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Contents contributed and discussions participated by J. D. Ebberly

J. D. Ebberly

10 Completely Free Guides to Building a Better Blog @ - 0 views

    Most people will know by now that I offer a free ebook on this blog. Fact is, I am not the only one offering free resources that are useful to bloggers. Here are some of the best. Read on and become a much improved blogger for it!!
J. D. Ebberly

Elegant WP Themes - 0 views

    Collection of elegant Wordpress themes available to download for free. Elegant Word press themes, is the place to get your dream themes. This web site is dedicated to provide you with the latest themes with vivid and exciting color contrasts. Some of the themes that are made available for you are based on the real life objects.
J. D. Ebberly

How to Draw More Visitors to Your Website Without Spending Money - Pam Roberson - 0 views

    There are ways to build traffic to your website without having to spend money. I've been self-employed for the past 15 years, and one of my favorite ventures was developing websites. One of my sites, a web directory, provided good monthly income through affiliate advertising, but it wouldn't have been successful if I hadn't been able to generate large numbers of visitors. My directory pages ranked in the top 5 on MSN and other places, and I never paid one cent to any person or business or search engine to get there; however, I did spend a good amount of time working to build my traffic.
J. D. Ebberly 15 Tips on Improving Search Engine Visibility - 0 views

    I will first start by stating I am not an SEO expert. Over the years, I have studied and tested various methods, guidelines and techniques for generating search engine traffic. Back in 1997, I took on paid clients and SEO became a full time career for a few years. AltaVista was the dominant leader in search in those days. Learning how to control and manipulate the engines to get front page search results became my main objective and an obsession. Today, things are a lot different, as there is basically one dominant leader in search, and the playing field is more level than it's ever been.
J. D. Ebberly

The BlogCatalog Community Blog » Blog Archive » 7 Quick Tips for Branding ... - 0 views

    I've only been Social Networking for a little over a month and I have learned so much in that short amount of time. I am certainly no expert in Social Networking as I have a whole lot to learn. But, I do know a thing or two about marketing. When it comes to brand recognition, the rules don't change when shifting from Corporate Branding to Social Network Branding. Name and Icon recognition are critical when it comes to building your Social Network. Here are a few quick tips to help you quickly gain name recognition in the Social Network Arena.
J. D. Ebberly

The Matrix Guide to Content Marketing | Copyblogger - 0 views

    You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes. No, this is not going to be a post about what kind of bloggers Morpheus, Trinity and The Architect would be. That would be cute, but not terribly useful. But I will use Neo, Agent Smith, Spoon Boy and Persephone as symbols of a different type of matrix. A matrix that allows you to see things for what they really are and become more effective.
J. D. Ebberly

Does Design Matter in Comparison to Content? | I'd Rather Be Writing - Tom Johnson - 0 views

    Last week I made some alterations to my site's design, but no one seemed to notice. In fact, few people have ever commented about my blog's design at all. The same goes with the music intros for my podcasts. I can change the music each time, and no one ever responds. In contrast, if a post has good content, I see a steady stream of comments. My experience leads me to conclude that content is about 90% important, and design is 10% important.
J. D. Ebberly

50 Ways to Take Your Blog to the Next Level | - 0 views

    Blogging is as varied in its applications as using the telephone or taking a picture. The tool doesn't predict the output. You might be using your blog to post recipes, or to inform the local community about information you find elsewhere on the web. Maybe you're just trying your hand at writing, and the web is as good a place as any.
J. D. Ebberly

PRWeb: The Online Visibility Company - Press Release Advice - 0 views

    With 10 years of experience in the online news release distribution industry, PRWeb has a unique understanding of what makes a news release successful online. The following tips will help you write a professional, concise and powerful news release.
J. D. Ebberly

12 Ways to Link Building that Also Increase Web Traffic | JR's Internet Marketing Strat... - 0 views

    12 powerful ways to link building for your sites for SEO, Internet Marketing that are also great sources of direct traffic and website promotion.
J. D. Ebberly

PR 2.0: The Social Media Manifesto - Integrating Social Media into Marketing Communicat... - 0 views

