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Andreas Auwärter

Tech Learning TL Advisor Blog and Ed Tech Ticker Blogs from TL Blog Staff - TechLearnin... - 0 views

    (Michael Gorman) Welcome to a post that covers those other ten Word Cloud Generators and some are pretty amazing!  While Wordle is the king of Word Cloud Generators here are some other word cloud tools that have some outstanding capabilities that are worth investigation.  Each tool provides a unique way  that can be used in  the classroom to facilitate the creation and study of word clouds. I especially was impressed with a few tools that actually helped students analyze a group of text using more than just the generated cloud, another that allows the user to be creative with the cloud shape, and still another that connects words in the cloud to web pages! Thanks for the visit, and as always please feel free to follow me on Twitter (mjgormans), I will follow back and we can learn from each other. Also, be sure to visit my 21centuryedtech Blog and check out all of the free resources at my 21centuryedtech Wiki! - Have a great week and enjoy the read! - Mike
Andreas Auwärter

David Truss :: Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts » Blog Archive » Shifting Le... - 0 views

    An other awesoem answer about future of education, by da truss. So he told in his Blog: "… and it occurred to me that what I should be looking at when talking about 'Shifting Learning' is the direction we are shifting to in the future, more-so than now. I tried to do as George asked and represent this in something other than words. I spent a couple hours playing with a slide show of images and now I'm just going to salvage the title page to share with you as a frame for what I'll write about. This isn't a crystal ball look into the future, instead it is my perception of some key trends that will have a powerful impact on how learning will be shared in the future." Worth to read many times.
Andreas Auwärter

Developing Better Presentations | Clif's Notes - 0 views

    Developing Better Presentations June 19th, 2009 If you've been reading this blog long you've likely noticed that I have an interest in designing and developing more effective presentations. Nancy Duarte shares some useful advice from her book Slide:ology.
Andreas Auwärter

Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning - Educational Research - 1 views

    I found this video on Jim Groom's website set up to support a course on storytelling. Jim says "Here is a fascinating and quick seven minute video that features interviews with a variety of scholars, theorists, activists, and participants in the changing nature of storytelling. How do they frame social media and participatory culture in this equation?" It is particularly good to see that Jim has put the whole course up on an open Wordpress blog. There's lots of explore there - Open Learning at its best!
Andreas Auwärter

[pdf] Broschüre 'Open Content' - elearning4 - 1 views

    Gerade im Blog von andreas Link gefunden: "Broschüre 'Open Content' ecmc Europäisches Zentrum für Medienkompetenz, Im Blickpunkt: Open Content, Marl 2009" PDF
Andreas Auwärter

Impact: Journal of Applied Research in Workplace E-learning - 0 views

    An e-Journal from the EINet: "Impact: Journal of Applied Research in Workplace E-learning A publication of the E-learning Network of Australasia (ElNet) *** Inaugural issue published! *** Editor-in-Chief: Mark J.W. Lee Impact has been established to address the paucity of research publication avenues with a particular emphasis on e-learning in organisational and workplace settings. It publishes both refereed and non-refereed contributions from both researchers and practitioners relating to the design, implementation, evaluation and management of workplace e-learning across a range of sectors and industries. One special issue will be published in the journal's first year of operation (2009). This will increase to two issues in 2010, followed by quarterly publication in 2011 and subsequent years. Articles in the first (inaugural) issue will be freely available electronically to the general public as soon as they are published; thereafter, the journal will adopt a delayed open access model, whereby issues published within the last six months will be restricted to viewing by paid subscribers, including financial members of ElNet, while all other content is accessible free-of-charge. Users are required to complete the free registration process in order to view the open access content on this site." So far the published intro! I recommend a view at the Editorial Board. Thanx to and @elearnity to pint this out in his blog.
Andreas Auwärter

