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EBSCOhost: Coping with Child Sexual Abuse among College Students and Post-Traumatic St.... - 1 views

    Canton-Cortes, David, and Jose Canton. "Coping with Child Sexual Abuse among College Students and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Role of Continuity of Abuse and Relationship with the Perpetrator." Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 34.7 (2010): 496-506. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. The article dealt with the effects that child sexual abuse had on people later on in their lives, specifically during their college years. Coping strategies were looked at to see if there was a connection between the abuse done and the relationship that the attacker had with the victim. Also, the effects of coping strategies of post-traumatic stress disorder between child sexual abuse victims and non-child sexual abuse victims were observed. After surveys were taken, participants who had been victims of child sexual abuse showed much higher post-traumatic stress scores and lower approach coping strategies. Child sexual abuse is a high-risk experience that can affect the victim's coping strategies and lead to post-traumatic stress. Child sexual abuse survivors are encouraged to go through therapy to help develop usefeul approach strategies.

Coping with Child Sexual Abuse among College Students and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorde... - 0 views

    Canton-Cortes, David, and Jose Canton. "Coping with Child Sexual Abuse among College Students and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Role of Continuity of Abuse and Relationship with the Perpetrator." Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 34.7 (2010): 496-506. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. The article dealt with the effects that child sexual abuse had on people later on in their lives, specifically during their college years. Coping strategies were looked at to see if there was a connection between the abuse done and the relationship that the attacker had with the victim. Also, the effects of coping strategies of post-traumatic stress disorder between child sexual abuse victims and non-child sexual abuse victims were observed. After surveys were taken, participants who had been victims of child sexual abuse showed much higher post-traumatic stress scores and lower approach coping strategies. Child sexual abuse is a high-risk experience that can affect the victim's coping strategies and lead to post-traumatic stress. Child sexual abuse survivors are encouraged to go through therapy to help develop usefeul approach strategies.

EBSCOhost: The Effect of Severe Child Sexual Abuse and Disclosure on Mental Health dur... - 2 views

    O'Leary, Patrick, Carol Coohey, and Scott D. Easton. "The Effect of Severe Child Sexual Abuse and Disclosure on Mental Health during Adulthood." Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 19.3 (2010): 275-289. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. The article deals with the relationship of severe child sexual abuse and mental health symptoms during the adult years. Respondants of the survey taken showed that in the thirties and fourties that if they were attacked by more than one abuser and did not discuss their abuse within one year of the attack they had a greater number of mental health symptoms. The clients who are at higher risk of mental health symptoms should be assessed by professionals.

Long-Term Effects of Interparental Violence and Child Physical Maltreatment Experiences... - 1 views

    Shen, April Chiung-Tao. "Long-Term Effects of Interparental Violence and Child Physical Maltreatment Experiences on PTSD and Behavior Problems: A National Survey of Taiwanese College Students." Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 33.3 (2009): 148-160. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. The study dealt with the long-term impact of witnlessing interparental violence and experiencing actual abuse. Also, it was looked at if Chinese beliefs originated kat home could contribute to adults' trauma and behavior. Taiwanese college stuents were surveyed and each placed into four groups: no violence, interparental violence only, child physical maltreatment only and dual violence.

EBSCOhost: Long-Term Effects of Interparental Violence and Child Physical Maltreatment... - 1 views

    Shen, April Chiung-Tao. "Long-Term Effects of Interparental Violence and Child Physical Maltreatment Experiences on PTSD and Behavior Problems: A National Survey of Taiwanese College Students." Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 33.3 (2009): 148-160. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. The study dealt with the long-term impact of witnlessing interparental violence and experiencing actual abuse. Also, it was looked at if Chinese beliefs originated kat home could contribute to adults' trauma and behavior. Taiwanese college stuents were surveyed and each placed into four groups: no violence, interparental violence only, child physical maltreatment only and dual violence.

