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Free Technology for Teachers: A Handful of Helpful Google Forms Tutorials for Teachers - 3 views

    • japaxico
      A video prompt! Now that's fancy! I really dig that idea, it would be really fun and interactive for the students.
    • japaxico
      Very helpful step by step guide on how to create a quiz. A little more in depth than what we used for our assignment, imo.
  • Doctopus is a Google Spreadsheet script
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    • japaxico
      Guessing this has to do with the collected responses. I don't get it as I'm "not there yet."
    • japaxico
      I tried this in my Google Form. Worked well.
  • Insert images into Google Forms.
  • Inserting Videos into questions in Google Forms: 
Marlene Johnshoy

Google for Teachers: 100+ Tricks | TeachHUB - 7 views

  • 25. Create online surveys for research projects. Quickly and easily create online surveys for any research project that requires feedback from others. The answers are saved to your Google Docs account.
    • Amy Pierce
      Who else still calls it Google Docs?
    • Marlene Johnshoy
      Looks like it was published a year ago (from the comment dates - it would be nice if they dated the article...)  When did they switch to call "Drive"?   =)
    • klmcguinness
      From what I understand, Google Docs exist within one's Google Drive in the same manner as your files and applications exist within your hard drive. I think Google is trying to make a distinction between a larger body and the parts within it. For example, I have an icon on my laptop's menu bar that takes me to my Google Drive. In my Google Drive are "My Drive" which contains my files and folders. I can also access my email, files that are shared with me which I have no ownership of and cannot move to "My Drive" folders, I can also access any Google Groups from my Google Drive, but they are not part of my Google Docs. That's my take on it.
    • brittasparksbr
      Thanks for that analogy. That helps a bit, but my head still swims with the amount of vocabulary bounced around in this tech world. I am trying to understand my OneDrive, SharePoint and things like that, with work having switched to Office 365. I am not liking it so far, because of the learning curve.
    • yflanders
      Great site for practicing in google search.
Marlene Johnshoy

The NEW Google Forms: 9 classroom uses | Ditch That Textbook - 2 views

    Google Forms - new version, and classroom use ideas from Matt's blog
    I've used google forms for sending surveys to staff before. I've NEVER thought about how cool it would be to use for students and collecting answers on quizzes or analyzing the answer responses they submit. I probably would use this more if I was teaching in the upper grades... Any ideas for K-2 ESL uses??

80 Interesting Ways To Use Google Forms In The Classroom - 2 views

  • Questionnaires? Reading inventories? Interest inventories? A mastery-by-standard database?
    • brittasparksbr
      See the presentation below to find another 79 ways to use Google Forms
  • allows students to direct their own mastery of content in peer-to-peer and school-to-school learning environments
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • brittasparksbr
      Allowing students to direct their own mastery is powerful.
    • srafuller
      I agree. I like #8 - End of topic questions - this would be a great student run review of the content.

Flipping my Spanish Classroom: Beginning of the Year Assessments with Google Forms - 9 views

  • I loved that the Google Form gathered all of the responses together so I could look at student answers all together to see if their answers were a pattern of things that none of them learned, or if it was just a few students that needed review.
    • effeinstein
      I like this idea for pre-assessments and I wonder how it would work for the actual assessments too. Has anyone tried google forms for testing?
    • smuske
      I have used it for formative tests that go in the "participation" category. I like being able to look at the results immediately so I can give the class immediate feedback.
  • I am armed with some knowledge of the classes overall abilities as well as some individual struggles so I can help specific students one-on-one. I have adjusted some of my review activities to better focus on what students need to work on.
    • cwelton
      I've done intakes at the beginning of the year at the adv. level to see why they chose the elective and what they hope to learn, but this seems like a great way to assess 'summer attrition' at the lower levels. On it!
    • afarachnps
      Agreed. Last year, I asked students to use post it notes on a drawn scale that I put on the wall, to represent how much Spanish they felt they knew. A Google quiz would be a great way of doing a follow-up to this activity. Moreover, I could think of a concluding self-assessment: now that you have a better sense of how much Spanish you know, what goals can you think of for this year? I wonder if I can also use Google for a goals activity, too?
    • tkozhanova
      I do the same:-)
    Very interesting article. As a language teacher myself, I really can relate!
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    I will try this on the second day of school which is coming up soon.
    @effeinstein Yes, all of my vocabulary quizzes are on Google Forms and I use GF extensively for gathering reflections pre-post units, post field trips, in general, anytime I need to gather data from students about what we are working on-- Sometimes I collect their emails, other times anonymous, if I feel that I might gather more frank feedback that way-- The spreadsheet of data is nice to look over when considering how well something went, or to make tweaks for the next iteration of work. I can also pull quotes for presentations to faculty and families, or in writing narrative reports-- Also makes grading quick and easy-- Sometimes I print out the quizzes for quick one on one feedback for students--
    It is also a great tool for getting feedback from the students.
Marlene Johnshoy

Technology in Schools: Creating Self Grading Quizzes Using Google Forms & Flubaroo - 1 views

    Google makes it easy to build and grade quizzes using Google Forms and an add-on script called Flubaroo. Flubaroo will also graph your scores for easy analysis, itemize questions, and email students with their scores.

