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Andreas Auwärter

Tech Learning TL Advisor Blog and Ed Tech Ticker Blogs from TL Blog Staff - TechLearnin... - 0 views

    (Michael Gorman) Welcome to a post that covers those other ten Word Cloud Generators and some are pretty amazing!  While Wordle is the king of Word Cloud Generators here are some other word cloud tools that have some outstanding capabilities that are worth investigation.  Each tool provides a unique way  that can be used in  the classroom to facilitate the creation and study of word clouds. I especially was impressed with a few tools that actually helped students analyze a group of text using more than just the generated cloud, another that allows the user to be creative with the cloud shape, and still another that connects words in the cloud to web pages! Thanks for the visit, and as always please feel free to follow me on Twitter (mjgormans), I will follow back and we can learn from each other. Also, be sure to visit my 21centuryedtech Blog and check out all of the free resources at my 21centuryedtech Wiki! - Have a great week and enjoy the read! - Mike
Andreas Auwärter

Mobile Learning: Why Tech Savvy Educators Are Turning to Podcasts - - 0 views

    Infographic and Information about Mobile learning and educators tipps on podcasting.
Andreas Auwärter

10 Chat Widgets to Consider - 0 views

    10 Chat Widgets to Consider Post on ReadWritenet about embeddable chat solutions
Andreas Auwärter

OpenConferenceWare is Beautiful Software for Events - 0 views

    n open source development team in Portland, Oregon has released Blog Post from the RW-Web: "OpenConferenceWare, a sophisticated free package for processing event session proposals and displaying event schedules. Igal Koshevoy and Reid Beels built the system and put it on display as the scheduling system for the forthcoming Open Source Bridge conference, Portland's response to losing the popular O'Reilly event OSCON to San Jose, California."
Andreas Auwärter

7 good software project management videocasts « Tech IT Easy - 0 views

    Some Remarks about Argile PM of software!
Andreas Auwärter

Official Map-tastic Site! - 0 views

    MindMapping Plattform with also an free account for collaborative mind mapping
Andreas Auwärter

Podcasting Tools - 0 views

    This site is a comprehensive podcasting resource detailing everything you need to know about Podcasting Podcasting is the process of creating an audio show of some sort available in MP3 format via an RSS 2.0 feed that supports enclosures. Podcasts are designed to include talk shows, tutorials, music, or other audio content.
Andreas Auwärter

Google Wave: 5 Ways It Could Change the Web - 0 views

    The introduction on Mashable "Google Wave arrives on September 30th. On that day, Google will start sending out 100,000 invites to non-developers to its much-anticipated real-time communication platform. It's not even released and it's generating more hype than almost any other web product in recent memory. The reason stems from its game-changing features and their potential applications on business, education, customer service, email, social networking, and more."
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