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Techlearning > > Think Outside the Blog > January 15, 2006 - 1 views

  • Wikis at School Educators at all levels are finding ways to incorporate wikis into their teaching. For every assignment that asks students to research a particular topic, there is a possible application for a wiki. Take, for example, a collaborative writing project. With a simple wiki, students from one class, multiple classes, or even multiple schools can post their writing samples for comment (see "High School Online Collaborative Writing"). The wiki structure makes it possible for several students to work on an assignment concurrently. Most wiki software packages track changes to a page so students and their teachers can see when and by whom the writing was edited. Or consider a different scenario: Students who are studying a complex topic such as the U.S. Constitution are broken into teams to research and present information about different aspects of the document and its history. In the past, this kind of student work might be shared with the rest of the class. With a wiki, it can be shared on the Web for anyone to read and use. Perhaps more exciting, parents, students in different classes or schools, and invited guests can add details, correct errors, and comment on what's been posted, making learning a truly collaborative process. Outside of the classroom, teachers and administrators are using wikis as tools for school planning and interaction with parents. The traditional printed newsletter, for example, can be replaced by a wiki that continuously provides announcements and other key information to parents. Some schools have chosen to use wiki software to build their entire Web sites.
    Educational uses of wikis - "Wikis at School Educators at all levels are finding ways to incorporate wikis into their teaching. For every assignment that asks students to research a particular topic, there is a possible application for a wiki."

What to do with Wikis - an ELT perspective « teflgeek - 3 views

    "This article provides an overview of the background and evolution of the wiki and examines some of the affordances generally associated with wikis. It situates wikis in a clear educational context, linking wikis to social constructivist views of learning. It examines how the implementation of integrated wiki use might best be approached and looks at how motivation of learners to fully engage in integrated wiki use might be maintained. It clarifies three modes of integrated wiki use, administrative, referential and developmental, and provides specific suggestions for these. "

Wild about Wikis, David Jakes - 0 views

    wikis enable anyone and everyone to create content online using easily understandable tools. The most famous wiki is Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia created by users from around the globe. Wikis are also increasingly being used by the corporate world; for example, eBay recently added wikis to its auction site so members can coauthor articles about buying and selling. Not surprisingly, K-12 schools are also taking advantage of the opportunities for "collaborative construction" that wikis provide.

Teaching English Language Arts: Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary English - 0 views

  • Course Wikipedia The workshops provide a forum for working up ideas about teaching, which will also be shared with the class through an online Wikipedia, which is a quick and easy way to put up, and revise, materials on the Web. This will enable students to share their work with the whole class, for use in their practicum and afterwards. The plan: (1) Students post an initial version of their lessons (see Lesson Format) on the Wiki the night before presenting it in the workshop. (2) The lesson and related materials on the Wiki (e.,g., a poem) can be projected during workshop class. (3) After the workshop, all students will have the opportunity to contribute further ideas to the development of the lesson, using the Wiki “comment” function. (4) The students presenters can revise online lessons, which will then be assessed by the instructors within a week of its presentation, with opportunities to “resubmit” posted lessons to the instructors.
    Uses a course wiki for planning lessons and presentations. Student-teachers post a version of their lessons and then discuss in workshop, later using the wiki "comment" function. Students then revise their lessons and resubmit for evaluation by the instructor.

educationalwikis - Examples of educational wikis - 1 views

    A place to share educational uses of wikis. Good examples: "The educational wikis on this page are listed in alphabetical order. They are awesome and we invite you to add your educational wiki to our list! You may also add the name of your country and a mini flag. Thank you! You may view visitor statistics here."

Using Wikis [and Diigo] in the Classroom - YouTube - 3 views

    "A whole course can be organized around a wiki as shown here, an excerpt from the upcoming Multimedia Kit, "Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms" which will include his book of the same name, a video, and a facilitator's guide from Corwin (" A concise (3 min) video on how to organize a course using wikis, with interviews with students. The course also uses Diigo to annotate readings. One students says it really makes her a better reader. As you read others' annotations, "It's really another way of having a discussion."

EchucaELearning - Digital Portfolios - 3 views

    "This wiki is a collaborative learning space. If you want to contribute to this e-portfolio or digital portfolio page, please join the wiki and then add your thoughts, your notes or describe how you created digital portfolios for your students." This wiki has everything about wikis and much more: using blogs, words clouds, comics, Vacebook HTML, online collaboration, etc., etc. Join and contribute

Help Students Stay Organized with Wikis | Ask a Tech Teacher - 1 views

    This blog describes how the teacher uses wikis to help students manage their own learning trajectory, keeping parents informed, and also keeping the teacher on target: "I have room for student and parent resources, homework, What we did Today (for absent students or parents), grade-level skills, favorite links. You can even add student pages, created by students. This is very popular in the older grades. When students are absent, I send them to this wiki to see what we did and what they need help with. When we're getting ready to submit a project, they can check out the grading rubric here, be sure they have all required pieces. This is a great spot to include extensions for those precocious students who finish everything early. I'm going to add a 'sponge' page, for just that reason: a place students can go to try theme-oriented websites that can be completed in 5-10 minutes."