Neue Wege des Lehrens und Lernens - 1 views

    "Neue Wege des Lehrens und Lernens\nProf. Dr. Rolf Arnold, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Pädagogik\nErwachsene lernen zwar in Lehr-Lernveranstaltungen, doch folgt dieses Lernen einer eigenen, biographisch-systemischen Logik. Man kann sie zwar „belehren", doch folgt ihre Aneignungsbewegung ihren eigenen bzw. „eigensinnigen" Mustern in Kognition und Emotion. Lernen ist deshalb stets ein durch Differenz und Vielfalt gekennzeichneter Weg, der sich nicht in erster Linie an externen Standards orientiert (oder gar zu orientieren vermag), sondern immer schon bloß dann stattfindet, wenn Individuen das aufgreifen und sich aneignen, was ihnen für ihre Lebenspraxis bedeutsam erscheint, oder eben (mit zumeist guten eigenen Gründen) nicht aufgreifen und sich aneignen." Prof. Dr. Rolf Arnold zu neuen Distributionswegen und Lernunterstützung. Danke via 2headz
Andreas Auwärter

Welcome! (Paul's E-Learning Resources) - 0 views

    Welcome to my E-learning resources website, my name is Paul Andrews and I am a Learning Technologist. On this site you will find my favourite links to free on-line services that allow you to provide your students with enhanced learning opportunities which you can then embed into, or link from, your school/college/university's website, course blog or VLE/MLE.
Andreas Auwärter

Grown Up Digital » A Twitter designed for teachers and students - 0 views

    Take the simplicity of Twitter, add some features such as sending attachments, redesign the software to appeal to teachers and students, what you end up with is, a young site that is rapidly gaining converts in the education community. It is a great example of using digital tools to organize a student's day-to-day workflow. Edmodo provides a way for teachers and students to share notes, links, and files. Teachers have the ability to send alerts, events, and assignments to students. Privacy is the biggest drawback to using traditional web 2.0 tools in a k-12 classroom setting.  (Has Twitter been around long enough to be called traditional?) Edmondo promotes itself as "a private communication platform for teachers and students." I'm not a teacher, so I'll defer to the views of someone who is. Mark Warner is a primary teacher in the U.K. who runs the successful and blogs on  He and his students (ages nine and ten) just recently started using the site, and they think it's great.
Andreas Auwärter

Financial Literacy 101: Useful Tools for Recent College Grads | Clear View Education Blog - 0 views

    "Financial Literacy 101: Useful Tools for Recent College Grads June 23rd, 2009 For many just finishing college, the transition between school and the real world can be a tumultuous one. Many grads will be on their own for the first time paying bills, budgeting, and repaying those hefty college loans, not to mention learning to adjust to working a regular job and not having the easily accessible pool of friends nearby. Learning to effectively manage finances can be a process of trial and error but grads can stack the deck in their favor by taking advantage of great online resources that can help them learn and keep track of where every penny of their paychecks is going." Thanx to Felipe Morales
Andreas Auwärter

Intellectual Property | Electronic Frontier Foundation - 0 views

shared by Andreas Auwärter on 22 Jun 09 - Cached
    "The Bloggers' FAQ on Intellectual Property addresses issues that arise when you publish material created by others on your blog."
Andreas Auwärter

OpenConferenceWare is Beautiful Software for Events - 0 views

    n open source development team in Portland, Oregon has released Blog Post from the RW-Web: "OpenConferenceWare, a sophisticated free package for processing event session proposals and displaying event schedules. Igal Koshevoy and Reid Beels built the system and put it on display as the scheduling system for the forthcoming Open Source Bridge conference, Portland's response to losing the popular O'Reilly event OSCON to San Jose, California."
Andreas Auwärter

[Lehre] Online-Seminar zu Podcasting | E-Learning 2.0 - 0 views

    Seminar "Lernen im Mimachnetz" durften wir gestern in unserer DimDim-Session Andreas Auwärter von der Universität Koblenz begrüßen. Er berichtete von seinen Erfahrungen beim Aufbau der studentischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum Thema Podcasting "Bildung im Dialog", die es nun schon seit Ende 2005 gibt. Bereits letzte Woche konnten die Studierenden selbst einen Einblick ins Podcasten anhand von Arbeitsaufträgen der AG gewinnen. Im Blog der AG Podcasting, auf dem auch regelmäßig Protokolle die Arbeit der AG dokumentieren, hält Andreas auch noch einen Gruß an die Studierende meines Seminars bereit.
Andreas Auwärter

Internet: Lehrer 2.0 hat sein Klassenziel verfehlt - Stuttgarter Nachrichten online - 0 views

