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John Evans

The 5 best EdTech newsletters to sign up for - Daily Genius - 0 views

    "You think you want your news pinged to you on an app, delivered by tweets, foisted on you by posts. But you don't. Not really. You just think you do. You want to be seen as modern. In reality, you want to browse, to take it at a leisurely pace, to absorb it. You want it delivered on the age-old technology of your forefathers. You want it by email. No matter what you think, email, good old email, is still a reliable, portable, readable way of getting your news. Curated by someone who knows more than you, with content written by people who know much more than you. So forget your high-tech snobbery and sign up for these - the best EdTech email newsletters to subscribe to:"
John Evans

Stop Asking Kids What They Want to Be When They Grow Up - The New York Times - 0 views

    ""What do you want to be when you grow up?" When I was a kid, I dreaded the question. I never had a good answer. Adults always seemed terribly disappointed that I wasn't dreaming of becoming something grand or heroic, like a filmmaker or an astronaut. In college, I finally realized that I didn't want to be one thing. I wanted to do many things. So I found a workaround: I became an organizational psychologist. My job is to fix other people's jobs. I get to experience them vicariously - I've gotten to explore how filmmakers blaze new trails and how astronauts build trust. And I've become convinced that asking youngsters what they want to be does them a disservice."
John Evans

5 Awesome TV and Movie Robots You Can Build With a Raspberry Pi - 1 views

    "With so many Raspberry Pi projects to choose from, it can be tricky to find the one you really want to build. Our advice is to find a way to marry the Pi with something you really love. One great example is TV and movie robots - iconic characters from popular sci-fi that can be rebuild at home with a Raspberry Pi built in. Once constructed, your robot might be able to utter commands when a condition is met (perhaps a sensor detects motion). Or it might move around, learning about its surroundings, or reading information to you from Wikipedia. Whatever you have in mind, it should be relatively straightforward to plan and execute. It may take some time, however. Here are five example projects that show how you can combine a Raspberry Pi 2 or later with your favorite fictional robot. 5 Things Only a Raspberry Pi 2 Can Do 5 Things Only a Raspberry Pi 2 Can Do The latest edition of the pint-sized computer is awesome. So awesome, in fact, that there's 5 things you can only do on a Raspberry Pi 2. READ MORE 1. R2-D2 We've all wanted our very own astromech droid, haven't we? Sure, no one on earth is (currently) operating a light speed drive, but Star Wars droid R2-D2 has far greater abilities than onboard spacecraft maintenance. For instance, he can hold torches, carry a tray of drinks, and launch lightsabers across pits in the desert. Okay, it's unlikely you'll manage to get your own R2-D2 robot to do that… but don't let that put you off. Check out this little guy, controlled by a Raspberry Pi. While this project was based on an existing R2-D2 toy, that shouldn't limit your ambition. You'll find plenty of R2-D2 builds on YouTube. There's a massive R2-D2 building community online. Finding one that has a drive unit should be ideal for integrating a Raspberry Pi (and perhaps an Arduino, which you can use the two together) and developing a more realistic R2-D2 experience. Arduino vs Raspberry Pi: Which Is The Mini Computer For You? Arduino vs Rasp
John Evans

creatingaPLN » home - 0 views

    joevans · My Wikis · My Mail · My Account · Help · Sign Out · wikispaces *This page can only be edited by organizers of this wiki.homeProtected * pagesubmenu o print o what links here? o rename o delete o redirect o unlock o view source * discussion * history * notify me Protected Welcome to our resource wiki for: Personal Learning Networks: The Power of the Human Network Judith Epcke (@jepcke) and Scott Meech (@smeech) Locations of visitors to this page Bold Italic Underline Color and Style Ordered List Unordered List Horizontal Rule Insert Link Remove Link Insert Images and Files Embed Widget Insert Table Insert Special Character Insert Code Cancel none Optional: a note about this edit for the page history log Optional: tags for this page, separated by commas Cancel Note that the content you create on is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 License. Please only submit content that you write yourself or that is in the public domain. Learn more about our open content policy. Insert a File Double click an image or file to insert it into the page. Show: please wait... Page: Jump: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Double clicking a file: inserts the file links to the file Upload New File notUploading Insert External Image by URL Enter an external image address, click "Load", then double click the image to insert it into the page. * Wikispaces Wikispaces * Video Video * Audio Audio * Calendar Calendar * Spreadsheet Spreadsheet * Document Document * Polls Polls * RSS Feed RSS Feed * Chat and IM Chat and IM * Slideshow Slideshow * Map Map * Bookmark Bookmark * Other HTML Other HTML Choose the category of application you would like to embed from the list on the left. Choose the kind of content you would like
John Evans