Child Multi-Type Maltreatment and Associated Depression and PTSD Symptoms: The Role of ... - 0 views

    Vranceanu, Ana-Maria, Stevan E. Hobfoll, and Robert J. Johnson. "Child Multi-Type Maltreatment and Associated Depression and PTSD Symptoms: The Role of Social Support and Stress." Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 31.1 (2007): 71-84. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 23 Nov. 2010. This study looked at the idea that numerous forms of child abuse would influence lower social support for women and a higher level of stress during adulthood, later causing depression or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Transitioning Children from Psychiatric Hospitals to Schools: The Role of the Special E... - 1 views

    Simon, Joan B, and Elena A. Savina. "Transitioning Children from Psychiatric Hospitals to Schools: The Role of the Special Educator." Residential Treatment for Children & Youth 27 (2010): 1-14. Education Resources Informaiton Center. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. This article is all about transitioning children from a psychiatric hospital into school and the role special education teachers plan in that transition. It discusses the relationship between parents, hospital staff, and the special educators in the efforts to make the transition for the child less dramatic. It also talks about the behavior problems of the child once they are back in a school setting. This research was conducted with special educators to develop what skills and resources they need to help the child succeed.

Normal Stages of Human Development - 1 views

    "Normal Stages of Human Development." Child Development Info. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.\n\n- This site doesn't necessarily help my paper, but it might help someone. This site displays basic traits or habits that average children should aquire at certain ages. It only goes up to age five, which is why it is not helpful to me (I'm primarily studying Autistic teenagers). It touches on emotional, social, and physical traits. This is good if you need a list of traits for a "regular" child to compare an Autistic child to.

Parents' Perceptions of Professional Support for the Emergent Literacy of Young Childre... - 6 views

    Brennan, Susan A., Gayle J. Luze, and Carla Peterson. "Parents' Perceptions of Professional Support for the Emergent Literacy of Young Children with Visual Impairments." Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 103.10 (2009): 694-704. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. A survey was taken of parents who are raising a visually impaired child. The survey concentrated on what types of activities parents engaged with their child. The survey found that it was important for parents to read out loud to the children because it helped them understand "book related" concepts. Concepts such as turning the page, reading left to right, and understanding that books relay a message. This article also states that a parents cannot offer the support their child needs without professional help. Often times parents want to read to their child, but find that they don't know how to go about it, or even what books they should read to them. The article lastly states that parents should also learn Braille. This will open up more opportunities and experiences that a child can have. An experience such as having time as a family to learn Braille and make it a more fun and enjoyable experience for the child.

EBSCOhost: Single versus Multi-Type Maltreatment: An Examination of the Long-Term Effe.... - 0 views

    This study dealt with the long-term effects of different kinds of child abuse. Nearly four hundred college students studied many aspects of child abuse history. What these students found was that when abuse is present, it is typical for more than one kind to be used. Every type of abuse was followed by certain symptoms, and whoever experienced more than one kind of abuse experienced numerous symptoms. Therefore, it is essential to study all types of abuse when doing research.

How To Teach A Child With Autism? - 1 views

    "How To Teach A Child With Autism?" About Disability. Web. 18 Nov. 2010.\n\n- This site again touches on techniques for teaching Autistic students. It first talks about the importance on environment. An environment that makes the students feel safe will assist in much better results. The site then goes on to list other categories of interest such as curriculum and approaches to take. Lastly, it talks about the importance of teacher commitment and not giving up on the students.

The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Other Forms of Childhood Adversity - 0 views

    Barrett, Betty. "The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Other Forms of Childhood Adversity on Adulthood Parenting." Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 18.5 (2009): 489-512. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. The study looked at how the impact of child sexual abuse on adulthood parenting. The samples were primarily African-American mothers. Sexual abuse survivors showed much lower rates of affection towards their children, higher rates of aggression and mouch more frequent uses of corporal punishment than those of mothers who had not been abused.

