Essential Classroom Tool: The Selfie Stick | Teacher Tech - 1 views
John Evans on 14 Dec 15"One challenge when creating lessons is to connect the learning objective with things the student cares about. It is important as a teacher that we know what the students are into. (Students do not do email or Facebook so ditch the make a fake Facebook page assignment, mom's use Facebook.) Minecraft, Instagram, Vine, Meme's… how can we incorporate the tools that students love to do into our assignments? A math teacher friend told me she assigned her students to take a picture of math outside the classroom. Very few of the students did it. She updated the assignment to "Take a selfie with the math" and suddenly the students were really into the task of finding math out in the real world. Having a selfie stick in class indicates to students that you value what they value. How can students include a selfie with their work? "Students, feel free to use the selfie stick." Do not forget to use the selfie stick yourself, because you're cool like that."