AudioTool - 9 views

  • AudioTool lets you create music by mixing a lot of different instruments in any way you want. Instruments and variations available include drums, guitars, synths, perc, bass, house, vocals, dub and lots of other effects. You also have on your hands some advanced tools like splitter, merger, minimizer, kobolt and audiotrack. Just drag and drop the equipment you want to use and connect them in any way you want. You can start from scratch or tweak music already created by other users.
    "AudioTool lets you create music by mixing a lot of different instruments in any way you want. Instruments and variations available include drums, guitars, synths, perc, bass, house, vocals, dub and lots of other effects. You also have on your hands some advanced tools like splitter, merger, minimizer, kobolt and audiotrack. Just drag and drop the equipment you want to use and connect them in any way you want. You can start from scratch or tweak music already created by other users."
John Evans

10 Intriguing Photographs to Teach Close Reading and Visual Thinking Skills - The New Y... - 3 views

    "Ever want your students to slow down and notice details when they read - whether they're perusing a book, a poem, a map or a political cartoon? Young people often want to hurry up and make meaning via a quick skim or a cursory glance when a text can demand patience and focus. Closely reading any text, whether written or visual, requires that students proceed more slowly and methodically, noticing details, making connections and asking questions. This takes practice. But it certainly helps when students want to read the text. We've selected 10 photos from The Times that we've used previously in our weekly "What's Going On in This Picture?" and that have already successfully caught students' and teachers' attention. These are some of our most popular images - ones that may make viewers say "huh?" on first glance, but that spark enough curiosity to make them want to dig deeper. (Please Note: You can quickly learn the backstory about any of these photos by clicking the link in each caption that takes you to the original post, then scrolling down to find the "reveal.") Below, we offer ideas from students and teachers who have engaged with these images for ways to use them, or images like them, to teach close reading and visual thinking skills."
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: We Wants Apps - A Great Place to Find Educational iPad Apps - 0 views

    We Want Apps is a free iPad and iPhone app for discovering new apps for kids. I discovered We Want Apps on David Kapuler's blog and immediately gave it a try on my iPad. With We Want Apps installed on your iPad you can search for apps according to the age of your students, the platform (iPhone or iPad), and price (free or paid). After choosing your search criteria you will be given a list of apps. Click on an app in the search results list to read a detailed description of that app.
John Evans

Empowering Student Voice through our Makerspace | Barrow Media Center - 0 views

    "The first day of tinkering was just awesome. Within a matter of minutes, Kearn had the MaKey MaKey connected to Play Doh and was controlling a train simulator on the computer. Ludwig controlled the horn and Kearn drove the train. Kearn wanted to make a video to show what he had done, so we pulled out an iPad and made an impromptu video which he wanted to add to his Youtube channel. He also started following my blog and even left a comment about how much he loves the makerspace. Both students were completely independent and were perfectly capable of dreaming, tinkering, and making on their own. I was available for support as needed, but they really just wanted a space to explore. As they continue, I want to connect them with some experts that might mentor their ideas and curiosities, but for now, they just need to tinker. "
John Evans

