments? Facebook is one of the most crucial sites to concentrate on when it comes to social media marketing. Facebook provides businesses with a tremendous opportunity to contact their target audience because to its more than 2 billion monthly active users. One of the most successful methods of marketing on Facebook is to purchase Facebook comments. In essence, when you purchase comments, you are paying for others to submit favorable reviews or comments on your page or blog. This may be a really effective strategy to
    Buy Facebook Comments Introduction Facebook is one of the most widely used social networking platforms. With more than two billion active users each month, it makes sense that companies would want to purchase Facebook comments. But there are a few things you should know first. Facebook comments for businesses can be a terrific method to solicit client feedback, increase brand recognition, and increase website traffic. What Are Facebook Comments? Posts on a Facebook page or profile are referred to as Facebook comments. Anyone who is friends with the person who posted it or with the person who left a comment on it can view these posts. Everyone who has liked the page or profile can also view the post. When someone leaves a remark on a post, it will show up in both their own feed and the feeds of their friends. The commenter is also able to see who posted it. The comment is visible to everyone if the post is public. Buy Facebook Comments Why Facebook Comments Matter? Engagement is essential in social media. The importance of comments cannot be overstated in terms of interaction. Facebook comments demonstrate that readers are eager to interact with your material and are interested in what you have to say. Also, comments expand the audience for your work. Your content is more likely to be seen by others if it receives more comments. Also, the more eyes on your material, the more likely it is to receive likes, shares, and finally, purchases. Why Should Your Purchase Facebook Comments? Facebook is one of the most crucial sites to concentrate on when it comes to social media marketing. Facebook provides businesses with a tremendous opportunity to contact their target audience because to its more than 2 billion monthly active users. One of the most successful methods of marketing on Facebook is to purchase Facebook comments. In essence, when you purchase comments, you are paying for others to submit favorable reviews or comments on your page or blog. This may be a really
Nigel Coutts

Engaged, Disengaged and Overengaged - The consequences of engagement on learning - The ... - 2 views

    If you consider the day to day life of many of our students today, you see that they have very little time that is free from some form of programmed activity. Indeed, it is increasingly the norm for families to fill their children's time with the maximum number of learning, sporting and co-curricular activities. Schools naturally are happy to facilitate this and many see the breadth of programmes that they offer as a measure of success. But is there a consequence to all this activity and constant state of engagement?
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