"Open with a question or two. Another favorite education writer of mine, the cognitive psychologist Daniel Willingham, argues that teachers should focus more on the use of questions. "The material I want students to learn," he writes in his book Why Don't Students Like School?, "is actually the answer to a question. On its own, the answer is almost never interesting. But if you know the question, the answer may be quite interesting."
My colleague Greg Weiner, an associate professor of political science, puts those ideas into practice. At the beginning of class, he shows four or five questions on a slide for students to consider. Class then proceeds in the usual fashion. At the end, he returns to the questions so that students can both see some potential answers and understand that they have learned something that day.
What did we learn last time? A favorite activity of many instructors is to spend a few minutes at the opening of class reviewing what happened in the previous session. That makes perfect sense, and is supported by the idea that we don't learn from single exposure to material - we need to return frequently to whatever we are attempting to master.But instead of offering a capsule review to students, why not ask them to offer one back to you?Reactivate what they learned in previous courses. Plenty of excellent evidence suggests that whatever knowledge students bring into a course has a major influence on what they take away from it. So a sure-fire technique to improve student learning is to begin class by revisiting, not just what they learned in the previous session, but what they already knew about the subject matter.Write it down. All three of the previous activities would benefit from having students spend a few minutes writing down their responses. That way, every student has the opportunity to answer the question, practice memory retrieval from the previous session, or surface their prior knowledge - and not just the students most likely to
"UnoArduSim es un software que simula en la pantalla de nuestro ordenador una placa Arduino Uno y otros dispositivos habituales de entrada y salida. Incluye motores de corriente continua y servomotores, buses de comunicación serie RS232, I2C, SPI, generador de ondas analógicas y digitales, altavoz piezoeléctrico, LEDs, pulsadores, resistencias pull-ups y pull-downs, potenciómetros deslizantes, panel de seguimiento de las variables del programa y un osciloscopio virtual para la visualización de señales de salida analógicas y digitales."
"The Fairphone is a modular handset designed with repairability and ethical sourcing of its materials as headline features. It sold 60,000 units. Amazingly, for what sounds like a nerd-phone, almost half of those buyers had never owned a smartphone before.
Now the Fairphone 2 is launching, and with a totally-new, in-house design. The new phone is even easier to repair, and because it was wholly designed by the FairPhone team, its supply chain is even more responsible than ever.
The Fairphone is thicker than the latest iPhone or Samsung flagship, but that's the point. Instead of packing everything into a tiny case and keeping it there with glue, the Fairphone is designed to be taken apart. The lightweight magnesium frame supports modules that can be easily replaced by the user. "We have designed it with an aim to last three to five years, looking at making it robust and modular-for repairability," says Fairphone's chief communications officer, Tessa Wernink. "Obviously how long it lasts depends quite heavily on the user, so what we as a company are doing is offering an ecosystem around the phone that supports long-lasting use, first-hand or second-hand."
Inside the case (itself one of several options) you'll find the core unit, containing all the chips and radios; a replaceable battery pack; a display that can be snapped off and replaced without any tools (not even a screwdriver); a receiver unit, which contains the front camera, sensors; the headset connector and microphones; a speaker/vibrator unit; and a camera module.
These modules are designed to balance manufacturing complexity with repairability. For instance, the display comes as a standalone unit, but less-vulnerable components are bundled into one module. The camera, which people are most likely to upgrade as better versions become available, is also housed in its own module. That way you don't need to toss out your whole phone just to get a better camera. "In fact, the motto from the maker mo
"Exclusive: Insects could vanish within a century at current rate of decline, says global review
The world's insects are hurtling down the path to extinction, threatening a "catastrophic collapse of nature's ecosystems", according to the first global scientific review.
More than 40% of insect species are declining and a third are endangered, the analysis found. The rate of extinction is eight times faster than that of mammals, birds and reptiles. The total mass of insects is falling by a precipitous 2.5% a year, according to the best data available, suggesting they could vanish within a century."
"Every smartphone in the world has an FM tuner built in. But here in the US, just one-third of them actually works, even though the Federal Emergency Management Agency says radio can save lives in an emergency. "We know that if Internet networks or cell phone networks go down, FM still works so long as you have a battery to turn the device on," says agency spokesman Rafael Lemaitre."
"How to make your very own Hydraulic Arm! This project focuses on the principles of hydraulic movements. To do that we made a small scale demonstration of a Robotic Hydraulic Arm. We managed to do some pretty cool tasks with our ''Arm'', do check out the video down below for a better understanding!
This project is entirely made with cardboard and a couple of syringes, all the plans and blueprints are available."
"En este artículo vamos a recordar y comparar una serie de estrategias didácticas. Pueden percibirse como similares, pero tienen diferencias importantes. Hemos analizado los puntos clave para distinguirlos, y vamos a recordar también las cuatro grandes teorías del aprendizaje donde se enmarca cada uno de ellos como punto de partida.
1. Conductismo - 1900 Watson, Pavlov o Skinner
2. Cognitivismo - 1950 Brunner y Chomsky
3.Constructivismo - 1970 Piaget, Vygotsky o Ausubel
4. Conectivismo - 2007 Stephen Downes y George Siemens
CLASE MAGISTRAL - [Conductismo]
APRENDIZAJE-SERVICIO (ApS) - [Constructivismo]