    While I was preparing my presentation for "Starting the Conversation," a social media workshop hosted by SocialMediaClub, I wound up drafting version one of the manifesto for helping marketers adapt to the rapidly evolving realm of social media. In the past, I've spoken at PR, tech, and communications events about Social Media and how companies can engage in the conversations taking place with or without them. As much as I wanted to look into the future, I was rooted in the present as a means to connect it to the past. There are just too many new things to introduce to people and even more reasons why they should care.
J. D. Ebberly

16 Essential PC Applications for Bloggers - 0 views

    16 Essential PC Applications for Bloggers 1. Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox is the king of all browsers. Limitlessly extendable, fast, and lightweight. If you're still using any other browser (even Google Chrome), then switch to Firefox immediately, it'll boost your productivity - guaranteed.
J. D. Ebberly

10 Easy Steps for Twitter Beginners - 1 views

    So you just signed up for Twitter. You make your first tweet and you realize you don't have any followers. "What a dumb idea!" You say. "Who the hell would be interested in what I'm doing anyway?" Don't worry. You're normal. That is a sign that you are a Twitter beginner. A lot of us Twitter users (or addicts) went through the same questioning routine. And look at us now. We're geeks who are on Twitter all day and night and we can't stop tweeting.
J. D. Ebberly

Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Ways to Speed Up Your Web Browsing - 0 views

    Even in a world where high-speed internet is just a tall house blend away, anyone can get stuck with a slow or uncertain connection at home, in the office, or at the worst possible time while traveling. There are, however, measures anyone can take to ensure they're getting the most information and functionality they can when crunched for time or pressed for bandwidth-or if you just don't like waiting for things while online. We're offering up today 10 tweaks, downloads, and work-arounds for slow connections, slow computers, or just fast-minded people. Read on for the tips that might just save your life some night when 4 Kb/s is all you can muster.
J. D. Ebberly

Free Online Reputation Management Beginner's Guide - 0 views

    :: Looking for detailed online reputation management services? Contact Andy or buy his new book: Radically Transparent: Monitoring and Managing Reputations Online ::. Every single day, someone, somewhere is discussing something important to your business; your brand, your executives, your competitors, your industry. Are they hyping-up your company, building buzz for your products? Or, are they criticizing your service, complaining to others about your new product launch? A great brand can take months, if not years, and millions of dollars to build. It should be the thing you hold most precious. It can be destroyed in hours by a blogger upset with your company. A new product launch could take hundreds of TV commercials, dozens of newspaper ads, and an expensive ad agency. It can also spread like a virus with the praise of just one customer, at one message board.
J. D. Ebberly

WordPress Grid Focus Download - Derek Punsalan - 5ThirtyOne - 0 views

    A personal site by Derek Punsalan sharing personal interests with technology, WordPress, design, and general geekery. WordPress Grid Focus was originally a personal project designed and coded for After much debate as to whether the project should be released to the general public, and after a collection of thoughtful emails from readers & fans, I have decided to share the project with the WordPress community.
J. D. Ebberly

Gabfire WordPress Themes - 0 views

    Check out these GabFire NewsPro themes for WordPress!! I personally love 'em! Check out that extended footer! What do you think?!
J. D. Ebberly

Create Your Own Microblogging Community With Twingr - 0 views

    Twingr is a new platform that allows you to create your own microblogging communities. It's pretty much a scaled down version of twitter that allows you to create your own groups for specific tweets. Anyone hear of tweetdeck?
J. D. Ebberly

Patricia Handschiegel: The Fatal Flaw Of Internet Business: Traffic -- Why We Need to A... - 0 views

    There's something that needs to be made blatantly clear regarding the internet: One million unique visitors that spend less than one minute on a website and do not return is not really "traffic." I hear so many companies (and you know who you are) that throw out these lofty, excitable "numbers," as if they're pulling in a large, coveted audience, but that is the equivalent of a million people driving by McDonald's every thirty days, taking a look, and not one going in to order a sandwich.
J. D. Ebberly

Techdirt: The Paper On Network Neutrality That Any Policy Maker Needs To Read - 0 views

    As regular Techdirt readers are surely aware, Tim Lee has been writing a series of posts here about issues having to do with network neutrality. The five part series, was based on research he was doing for a position paper for the Cato Institute on network neutrality. If you haven't read the series of posts, you can find them here:
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