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anja c. wagner

mld10 - Twitter Search - 0 views

    Aktuelle Twitter-News zum Mobile Learning Day in Hagen
lu go

Agile learning, Agile Software development and the Mobile Internet | - 0 views

  • I attempt to map the agile development manifesto themes onto a agile learning theme
  • In software development, the ‘agile’ movement was as a reaction against large scale development projects governed by a monolithic organisational standard perceived to be overly bureaucratic, costly and slow
  • Learner satisfaction by rapid attainment of learning concepts that can be applied
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • The ability to change particular learning goals as understanding or issues arise
  • Close relationship between educators and learners (often with blurred roles)
  • mixing synchronous and asynchronous communication as a key feature, and augmented via technology
  • There has to be shared vision and common goal for the learning activity
  • Self organising teams of 5-9 to facilitate development
  • No one method or way of being an agile learner or supporting Agile Learning, but they require a goal and some organisation
  • the internet, promotes self-directed learning — be it formal, informal or recreational.
  • recipes, plus a learning goal, can form the basis of significant learning and development programmes.
  • core agile skills
  • Having clear criteria that define the end of a learning iteration can only be a good thing
    Hier wird schon mal sehr gut beleuchted was "agiles lernen" bedeuten könnte.
anja c. wagner

Playing to Learn? by Maria Andersen on Prezi - 1 views

    Großartige Präsentation zur Suche nach dem Fun-faktor beim Lernen. Leider weiterhin aus Sicht einer Lehrenden, die weiss, was andere brauchen ;-9
anja c. wagner

Deskriptive Auswertung | FB Lernen 2.0 - 2 views

    Habe nicht genau verfolgt, um was es bei diesem Projekt geht, aber Thomas beschäftigt sich intensiv mit Lernen 2.0 - von daher ist es sicherlich eine sinnvolle Umfrage. Sollte man sich genauer anschauen!
anja c. wagner

elearnspace › Questions I'm no Longer Asking - 1 views

  • 1. Learners should be in control of their own learning. Autonomy is key. Educators can initiate, curate, and guide. But meaningful learning requires learner-driven activity 2. Learners need to experience confusion and chaos in the learning process. Clarifying this chaos is the heart of learning. 3. Openness of content and interaction increases the prospect of the random connections that drive innovation 4. Learning requires time, depth of focus, critical thinking, and reflection. Ingesting new information requires time for digestion. Too many people digitally gorge without digestion time. 5. Learning is network formation. Knowledge is distributed. 6. Creation is vital. Learners have to create artifacts to share with others and to aid in re-centering exploration beyond the artifacts the educator has provided. 7. Making sense of complexity requires social and technological systems. We do the former better than the latter.
    George Siemens Überzeugungen rund um Lernen.
anja c. wagner

Don't Break The Chain! - 0 views

    The Short Version: Pick a goal. Mark off the days on which you work toward that goal. Use your chain of marked off days as a motivator.
Stefanie Grünewald

Draft Fournier Kop Research PLE Jun2010 - 0 views

    Auch für uns extrem spannend, was Lernende von einem Personal Learning Environment erwarten.
lu go

How to Form And Run An Online Study Group | - 1 views

  • Assign roles to study group members. While you're all equals as students, setting up roles within your group can save a lot of time and headaches. A group of four students might include a leader, a recorder, a moderator, and a spokesperson. The leader sets the agenda, the recorder saves chat transcripts and distributes meeting minutes, the moderator keeps the group on-topic, and the spokesperson approaches professors with questions from the group.
lu go

Die ideale Lernplattform für Schule, Uni, Beruf und Hobby - 1 views

shared by lu go on 02 Nov 10 - Cached
  • Die absurde Idee vom Lernen, das Spaß macht
Stefanie Grünewald

Prototype of an Open Web App Ecosystem :: The Mozilla Blog - 0 views

    Anja: vielleicht kann man sich an dieser initiative orientieren?
Stefanie Grünewald

Für die Schule oder Uni lernen in Mathe, Englisch, Chemie u.v.m. | sofatutor - 0 views

    David: sind aber vor allem videos, aber es gibt auch eine gruppensektion sowie kurse usw...
Stefanie Grünewald - The World's Sharpest Learning Tool. - 0 views

    Lukas: Sehr geile Lernplattform. Quiz-basiert, Arcade-Game Funktion, Macht echt Spaß.
Stefanie Grünewald

[publication] Personal Learning Environment - A Conceptual Study - e-Learning Blog - 1 views

    Lukas: interessant: Erster Versuch eine Personal Learning Environment (PLE) technisch umzusetzen. UNI-Graz
Stefanie Grünewald

Methode 635 - Wikipedia - 0 views

  • Methode 635 ist unter den Kreativitätstechniken eine Brainwriting-Technik, was ein Problemlösungsverfahren zur Erzeugung von neuen, ungewöhnlichen Ideen in einer Gruppe von Menschen fördert.
Stefanie Grünewald

The New Business Intelligence of Social Media - 0 views

  • 1. How is research valuable to social media? 2. What do all these tracking tools provide to guide strategy and tactics? 3. What should we really be doing with social media?
    Lukas: The New Business Intelligence of Social Media. Interessanter Artikel wie man z.B. Twitter-Kampagnen quantitativ auswertet.
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