    "Stuttgart - Die Kids von heute simsen, chatten, bloggen und twittern, was das Zeug hält. Sie bewegen sich in SchülerVZ, Facebook, Flickr, You Tube und Spickmich. Die Lehrer schauen sich das Geschehen meist nur aus der Ferne an und wissen nicht, was hinter den Kulissen passiert. Wer sich als Pädagoge nicht aus eigenem Antrieb mit dem Web 2.0 befasst, bleibt hinter dem Wissen seiner Schüler zurück. "Die Lehrer sind zum großen Teil überfordert, weil sie nur noch die Rücklichter des Zugs sehen", findet die Berufsschullehrerin Sieglinde Jakob-Kühn, die viele technische Neuheiten und Web-2.0-Anwendungen auf ihre Tauglichkeit für den Einsatz im Unterricht prüft und integriert. Sie hat mittlerweile ein großes Social Network mit vielen Experten aus dem Bildungsbereich aufgebaut und betreibt mehrere Blogs und E-Portfolios. Mit 59 Jahren gehört sie zu den ältesten twitternden Lehrern Deutschlands und kann nicht verstehen, warum ihre Kollegen auf diese wertvollen pädagogischen und didaktischen Zusatzinformationen verzichten: "Durch das Twittern könnten sie sich viel Einzelarbeit ersparen, denn sie erhalten Informationen aus dem In- und Ausland ins Haus geliefert." Aus den Stuttgarter Nachrichten vom 13.09.2009
Andreas Auwärter

SocialTech: Should you friend your students? The short answer is no - 0 views

    "Should you friend your students? The short answer is no Earlier this year I delivered a further cyberbullying guidance document on behalf of Childnet International for the UK Government's Department for Children, Schools and Families. The Guidance follow up (and designed to compliment) cyberbullying guidance, a comprehensive document  that formed part of the Safe To Learn: Embedding anti-bullying work in schools suite of advice. While the initial document was really well received both within the UK & internationally, teachers unions and associations were increasingly being asked to deal with school employee cyberbullying cases - in which the staff member was the person being victimised." so written by Josy Fraser a very intereting Blog Post about what we call in germany the adaequate "Paedagogische Beziehung" - How to care this in ages of social networks and learning.
Andreas Auwärter

Blogging Innovation » What is the Difference Between Innovation and Creativity? - 0 views

    Discussions about innovation are often made difficult because people are unclear about the exact meanings of some key terms. In particular there is confusion about the difference between creativity, innovation and invention.
Andreas Auwärter

The 2010 Social Networking Map / Flowtown (@flowtown) - 0 views

    Gut gestaltete Karte des social networking
Andreas Auwärter

50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom | Smart Teaching - 0 views

  • Wikis are an exceptionally useful tool for getting students more involved in curriculum. They’re often appealing and fun for students to use, while at the same time ideal for encouraging participation, collaboration, and interaction. Read on to see how you can put wikis to work in your classroom.
    Wikis are an exceptionally useful tool for getting students more involved in curriculum. They're often appealing and fun for students to use, while at the same time ideal for encouraging participation, collaboration, and interaction. Read on to see how you can put wikis to work in your classroom.
Andreas Auwärter

Broschüre zur Einführung ins Urheberrecht für (medien)pädagogische Zusammenhä... - 0 views

    Einführung ins Urheberrecht Auch wenn der Trend klar zu CreativeCommons geht: Die Sensibilität für das Urheberrecht in Schulen, in der Medienpädagogik und in der Jugendarbeit wächst, die Zahl der Begleitmaterialien auch. Eine Broschüre von Schulen ans Netz ergänzt den Reigen der Publikation zum Thema und beantwortet grundlegende Fragen wie "Was sind urheberrechtlich geschützte Werke?" oder "Welche Werke sind frei nutzbar?" Hilfreich besonders für den Bildungsbereich sind Hinweise zum Zitieren und zur Veröffentlichung von SchülerInnenarbeiten.
Andreas Auwärter

Ubercaster + NiceCast + ShoutCast Server - utilize your - 0 views

    ubercaster + nicecast + shoutcast server april 13, 2009 1:10 pm                 today i got around to dabbling with ubercaster and the ability to bring in skype callers for multi input/source live podcasting. after i got that bit working i then fired up my nicecast shoutcast 50 slot server from tidyhosts and set up some targets for it to capture the audio from. i then gave out my shoutcast url for people with itunes or winamp (pc) to tune into - it went really well and we found that in ubercaster playing music/samples played back to the skype users that were logged into the conversation.
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