Introducing 5 Domains of Blended Learning Teaching - 4 views

    "School and district leaders that are thinking about personalizing education tell us one of their top concerns is how to train, support, and develop teachers effectively to teach in ways that may feel new and unfamiliar.  As former educators we agree that this is crucial, and are happy that they recognize the challenge and are ready to take it on. First and foremost, in order to support the teachers we are asking to teach in blended learning environments we have to understand the implications on teaching practice.  Over the past three years, we've worked with thousands of teachers tackling the question of how to personalize learning in their classrooms and we've gathered a set skills into 5 domains of blended learning teaching that we believe are new skills to master for veteran and novice teachers alike. This five-domain rubric was created, not for evaluation purposes (there are enough evaluation rubrics out there!), but for teachers to be able to self-assess, set goals and progress.  In the same way, we want blended learning to allow for students to have a better understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, we want teachers to be able to identify blended specific skills and better understand their own strengths and areas for growth.  We wanted to give teachers, their coaches, and their leaders, a sense of what to strive for, and help them plot a path to get there through aligned professional development.  We also found that the teachers we work with cherish the opportunity to self-reflect, identify the skills they have and the skills they need, and take the time to set goals around where they want to shift their practice.  Many of our schools infuse these concepts into community of practices discussions for continuous learning."
John Evans

Workflow App Increases Your iPhone Productivity - Business Insider - 0 views

    "Imagine you could create a single button on your iPhone that does whatever you want. Want to order an Uber for your next Calendar event? Easy. Want a button designated for calling mom? Done. Wish you could tap a button and get directions to the nearest coffee shop? Who wouldn't? Want to tweet the last photo you took or song you're listening to? Just drag and drop each step of the process inside of Workflow and it turns into its own app. That's the concept behind Workflow, a new app designed to save you time by allowing you to string together various tasks and combine them into one action. You can then turn that action into an app on your homescreen or add it to your iPhone's share screen so you always have quick access."
Tom Stimson - 0 views

    Simply set up a private space to drop any files by phone, email, web, widget or fax and then share them with whoever you want via a variety of outputs
    Simple private real-time sharing and collaboration. Use to privately share your files and collaborate in real time by web, email, phone, mobile, and more. Create each drop in two clicks and share what you want, how you want, with whom you want. Check out the 'How To' video. is another great site for parents to upload photos quickly for teachers to access. Like Troovi, the teacher would create the site, set a password, and send the link to parents. Parents simply upload their photos, video, and files to the site and the teacher can download them instantly.
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Reasons to Have a Classroom Blog - 0 views

    "Earlier today someone wrote the following in response to my post featuring a good example of a teacher and student blog, "Franklly (sic) I don't want to blog with my students. I want to talk with them face to face in class." While I appreciate that the person who wrote that comment on Facebook wants to emphasize the relationship she's trying to develop with her students, she's also overlooking the benefits of having a classroom blog. In short, it's not an "either or" proposition. You can have a classroom blog and develop face-to-face conversations with your students."
John Evans

St. James Assiniboia School Division New Teachers Blog: Great Resources for New (ALL) T... - 1 views

  • This is a blog devoted to new teachers. Whether you are having a tough time with your students or want to share your successes in the classroom,have a question or want to share some reflections, talking with other teachers can be a great help, both professionally and personally. This blog will be the place for collaboration and sharing. We want to also encourage all of our readers to offer advice and share their own stories and experiences. Here we will blog about all things teaching and learning. WELCOME to our blog spot.
John Evans

40+ Resources for Teaching Using Animation and Comics ~ Educational Technology and Mobi... - 0 views

    "Some of the animation links catalogued here will give educators very basic tools and histories of animation while others have the animation already created and set in motion, it's just a matter of sharing it with students. Educators need to decide which tool is best for them. If you want to create your own animation from scratch, then you want to go to sites such as Animwork. If you want to select from animation that's already set up for you then perhaps Explainia makes more sense."
John Evans

The Power of Introverts: An Essential Understanding for Teachers | Edutopia - 0 views

    "About a year ago, I read Susan Cain's Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking. I wanted to tell everyone about this book right away, but I also wanted to let what I'd learned sink in. I wanted to sit alone with my new self-awareness, process my experience, and absorb the revelations I'd had -- all in true introverted fashion. See, as I'd read Cain's book, my predominant thoughts were, "She's describing me! I'm an introvert! And there's nothing wrong with that!" The margins of my copy are littered with stars, exclamation points, and scribbles that, as I look back, reflect my profound relief and gained understandings. "
John Evans

