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John Evans

iPad Mini Apps: The 13 Best Apps That Any New iPad Or iPad Mini Owner Should Download I... - 0 views

    "You got a new iPad Mini for your religious holiday of choice! Congratulations! Take it out of the box, give it a good sniff and then power it on: We've got some apps to download. Below, we've got 13 of our absolute favorite apps for iPad and iPad Mini: The essentials, the best of the best. These aren't the only apps you need for your new Apple tablet, but they are certainly a good start. Let's get downloading."
John Evans

Engaging Students Through the Arts, Sports and Community Service: Why Kids Ne... - 2 views

    "Every child deserves the opportunity to shine, whether academically, through the arts, in sports or via community service. School districts throughout our country work to fulfill their mission to provide these opportunities, first by offering the most robust curriculum possible. Financial strains, however, can often limit extracurricular activities. Yet we can all remember from our own experience that schools, at their best, provide an array of performing and visual arts programming and a wide variety of sports and community service clubs. Numerous studies support engaging students in such a broad range of activities. In fact, as noted by John H. Holloway, a consultant for the teaching and learning division of the Educational Testing Service (ETS) in Princeton, New Jersey, limiting outside activities can have a negative effect for students:"
John Evans

Meredith Ely: iPad 2 Could Level Playing Field For Learning - 3 views

    "iPad 2 Could Level Playing Field For Learning"
John Evans

Mark Frydenberg: The Flipped Classroom: It's Got to Be Done Right - 7 views

    "What's the flap about the flip? Studies say it's an effective way to engage students in learning. But in order for the flip not to flop, we need to step back. It is not a "one size fits all" model:"
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