Around the #iPad - It's THE Bomb! - 2 views
"What blog entries would you share with someone just getting started with an iPad initiative that was facing a bit of opposition in-house? Upon reflecting on that question--and you have to remember I've moved slowly from iPad antipathy to embracing iPads over the last year--I realized that there were a few blog entries that just might be helpful. So, in the spirit of being helpful, here is my round-up of iPad entries: "
Around the Download a la Mode: Netbooks Go Viral - 0 views
The best option, of course, is professional development on the use of a netbook for staff and students (these are so inexpensive that I have no doubt that Parent-Teacher Organizations will want to buy them for students to use in and out of school; I've already had one request for this!). Some quick ideas:Pass out USB Flash drives with anti-malware/anti-viral free tools that can be installed. Passing out USB Flash drives with the school logo and contact information, maybe a web site address to find more tools and tips online, can be a positive way to interact with your audience. Some districts are getting custom USB drives from providers like ( or (, if you rather not use USB solutions, start setting your students up with digital lockers using solutions like,, or a "Bring Your Netbook to School" Night and encourage safe computing.
Around the 5 Tips on Using @Pocket for #ContentCuration - 0 views
"Given the tragic story of RSS within Evernote being dropped, my content curation process is shot. No longer can I highlight content on a web page, then drop it into an Evernote Notebook with the hope that an RSS feed will allow me to share that content elsewhere. That functionality is gone, and there's no going back."