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Beth Kautz on 29 Mar 13" Using TPCK with digital story issues in educational technology Abstract Digital storytelling is recognized as a motivating students in critical thinking and reflective learni ng storytelling are readily available and much easier to use today than they were in years pa convergence of these facto rs has facilitated the inclusion of digital storyte lling in p educational technology courses . Some researchers have expressed concern over approach technology instruction over careful consideration of the educational value of the tool, speculating that such are unlikely to result in powerful uses of technology in schools. Mishra and Koehler (2006) proposed a conceptual framework technology an d pedagogy. With emphasis on the development of Content Knowledge (TPCK) , the model reframes for pre-service teachers. This case stud framework to a digital storytelling project in an u ndergraduate teacher education course. Keywords: digital storytelling, educational technology, Techn ological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, TPCK Journal of Instructional Pedagogies TPCK with Digital Storytelling digital story tell ing to investigate contemporary issues in educational technology "