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John Evans

Top 15 iPad Book Apps - Most Exceptional Use of Animation | The Digital Media Diet - 1 views

    "Here you will find the fifteen apps we consider to be simply exceptional for both the quality and contextual use of animation for storytelling in an iPad book app for children. None of the apps to make our list of "Top 10 Animated Books for iPad" in 2011 have been included, so please also check out last year's post. So, without further ado, here are our very favorite recommendations for polished, story-enhancing animation in an iPad storybook app:"
John Evans

Collaborative Digital Collections from ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • These images won't show up in search engines' image searches or on Flickr (save one exception), but instead can only be accessed via the links below. The images are a part of online collections created by institutions in the U.S. Some of the images may be a part of the public domain, but many will require permission or accreditation in order to use. So, no, these aren't necessarily images you can use in your next blog post, but that doesn't mean they're not useful. Instead, if given permission, these images could be used in the classroom, in private study, or even included in a media project or publication.
    These images won't show up in search engines' image searches or on Flickr (save one exception), but instead can only be accessed via the links below. The images are a part of online collections created by institutions in the U.S. Some of the images may be a part of the public domain, but many will require permission or accreditation in order to use. So, no, these aren't necessarily images you can use in your next blog post, but that doesn't mean they're not useful. Instead, if given permission, these images could be used in the classroom, in private study, or even included in a media project or publication.
John Evans

Make Beautiful Music With A Friend Using This Free iPad Piano App, Duette | Cult of Mac - 0 views

    "Want to make like Elton John and Billy Joel, dueling across from each other on two pianos, playing the hits from both of your huge ouvre of pop tunes? Well, except for the whole you're-not-either-one-of-those-guys part, you can play two piano-like keyboards across from another friend on your iPad, with new free app, Duette."
John Evans

Good Free App of the Day #2: Math With Your Friends - Smart Apps For Kids - 2 views

    "Today's second GFAOTD from SumProduct LLC was developed right in my Orlando backyard and is for young brainiacs or any aspiring kids ages 10 and up. It's like the super popular Words With Friends except instead of filling the board with a series of four letter words, players make mathematical equations. And if you are short on friends or friends willing to expose their intellectual inferiority, have no fear, playing alone is just as fun and challenging."
John Evans

Mistakes Improve Children's Learning | Psychology Today - 1 views

    "Everyone makes mistakes and children are no exception. What's important is how we learn from them. Yet, children grow up in a society that pressures them to be perfect and intelligent - to achieve the highest SAT scores, land prized scholarships, and get into the best universities. Parents reinforce this pressure at home when they cover up children's mistakes, correct homework to improve grades, or drill knowledge into kids until they get it right. Stress is increased when children are constantly praised for their intelligence. How does this focus on perfection and IQ affect learning? And how can we help children and teens believe in themselves by accepting their mistakes and learning from them?"
John Evans

iPad Tips: How To Find Out How Much Storage Space Is Being Used by Photos | Ipads Advisor - 0 views

    "Storage space is typically at a premium on our computing devices, and particularly on our mobile gadgets. The iPad is no exception and if you possess one for long enough you'll likely contend least one event where you've to look at managing and freeing up storage space. "
John Evans

Best Apps for Teaching & Learning 2013 | American Association of School Librarians (AASL) - 3 views

    "The apps recognized as Best Apps for Teaching & Learning are of exceptional value to inquiry-based teaching and learning as embodied in the AASL's Standards for the 21st-Century Learner. The apps foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration and are user friendly to encourage a community of learners to explore and discover." American Library Association
John Evans

Augmented Reality Using Aurasma | The Teaching Palette - 1 views

    "I definitely think like a kid when it comes to technology- it has to be fun or I don't really want anything to do with it. Maybe that's why I LOOOVE Augmented Reality (AR) and the Aurasma app. Similar to the way a mobile device scans a QR code and links to a website, AR lets you see something not there in reality except when viewed through the mobile device. The best way to show you how it works is through the video of my students using it in class:"
John Evans

CMEC - 1 views

    " This Copyright Decision Tool was developed by the Copyright Consortium of the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) . The CMEC Copyright Consortium is composed of the ministers of education of the provinces and territories, with the exception of Quebec. (For further background on copyright and education, you can visit the CMEC Web pages on copyright. ) This Copyright Decision Tool is a supplement to the Fair Dealing Guidelines , created to help teachers determine whether their use of a copyright-protected work is fair dealing. The tool helps teachers assess whether fair dealing permits them to use a copyright-protected work for students without permission or payment of copyright royalties. Fair dealing is only one of several users' rights provided to educational users in the Copyright Act. For a description of other educational users' rights, see Copyright Matters! Every school board or school district should have a staff member who is familiar with copyright law. For more information, contact the ministry or department of Education Copyright Officer for your province or territory, listed here. CMEC wishes to acknowledge that the Copyright Decision Tool is liberally adapted, with permission, from the University of Ottawa's Fair Dealing Decision Tree ."
John Evans

No, teaching math the "old-fashioned way" won't work: Paul Wells | Toronto Star - 1 views

    " According to the latest EQAO report, half of Ontario Grade 6 students don't meet the curriculum standard in math. That's a problem. But it's not the only one. What worries me is that only 13 per cent of students who didn't meet the provincial standard when they were in Grade 3 manage to catch up so they meet the standard for Grade 6. That's the lowest number on that indicator in five years. If you fall behind in math you stay behind. That's why it's important to get it right, not just at some vague moment in the future, but for kids who are in Ontario schools right now. Fortunately, every parent in Ontario is sure they know how to teach math. Many parents want to get rid of "discovery math," broadly defined as "doing it weird." If only that loopy Liberal government would teach math the way we learned it when we were kids, the theory goes, there'd be no problem. Sure, great, except for one thing. Very few parents I've met can perform more than the most rudimentary arithmetic for themselves. If you all learned math so well, why do you inch toward Junior's algebra homework with a cross and a bulb of garlic?"
John Evans