Keep Your Kids Safe When They're Using a Smartphone - 0 views

    "Nowadays, kids want to use smartphones. Of course, most parents aren't willing to actually buy their kids a device, but plenty have no problem letting them play with one. Of course, when a child uses a cell phone they can potentially be exposed to all kinds of dangerous things that aren't meant for young eyes. But the risks aren't just for the children, but they can affect you, the parents, too. Kids could make unwanted in-app purchases, make calls to people you don't want to talk to, they could even share photos you don't want the world to see, and they can do plenty of other bad things. So what can you do? Check out the infographic below for the answers."
John Evans

3 Reasons Why Faculty Meetings Are a Waste of Time - Finding Common Ground - Education ... - 2 views

    "3 Reasons Why Faculty Meetings Are a Waste of Time By Peter DeWitt on April 10, 2015 6:50 AM Faculty Meeting.png Many school leaders walk into a faculty meeting with a single idea of how they want to move forward and walk out with the same idea. That's telling... John Hattie talks a great deal about the Politics of Distraction, which means we focus on adult issues, and not enough time...if ever...on learning. That is happening around the U.S. for sure. Recently the Assembly of NY State only furthered those distractions, which you can read about here, which means that school leaders and teachers have to work harder to maintain a focus on learning. Quite frankly, well before mandates and accountability, school leaders focused on the politics of distraction and not on learning. Compliance is not new in schools. Faculty meetings were seen as a venue to get through and something that teachers were contractually obligated to attend. During these days of endless measures of compliance, principals can do a great deal to make sure they don't model the same harmful messages to staff that politicians are sending to teachers. Jim Knight calls that "Freedom within form." In Talk Like Ted, Carmine Gallo quotes Marissa Mayer (CEO of Yahoo) when he writes, "Creativity is often misunderstood. People often think of it in terms of artistic work - unbridled, unguided effort that leads to beautiful effect. If you look deeper, however, you'll find that some of the most inspiring art forms - haikus, sonatas, religious paintings- are fraught with constraints. (p. 190)" Clearly, constraints have a wide definition. There is a clear difference between the constraints of compliance and the stupidity of the legislation just passed by the assembly in NY. As we move forward, principals still are charged...or at least should be...with the job of making sure they offer part...inspiration, part...teacher voice...and a great deal of focus on learning. There is never a more important tim
John Evans

ASCD Express 5.24 - ASCD Talks with an Author: Robyn Jackson - 1 views

    ... teachers need to "embrace the messiness that is learning," says master teacher and author Robyn Jackson. "[People] think kids are lazy, they don't want to work-they want to work. They just don't want to work the way we often ask them to work," Jackson says.
John Evans

How to take a photo while simultaneously shooting video with your iPhone or iPad | iMore - 2 views

    "Sometimes you're shooting a video with the built-in iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad Camera app and you find yourself wanting to take a still photo at the same time. Whether it's an amazing moment amid the action, or just a great composition you want to capture in its won right, there are times when you'll want to have your video and photo too! Luckily, Apple makes it easy to do."
John Evans

Steps for Cultivating a Love of Reading in Young Children | MindShift - 0 views

    "In his new book, Raising Kids Who Read, Daniel Willingham wants to be clear: There's a big difference between teaching kids to read and teaching them to love reading. And Willingham, a parent himself, doesn't champion reading for the obvious reasons - not because research suggests that kids who read for pleasure do better in school and in life. "The standard things you'll hear about why kids should read I actually don't think are very strong arguments," he says. "Because if the goal is to become a good citizen or the goal is to make a lot of money, I can think of more direct ways to reach those goals than to read during your leisure time." Willingham wants his kids to love reading because, he says, "for me it's a family value. It's something that I love, something that I find important. I think I gain experiences I wouldn't gain any other way by virtue of being a reader. And so naturally I want my children to experience that." The professor of psychology at the University of Virginia uses his new book to map out strategies for parents and teachers hoping to kindle that same passion for reading."
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