Best Embeds for Educational Wikis and Blogs - 4 views

    "Now that you and/or your students are using wikis and blogs, are you curious what could be added to them? From animated slideshows to collaborative documents to interactive review games, many great (and free) tools are available. As a follow up to my previous post "What Teachers Should and Should Not Be Posting on their Classroom Webpages", I've pulled a master list of embedding options that will hopefully spark your imagination." Some great ideas here for ways to jazz up blogs and wikis.

Free Technology for Teachers: How to Embed Quizlet Flashcards Into Wikispaces - 0 views

    R. Byrne: "Wikispaces recently added a Quizlet widget to the library of widgets that you can embed into your Wikispaces pages. Quizlet is a free flashcard service that anyone can use to create and share flashcards. Quizlet offers a massive library of flashcard sets created and shared by other users of the service. And now you can search for Quizlet flashcards, embed them into your wiki, and use four different study modes while those cards are embedded into your wiki. The screenshots below provide directions for adding Quizlet to your Wikispaces wiki." Quizlet can handle various types of media, so it makes for interesting flashcards. This step-by-step visual explanation makes the embedding task easy; creating the flashcards at Quizlet takes some work and thought.

Wikidot in Education - Wikidot - Free and Pro Wiki Hosting - 1 views

    "Are you a researcher, teacher or lecturer? With your Wiki For Education you can easily co-operate with your students." This looks like a full featured wiki that has good features for educators.

50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom (RT @russeltarr) - 5 views

    "Wikis are an exceptionally useful tool for getting students more involved in curriculum. They're often appealing and fun for students to use, while at the same time ideal for encouraging participation, collaboration, and interaction. Read on to see how you can put wikis to work in your classroom." Suggestions include Resource Creation, e.g., for presentations, math problems, glossary, study guides; Student Participation, e.g., for exam review, portfolios, peer editing; Group Projects, e.g., organizing ideas, tracking progjects, showing participation; Student Interaction, e.g., for collecting data, discussion of a book, creating and authoring a group story; for the Classroom, e.g., creating a FAQ, a calendar, sharing class news; Community, e.g., writing a local history or nature guide, a place for parents to see their children's work; and generally as a hub or Website, or to track progress.

MediaWiki - 1 views

    This is a php-based wiki that you can install on your own school server to have a safe wiki environment.

educational-origami - home - 0 views

    "Educational Origami is a blog and a wiki, about 21st Century Teaching and Learning. This wiki is not just about the integration of technology into the classroom, though this is certainly a critical area, it is about shifting our educational paradigm. The world is not as simple as saying teachers are digital immigrants and students digital natives. In fact, we know that exposure to technology changes the brains of those exposed to it. The longer and stronger the exposure and the more intense the emotions the use of the technology or its content evokes, the more profound the change. This technology is increasingly ubiquitous. We have to change how we teach, how we assess, what we teach, when we teach it, where we are teaching it, and with what." A most interesting site that tells us what the learner needs to know. [Thanks to Bee.]

BalancEdTech - Home - 0 views

    This is a wiki to help educators become knowledgeable with curriculum issues, pedagogy, and technology. Ceck out the sidebar for such topics as "21st century skills," "assessment," and "activities, projects," "technology," etc. You can join the wiki and help contribute.

Comparison of wiki farms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    This could be a useful place to find and compare free wiki services.

teachergary - home - 3 views

    I have put together a Wiki for my students to use. I have stressed that it is not part of their regular course but is there for them to visit and assist them in learning English. It goes for 16 weeks (the length of their course) and every week it has sections on Reading/Writing, Grammar, Litsening and Speaking. I also included sectioins on TOEFL, Environmental video and Pronunciation. There are exercises (links) for the students and all in all, it is a fun site to visit. If you want to join the Wiki and make material postings... make yourself at home. Please keep in mind that I AM in Oman and most of my students are young Omani university girls 18-20 years old. They are not the most liberal minded people and not prone to Adult entertainment. They are great students who are willing and eager to learn and a true pleasure to teach. Check it out and tell me what you think. Positive and Negative comments are welcome. So, send your students, send your enemies and even your enemy's students. Feel free to post bills on the local Metro, buses and outside your favorite adult beverage establishment. Gary Harwell

Escuela de Lenguas- UNLP / FrontPage - 2 views

    Nice example of a wiki used as an online Magazine - School of Languages at Natuional University of La Plata

@Ignatia Webs: Designing #mLearning for people with #disabilities or learning difficulties - 1 views

    Ignatia suggests using a private wiki because of text-to-speech options, and secure social media-driven learning locations, such as a movie archive on Facebook. Subtitle options may be difficult with, e.g., YouTube, if you have an accent, but it can be done with an audio recorder (though it is labor intensive). This might be a good blog to follow further.

Writing Strategy: Dialogue Journals - TESOL Connections - June 2012 - 0 views

    The concept is easily adapted to a higher end technology, using blogs or wikis. These might be private, with only teachers making responses, or open to classmates so that the comments run freely. Yes, students really do improve by free writing in quantity, esp. as they will be corrected and guided by the teacher elsewhere in the course.
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