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John Evans

Cassini HD for the iPad lets you take a free trip to Saturn today | TUAW - The Unoffici... - 0 views

    "Cassini HD"
Carla Shinn

Wonderstruck - Virtual Field Trip and More! - 0 views

    The worlds of Brian Selznick's Wonderstruck and The Invention of Hugo Cabret offer rich possibilities for classroom learning in every area of the curriculum. Read our guide to teaching with Brian Selznick's award-winning books, filled with rich resources for teachers and students. From a virtual field trip inside the American Museum of Natural History-the setting for much of Wonderstruck-to discussion guides, classroom activities, and interviews with Selznick, it's all here!
John Evans

Finding Digital Lesson Resources in Real World Places - 0 views

    "Museums and galleries may be our first port of call when visiting a new city or planning a class field trip, but they are often overlooked when it comes to their digital offerings. What tends to happen when searching for digital resources is that we focus on digital search techniques, meaning we easily miss some of the best resources created by real world institutions. These days many great galleries, museums, memorials and world famous locations want to share their mystery and wonder beyond their physical walls, and with that comes a world of free teaching resources. For students, this connection between the real word and their study not only helps cement knowledge, it can also help foster the lifelong learning we all hope to encourage in our students"
Phil Taylor

The Cost of Technology | - 0 views

    "A trip down memory lane as we compare some of our favorite electronics to those of yesteryear."
John Evans

Building virtual realities in the classroom - 0 views

    "It's pretty self-explanatory to most people why kids benefit from virtual field trips: They present learning matter in a very vivid and entertaining way. And this is great.  But still, once the hardware has found its way into the classroom, it makes sense to explore possibilities beyond the mere consumption of readymade content. Namely: let students create virtual realities themselves. There are some reasons why teachers should consider experimenting with this possibility:"
John Evans

School Offices Must Serve as Sanctuaries - Passion…Purpose…Pride - 3 views

    "As Abby walked into the school building she had a sinking feeling in her stomach. It was November and she had just moved into a new community. She was nervous about starting a new school midway through the school year. This was her first day of school and she kept her eyes down, nervous, not knowing what to expect as she walked into the main office. Suddenly, the office secretary called out to her in a tone that made her skip a breath, "Where are you supposed to be?  Do you have a pass?  Move on now before the tardy bell rings and the vice principal gives you a detention for being late." Each day in school offices across the country this scenario is playing out with regularity.  Although it may come across as somewhat exaggerated, those of you who have spent any amount of time in school have probably at one time or another been witness to such an interaction in the main office area.  It is these defined interactions that has led to us to ponder this question.  Have we reached the point where we are willing to allow negative interactions to drive the level of success of our students, staff and our school? What if we were to pause, step back and view our office culture through the eyes of students, parents, guests or even staff who visit the main office? What would they say?  If we manage our interactions appropriately they will leave feeling valued and cared for and look forward to their next return trip."
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