Manage Google Apps Like a Pro with Doctopus and Flubaroo (Summer 2014) | Ditch That Textbook - 4 views

    These are my 2 most favorite scripts for Google! Doctopus is for Google Docs and Flubaroo is for Google Forms.

Flubaroo Overview - Welcome to Flubaroo - 2 views

    • kjjsk8
      This is a script you can install on a google doc. I could spend time explaining it, but the demo is very clear.  It will save you a ton of time! We use Google Forms with flubaroo to do common formative assessments in our department as well as a homework assignment to get data for flexible groupings the next day.  If you have not used Google Forms before I would strongly recommend playing around with them, and then learn how to Flubaroo to save yourself some time!
    A grading help that creates Google forms for you.
Marlene Johnshoy

Customized email newsletters for every kid with Google Forms - Ditch That Textbook - 0 views

    Input data with a Gform, then take that data from a Google Sheet spreadsheet and merge it into a Google Docs template automatically.
Marlene Johnshoy

Tip 81 - Google Docs Self Check Quizzes - 2 views

    Many of you have looked at Google Docs with us - here is a way to make a Google Form self-correcting...

5 Time-Saving Ways Teachers Can Use Google Forms - Edudemic - 1 views

    • yflanders
      Collect Contact Information Bell Ringer & Exit Ticket Activities Collect Homework Survey & Check-In with Students Creating Rubrics
Marlene Johnshoy

Updates abound: New features for Flipgrid, Google Classroom, Formative and Kahoot! | Ditch That Textbook - 1 views

    Check out the updates on these programs!
MariaEmicle Lopez

Free Technology for Teachers: 7 Ways to Create and Deliver Online Quizzes - 2 views

    • Isis Shawver
      I think my brain just went into overload.  This is incredible!
  • Many online quiz services allow you to create quizzes that give your students instant feedback.
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      I wanted to highlight a phrase but couldn't. I really enjoy the possibility to add a video clip, pretty neat!
  • Blubbr is a neat quiz creation service that you can use to create video-based quizzes. Using Blubbr you can create interactive quizzes that are based on YouTube clips.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • When you find a video that works for you, trim the clip to a length that you like then write out your question and answer choices.
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      I could see the video and the options one could select for the quiz. Amazing!
  • Zoho Survey
  • This means that you can ask a short answer question and send respondents to a new question based upon their responses.
  • The best feature of Quizdini is that you can create explanations of the correct answer for your students to view immediately after trying each question in your quiz.
  • ImageQuiz is a free service that allows you to create quizzes based on any images that you own or find online. When people take your quizzes on ImageQuiz they answer your questions by clicking on the part of the picture that answers each question.
  • Socrative allows me to create single question and multiple question quizzes with multiple choice and or open-ended responses.
  • First, Infuse Learning allows you to create multiple rooms within your account. That means you can create a different Infuse Learning room for each of your classes rather than re-using the same room for all of your classes. Second, Infuse Learning allows you create questions that your students draw responses to.
  • Using Google Forms you can create multiple choice, true/false, and free response questions quizzes. The latest version of Google Forms allows you to include pictures in your quizzes.
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      A whole new world to me! Had no idea of the amount of resources out there.
Jessica Rojas

New Classroom Tool Uses Laptops & Phones for Instant Assessment - 0 views

    I used Socrative last year with first grade. Easy to use, you can add pictures to the questions. And kids can solve them at their own piece. No more papers to review any more!! Google forms is also great!!

Flipping my Spanish Classroom: Effective use of technology - 6 views

  • virtual field trips and online formative assessment.
  • YouTube annotations
    • pludek
      Never tried this - anyone know how?
    • Marlene Johnshoy
      Look at the "choose your own adventure" example for this week - those are YouTube annotations and there is a tutorial there on how to do it.
    • pludek
      The link didn't work - no longer available. I'll keep trying to find out more
    • pludek
      there are quite a few others after searching
  • have the wrong answer first, and keep the language on the right answer general.
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  • flubaroo, which is a Google script that can correct online quizzes for you
    • pludek
      Another thing I haven't tried - anyone?
  • Online formative assessment
  • o virtual field trips
  • make a sightseeing tour on Google Earth
    • pludek
      This could also be used for travel unit or for giving directions to one another. Another great tool is or you are given a map / picture of a location and you have to guess where you are. With settr, you can create your own

New Tools for the Flipped School: Interactive Visual Media in Remote Learning - 4 views