9 Ways to Inspire Student Inventors | Edutopia - 0 views

    "There's an old saying that the things that change your life are the books you read, the places you go, and the people you meet. But I'd like to add a fourth: the challenges you face (and how you face them) will always change your life. If we want our students to respond to challenges with creativity and inventiveness, we must create the conditions in which innovation is not only possible but encouraged. You don't help students learn to invent by giving worksheets or cookie-cutter assignments. In fact, these one-size-fits-all approaches may actually take up the time that could be used for such creativity. ADVERTISEMENT According to the Torrance Test-which measures CQ, or creativity quotient-the United States has been declining in creativity since 1990. There has to be a reason. Perhaps it is because we focus on students' weaknesses instead of their strengths. In many schools, we'll put a math genius who struggles with grammar into extra English classes. Should we not give this math genius access to college-level advanced math work, and figure out the basic English requirements he or she needs for a basic understanding of grammar? Why do we think that all students should be good at everything? We can either be average at everything or exceptional at something. With this in mind, here are some things we need to do to encourage student inventors as we nurture student passions, interests, and strengths."
riss leung

Flickr: .:Utterly Surreal:. - 3 views

    Use these photos as stimulus for writing. This Flickr group offers eccentric and experimental images produced by the Flickr community's aspiring creative minds. Surrealism, in all mediums of art, is a constant source of inspiration due to its limitlessly artistic nature and photography is no exception. The style allows photographers to visualize their wildest dreams and conceptualize their strangest nightmares. Photographs in this group spark new insight on creativity and perspective, welcoming the unusual crossroads where fact and fiction converge.
John Evans

Apps in Education: Another 10 Great Apps for Teachers - 1 views

    "Any list of "Best Apps for Teachers" quickly gets superseded in the new releases of apps. More and more apps each week are being released to assist teachers. Some of these are simple apps that perform single tasks exceptional well while others transform the way that we present in a classroom. Here are another 10 that might help to make the classroom a place of contemporary learning."
John Evans

375 Completely Free Ebooks for Every Device - 0 views

    "Last week Amazon dumped an avalanche of new Kindles on us. Huzzah for reading! Except, um, who wants to buy a whole library of ebooks? Here's a list of 375 free books formatted for iPad/iPhone, Kindle, or for your plain old computer screen."
Sheri Oberman

Audioboo - 5 views

    Audio software which is like Twitter except messages are spoken. Writing teachers find it a useful tool to catch thoughts on the run, Users can 'follow' people as in Twitter and Facebook. Messages are called boos. Mobile, laptop, or desktop usability.
John Evans

App Synergy: How To Make A Travel Journal -- AppAdvice - 0 views

    "Last weekend, I took a small vacation to Montreal. While I like to travel, I am not an ambitious sightseer. The exception to this is when the sights I see involve food. I love food. It was a real treat to visit the Jean-Talon Market (French: Marché Jean Talon), which is a historical farmer's market located in Montreal's Little Italy district. I decided to use this gastronomic excursion as the object model for this week's app synergy use."
John Evans

17 Different Ways to Start Playing Minecraft - 4 views

    "Minecraft is one of those rare games that both educators endorse and kids love to play. Maybe it's the cubic heads, the flying pigs, or just the ability to create anything you want, it has hit the sweet spot between education and fun. So, what is the best way to start playing Minecraft and take advantage of this wonderful exception to the 'edutainment' rule? Well, lucky for you there are a LOT of different options! Here are 17 of the most popular:"
John Evans

TeachThought51 Twitter Chat & Hashtag Tools To Help You Connect - 0 views

    "Twitter is a brilliant tool to distribute information, follow ideas, and stay up to date with what's trending in whatever niche you're interested in following. In education, that could be curriculum, 21st century learning, education technology, assessment, or future learning trends like mobile learning, blended learning, and dozens of others. Twitter chats and #hashtags are exceptional ways to enable the above, allowing real-time and asynchronous discussions and other connections that can help you improve your craft as an educator."
John Evans

Apps for Happy Learning - Teachers With Apps - 2 views

    "This post was motivated by my return to the north and the frigid temps. I realized on the second leg of my travels that no one was even remotely happy about anything. They were all connected to another world with a pair of headphones or earbuds, tuned out and removed. I love to fly and it used to be a very social activity and rather than be disappointed I threw myself into a happy app kind of mood and this is the result. My other intention was to point anyone with children toward exceptional downloads laden with abundant and diverse content for their children. Not just to keep them sharp when away from school and traveling, but go-to apps that are always an educational delight! Here is my list of 12 developers whose apps make for HAPPY learning; they are sure to develop your child's/student's sense of joy and wonder."
John Evans

The government is helping fund a Minecraft-style game for teaching kids about the envir... - 2 views

    "Minecraft is a cultural phenomenon. The block-based exploration and crafting game was snapped up by Microsoft for $2.5 billion last year and has helped inspire competitors from giant toy companies like Lego. Even the government is interested in building on Minecraft's success: The Department of Education is helping fund a project known as "Eco" that looks a lot like Minecraft, except with a few added twists: There's a looming ecological disaster and players must band together to make a community -- agreeing on laws and living in harmony with the environment. If they fail, the world dies forever. Strange Loop Games, the company behind the game, describes it a "global survival game" and says failure results in "server-wide perma death.""
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