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Katrin Köhler

CoSpaces - Innovative Collaborative Work Environments for Design and Engineering - 2 views

    "Innovative Collaborative Work Environments for Design and Engineering"
Stefanie Grünewald

PLENK 2010 - 0 views

  • This blog is one of the tools that will be available to you in your communication and collaboration with others around the globe. It will also be one of the tools the facilitators, Stephen Downes, George Siemens, Dave Cormier and me, Rita Kop, will use to let you know new developments in the course, or any particular insights we have had about Personal Learning Environments Networks and Knowledge throughout the ten weeks of the course
    Anja über PLENK2010: Wer verstehen will, wie man im digitalen Zeitalter lernt, sollte/muss sich anschauen, was bei PLENK2010 derzeit geschieht. Das ist ein sehr gutes Beispiel für modernes Lernen. Kursmethodik von PLENK: # auf wievielen Plattformen diese läuft (übrigens kostenfrei) # wie die Moderatoren dazu animieren, selbstgesteuert zu lernen # wie sich Menschen in verschiedenen Kommunikationskanälen finden, derweil sie sich über den Kurs austauschen (z.B. Twitter) # etc.
anja c. wagner

Global Education Conference - Home - 1 views

  • The 2010 Global Education Conference is being held November 15 - 19, 2010, online and free.  Sessions will take place in multiple time zones and multiple languages over the five days.   For those "tweeting," the hashtag is #globaled10.The conference is a collaborative and world-wide community effort to significantly increase opportunities for globally-connecting education activities.   Our goal is to help you make connections with other educators and students, and for this reason the conference is very inclusive and also is provides broad opportunities for participating and presenting.   While we have an amazing list of expert presenters and keynote speakers, we will also have some number of presenters who either have not presented before or have not presented in Elluminate--please encourage and support them, as  they are likely to be a little nervous! There is no formal registration required for the conference, as all the sessions will be open and public, broadcast live using the Elluminate platform, and available in recorded formats afterwards.  There is a limit of 500 live attendees for any given session.   Links to watch the sessions will be posted the weekend before the conference begins, in the "Sessions" and "Schedule" pages, and recording links will be listed in the session descriptions soon after each day's sessions.  To verify that your computer system is configured correctly to access Elluminate, please run the self-test here.   
    Zu Eurer Information. Ich kann die Teilnahme an solchen globalen Konferenzen nur empfehlen!!
Stefanie Grünewald

Agile Learning | Facebook - 2 views

  • Agile Learning is an approach to self-managed collaborative learning that combinesmaximum flexibility with minimum cost by tapping into freely available online tools and resources.
  • An open community for learning professionals and practitioners interested in methods and tools that make learning more agile, flexible, responsive to learners, and cost-effective.
    gleicher Name, gleiches Thema ;-)
    stimmt. die sind mir auch schon mal untergekommen. sehr interessant.
anja c. wagner

Huddle - Project Management Software, Collaboration Software & File Storage - 1 views

    Weiss nicht, ob nicht eine Workflow-Analyse sinnvoll sein könnte für unser Projekt ...
Stefanie Grünewald

Cloudworks - 0 views

  • Welcome to Cloudworks, a place to share, find and discuss learning and teaching ideas and experiences.
anja c. wagner

Plancast - 1 views

  • The best way to discover events and other social activities Browse our users' plans by category below, sign in to personalize your experience, or learn more »
    Könnte dies für uns interessant sein? Was ist der Unterschied zu meetup?
  • ...1 more comment...
    ich schau es mir mal an, wo ich grad meetup angeschaut hab passt das ja...
    habs mir angesehen, bin aber angesichts von meetup enttäuscht. konnte kein alleinstellungsmerkmal entdecken oder irgendwelche features, die wir nicht schon kennen.
    gerade wieder zufällig über plancast gestolpert, weil in twitter auf ein event hingewiesen wurde. mir scheint das langsam der ort zu sein, über den man sich für inhaltlich interessante konferenzen zusammenfindet. also die meetings selbst sind qualitativ besser als bei meetup ...
Stefanie Grünewald

Everyday Literacies - 0 views

  • This volume presents advanced research on digital content creation, its socio-cultural contexts, and educational consequences. In the midst of ubiquitous commercial hype about digital innovation, as well as policy concerns, the volume offers the sobering perspectives of theory-driven empirical research, in order to examine the complexities, highlight the nuances, and illuminate the pedagogical affordances of creative digital contents.
  • Daniel Spikol: Design Strategies for Developing Mobile Collaborative Learning Platforms
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