The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Other Forms of Childhood Adversity - 1 views

    Barrett, Betty. "The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Other Forms of Childhood Adversity on Adulthood Parenting." Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 18.5 (2009): 489-512. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. The study looked at how the impact of child sexual abuse on adulthood parenting. The samples were primarily African-American mothers. Sexual abuse survivors showed much lower rates of affection towards their children, higher rates of aggression and mouch more frequent uses of corporal punishment than those of mothers who had not been abused.

EBSCOhost: The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Other Forms of Childhood Adversity... - 1 views

    Barrett, Betty. "The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Other Forms of Childhood Adversity on Adulthood Parenting." Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 18.5 (2009): 489-512. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. The study looked at how the impact of child sexual abuse on adulthood parenting. The samples were primarily African-American mothers. Sexual abuse survivors showed much lower rates of affection towards their children, higher rates of aggression and mouch more frequent uses of corporal punishment than those of mothers who had not been abused.

Understanding Learning Disabilities - 0 views

    A film on OhioLINK. How could a child be a top math student yet not be able to read? Why can another child read well but not be able to write a paragraph that makes sense? While watching children being taught new ways to learn, this program offers expert insight into the nature of learning disabilities, why learning disabilities may also be accompanied by ADHD or social disorders, and what can be done to help children learn to compensate and succeed. A Meridian Production. (16 minutes, color)\n

Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Early Adulthood - 1 views

    Boden, Joseph M., David M. Fergusson, and L. John Horwood. "Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Early Adulthood." Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 33.12 (2009): 870-876. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. The study looks at how child sexual abuse can tie in with adolescent abortions to influence adulthood. The study that was done was a 25-year study of the heath, development and adjustment of 1,265 New Zealand children. Studies showed that if higher rates of abuse were shown, then high rates of pregnancy and abortion developed.

Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Early Adulthood - 1 views

    Boden, Joseph M., David M. Fergusson, and L. John Horwood. "Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Early Adulthood." Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 33.12 (2009): 870-876. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. The study looks at how child sexual abuse can tie in with adolescent abortions to influence adulthood. The study that was done was a 25-year study of the heath, development and adjustment of 1,265 New Zealand children. Studies showed that if higher rates of abuse were shown, then high rates of pregnancy and abortion developed.

What's Real in Children's Fantasy Play?: Fantasy Play Across the Transition to Becoming... - 1 views

    Kramer, Laurie. "What's Real in Children's Fantasy Play?: Fantasy Play Across the Transition to Becoming a Sibling." Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines 37.3 (1996): 329-337. Ebscohost. Web. 20 Nov. 2010. This article is about how fantasy play can help children cope with the transition of becoming a sibling. When the children play, their fantasy story involves concerns the child has that he or she hides. Fantasy play also is a way that children cope with many stressful situations in their life.

EBSCOhost: Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Ear... - 2 views

    Boden, Joseph M., David M. Fergusson, and L. John Horwood. "Experience of Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Abortion in Adolescence and Early Adulthood." Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal 33.12 (2009): 870-876. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. The study looks at how child sexual abuse can tie in with adolescent abortions to influence adulthood. The study that was done was a 25-year study of the heath, development and adjustment of 1,265 New Zealand children. Studies showed that if higher rates of abuse were shown, then high rates of pregnancy and abortion developed.

School issues and the child with cancer - 1 views

    Deasy-Spinetta, Pat. "School issues and the child with cancer." Cancer 71 (2006): n. pag. Web. 11 Nov. 2010. This article discusses how hospitals are trying to put programs together to help those children that are long term patience with the learning process. Many children are posing disabilities that need to be confronted before they are put back into a regular classroom. The article goes on to talk about that teachers need to empower parents and hospital staffs to come up with innovative ways to teacher children the curriculum that they should be learning. Children with learning disabilities are popping up more frequently and we need to take action as a society to address those issues at an early age.
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