  • This article focuses on the use, potential benefits, and best practices of interactive visual media in online education and remote learning. We will discuss: What are the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning? What are some examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students? How can students use interactive visual media for documenting and sharing their learning?
  • Interactive images, videos, and virtual tours can support online learning by providing an alternative to text-based communication. Here are three arguments for why this is the case.
    • vallb001
      Agreed. I think we must keep in mind the Internet goes beyond text and video. If we use online tools just as we used books and VCRs in the bast, we are wasting the potential of the Internet.
  • Humans remember pictures better than words (the “picture superiority effect”)
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  • Multisensory experience triggers simultaneous associations.
  • Pictures, sounds, and words together with a contextual experience of a place can create memorable learning experiences more efficiently than plain images or written words alone that are not associated with anything real
  • Seeing a new word written under a picture and hearing how it is pronounced, helps us understand and remember what we are looking at.
  • Virtual tours expand our fields of perception from physical to digital.
  • We can remember and learn on a virtual field trip the same way as we learn on a physical field trip.
  • Interactive videos, audio posters, narrated screenshots, and virtual tours can be effective tools for online education that help educators and learners work together using not only text-based communication, but also voice, video, and images.
  • A great way for giving assignments or sharing projects is adding voice instructions to various areas of a photo, poster or a screenshot.
  • Equipment: The good news is, you only need your phone or laptop, so there is no need to invest in additional hardware unless you want to
  • Setup: A video lesson can be very similar to your lesson in the classroom.
  • Recording: Find a place with natural light where you feel comfortable, and start recording. The audience is your students so picture them in front of you, and address them as you would in the class. You may even mention some of them by name to keep their attention!
  • Duration: Our recommendation is you look at the lesson as a whole and divide it into parts, max 10-15 minutes and ideally 6 minutes each.
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • 1. Explain visuals with text labels
  • 2. Explain abstract concepts with detailed descriptions
  • 3. Explain assignments using your voice
  • 4. Art history: Introduce a masterpiece
  • 5. Literature: Interpret a masterpiece
  • 6. Read to your students
  • 7. Learn vocabulary in new places
  • 8. Narrate your own virtual lesson
  • 9. Create a virtual field trip with assignment
  • 10. Ask students to narrate a virtual audio tour
  • Supporting student-centered learning with interactive visual media
  • Project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and problem-based learning are constructivist approaches to education that develop the learners skills for research, problem-solving and collaboration. The process is based on authentic questions and problems identified by students, and finding information and explanation models to research and solve them.
  • An important aspect of student-centered learning is documenting the various phases and aspects of the learning process.
  • The following examples will show how students can use mixed media for completing various kinds of creative assignments and sharing them with their teacher and fellow students.
  • In the following, we summarize 10 easy project ideas for remote learning that encourage students to 1) make handwritten, visual and pictorial notes, collages and artwork, and 2) enhance and explain their work using digital audio/text notes, photos and video. Each of the examples provide a mix of learning opportunities combining traditional student work in the classroom with digital storytelling at home. The projects can be shared to a learning management system or collaboration platform such as Canvas, Schoology, Google Education or Microsoft Teams.
  • 1. Make an interactive greeting card
  • 2. Create an interactive book report
  • 3. Make a vocabulary poster in a foreign language
  • 4. Introduce yourself
  • 5. Create an interactive herbarium
  • 6. Make your own comic strips
  • 7. Create an interactive timeline
  • 8. Explain details of a painting
  • 9. Create an interactive map
  • 10. Build a diorama
  • Hotspots, what are they and how do they work? The purpose of the clickable hotspots is to give the viewer further information and resources on the topic they are learning about. Teachers and students can add various types of content in the hotspots, such as text, additional closeup images, video, sound, links and embedded web content such as maps or forms. These resources can serve any of the following functions: Building perspective by linking to related materials Improving comprehension of the topic by highlighting key concepts and vocabulary Zooming into details in a scene Creating a feedback loop by including a call to action
    • pamh6832
      These would be very helpful in a flipped classroom or with distance teaching.
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Examples and best practices for creating remote learning materials for students
  • Best practices for developing students' creativity and digital storytelling skills at home
  • School teachers
  • School teachers
    • pamh6832
      10 creative ideas for students to use ThingLink while remote learning and in traditional classroom. I could see doing #3 (vocabulary poster) and #4 (introduce yourself) during first quarter.
    An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
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    I have been thinking of what makes Thinglink different from the Microsoft Power Point? PPT also enables you to add recording on a slide. Later, I realized that Thinglink enables multiple layers to one picture/screen. Users can opt to access to other media or information when necessary. It would be useful to provide scaffolding only when it is necessary (e.g., students click links to get hint only when they cannot complete the task by themselves). Thinglink also condense information within one page/slide/screen without having to scroll down. However, we may be economical when we decide how many links we want to put on one screen.
    Whether we like it or not, it looks like we're going to consider some of this information in the upcoming school year. As I browsed the article, I realize options are almost unlimited but of course it requires time to figure out and prepare materials. Last spring I felt a bit like a Youtuber and I see how that is not actually an easy job!
    An article written by the founder and CEO of ThingLink in which she discusses the main arguments for interactive visual media in online learning, examples and best practices for creating visual learning materials for students, and ways students can use interactive visual media (ThingLink) to document and share their learning. She shares numerous ways teachers and students could use ThingLink with examples.
    A very complete article about the advantages of using images and learning. I really want to learn how to use thinglink now.
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