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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Diego Morelli


I'm ordinary - 6 views

    "I'm ordinary and only reason from the city (....)"

Tangible Knowledge & Social Media - 11 views

    Here's an interesting description by D. Roberts about social media as a collection of knowledge assets that have to be organized, in order to achieve what he calls "Tangible Knowledge, the Holy grail of finance". Some highlights from my transcription below... (continue...)

Collective Intelligence & Cyberspace - 1 views

    Interesting slides, that "introduce the necessity of a new language that can set a link between the machine process of cyberspace and the uman collective intelligence, which is dynamic, in constant change and made in different languages, from different approaches."....

Web Evolution & Social Media - 4 views

    Nice slide presentation from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, about the evolution of the Web, with reference to social networks & issues related to libraries. My personal highligths from this work: * The turn from groups to social networks lays the basis for a new social operating system * Being more civically engages on social networks helps building better communities (continue...)

Online Music & P2P Networks: artists-to-fans-to-artists - 2 views

    A new blog is officially online for discussing music on the Web, with debates on payments to artists and issues related to copyright. It's called a2f2a (artists to fans to artists), and here's the mission statement as stated on the blog page: (continue...)

Semantic Web Search Engine: the SWSE Mission Statement - 7 views

    "Although the Semantic Web (SW) is still very much in its infancy, there is already a lot of data out there which conforms to the proposed SW standards (e.g. RDF and OWL). Small vertical vocabularies and ontologies have emerged, and the community of people using these is growing daily.... "

Remix Culture, Creative Commons & a Short Stories Project in Literature - 0 views

    A Brisbane-based, international remixable literature project named Remix My Lit released this summer their first publication, "Through the Clock's Workings": it's defined as the world's first remixed and remixable anthology of literature. (continue....)

The Open Video Alliance, Open Source Video & the Kaltura Platform - 0 views

    Kaltura is an open source video platform, from its video codec to its back-end systems for uploading, hosting, embedding, syndicating, analyzing and inserting advertisements into videos. Anyone can use the code for free: clients pay only for custom installation, integration, and support, depending on their level of traffic. Kaltura is also co-founder of the Open Video Conference that took place in NYC..........

Remix Culture & Fair Use: Best Practices for Online Video - 0 views

    An interesting video I came across about the main issues concerning fair use, copyright, and video mashups. Highlights from my transcription below: We're seeing this blossoming of amateur cultures, video remixes and creativity, and a lot of these works are circulating on the Internet. Copyright law is all about balance........

Digital Rights: the "Teaching Copyright" Project by the EFF for Students & Educators - 0 views

    A project by the Electronic Frontier Foundation has been created to help teachers provide accurate informations about the laws concerning digital rights & the concepts of copyright and piracy.

Trent Reznor, Trolls & Anonymous Posts on Social Media - 0 views

    Trent Reznor decided to quit social media, or Twitter at least, as you may already know. As he stated quite clearly, he finally found out that "the problem with really getting engaged in a community is getting through the clutter and noise." (continue...)

Real-Time Web: Filtering the Streams of Data - 0 views

    What does "real-time web" actually means? Basically, getting all the informations you're looking for at the very moment they're are produced, from your sources of choice. (continue...)

Facebook Application for Choosing Your Creative Commons License - 0 views

    A new application for social network Facebook has been developed by Creative Commons for letting Facebook users choose how they would like their content on their profile pages to be shared.

Wolfram Alpha Computational Knowledge Engine - First Official Demo - 0 views

    Two days ago Stephen Wolfram gave an early preview of his "computational knowledge engine" Wolfram Alpha at a talk at Harvard University. The video of the whole presentation (1h 45min long) is here above, while down below you can find some highlights I transcripted from his speech.

Freemium Music Business Models: a Case Study - Corey Smith - 0 views

    In the music business Corey Smith can be considered a case study, as he has been capable of raising millions of dollars giving away his music for free and building at the same time a closer relationship with his fans... (continue...)

Linked Data & the BBC Music Platform Relaunch - 0 views

    The new BBC web platform for music is online, offering some kind of mash-up presentations of the artists that make use of semantic resources.

Open Source/Free Music & New Models of Selling Music Online - 0 views

    1. Open File Sharing: users must be free to share files on their hard drives with each other. 2. Open File Formats: content must be distributed in MP3 and other formats with NO digital rights management protection. ......

Computational Knowledge Engine: Wolfram Alpha - 1 views

    The latest project by Stephen Wolfram is defined as the first "computational knowledge engine", something capable of answering factual question for you. The Wolfram engine is described as "a proprietary system based on fields of knowledge, containing terabytes of curated data and millions of lines of algorithms to represent real-world knowledge as we know it".

Open Platform for Free Content Launched by the Guardian - 1 views

    The Guardian website launched earlier today its new online suite of services called "Open Platform", which will allow web developers to build application using content from the newspaper. The Guardian content APIs being released includes not only articles but also videos, galleries and other content..........

News Aggregators & Online Search on Newsflashr - 0 views

    On you can track all the latest news among a variety of newsaggregators, all from a single site: a useful tool for web searches of any kind.
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