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marrti gives rss feeds to sites without feeds - 0 views

    FeedYes è l'ultima entry di un piccolo gruppo di servizi online che permettono a tutti di creare un feed RSS automatico da qualsiasi pagina web. FeedYes, ha trovato un modo davvero semplice per farlo.

British Library EThOS - searching and ordering UK theses online - 0 views

    EThOS is the UK's national thesis service which aims to maximise the visibility and availability of the UK's doctoral research theses.It supports the UK Government's open access principle that publications resulting from publicly-funded research should be made freely available for all researchers, providing opportunities for further research. It demonstrates the quality of UK research, and helps attract students and research investment into UK Higher Education.

The Shelley-Godwin Archive - 0 views

    The Shelley-Godwin Archive will provide the digitized manuscripts of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, William Godwin, and Mary Wollstonecraft, bringing together online for the first time ever the widely dispersed handwritten legacy of this uniquely gifted family of writers. The result of a partnership between the New York Public Library and the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, in cooperation with Oxford's Bodleian Library, the S-GA also includes key contributions from the Huntington Library, the British Library, and the Houghton Library. In total, these partner libraries contain over 90% of all known relevant manuscripts. The site is currently in Beta release and works best when viewed in Chrome.

Italian Shades of Austen - 0 views

    Il primo blog italiano interamente e specificatamente dedicato al fenomeno Jane Austen in Italia : Nuovi libri, eventi, osservazioni, curiosità, novità dentro e fuori la rete per capire chi è oggi Jane Austen in Italia e ricostruire le tracce di un mito letterario che oggi parla, sempre più, anche la nostra lingua. A cura di Eleonora Capra.

Jane Austen - 0 views

    Il portale italiano dedicato all'autrice di Giuseppe Ierolli

JASIT Jane Austen Society of Italy - 0 views

    La Jane Austen Society of Italy promuove in Italia la conoscenza e lo studio di Jane Austen, la sua vita, la sua opera e tutto ciò che è legato ad essa, attraverso qualunque attività utile a realizzare tale scopo, nel nome dell'arricchimento culturale personale e condiviso.

PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint altern... - 0 views

    Software gratuito per la creazione di cartoni animati a scopo didattico

Welcome to Children's Literature in Italy - 0 views

    A website devoted to the study of children's literature in Italy hosted by the Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere - Sezione di Anglistica. This website stems from the work of a group of Italian scholars and friends who have been addressing the subject of children's literature from within the field of English Studies, albeit from a wide range of methodological perspectives (cultural and gender studies, visual studies, film studies...). First launched in 2007 under the aegis of the British Consulate-General, Milan, the British Council and the International Research Society on Children's Literature, nowadays the website is active once again thanks to the cooperation of the Universities of Foggia, Padua, Salerno, Venice and Milan.

Définition dans le lexique juridique et fiscal - 0 views

    Le più comuni definizioni tecniche del lessico giuridico e fiscale francese a cura dello studio notarile Bedaride

Ewwa - European Writing Women Association - 0 views

    EWWA è un'associazione di autrici e di professioniste del mondo della comunicazione (stampa, grafica e audiovisivo), che ha come obiettivo primario la solidarietà professionale e creativa tra donne che lavorano in questo settore in Europa.

Language Garden - 0 views

    The Language Garden è un innovativo sito britannico dedicato alle "language plants" mappe grafiche interattive per l'insegnamento e l'apprendimento delle lingue straniere basate sull'applicazione dei principi delle concept maps alla psicolinguistica. E' possibile utilizzare in diretta gratuitamente un 'language maps maker' da utilizzare nelle classi di insegnamento.

candida - L'economia domestica: cose di casa e di Russia - 0 views

    Il blog di Maria Candida Ghidini

A Dictionary of Sensibility - 0 views

    In the eighteenth century, a linguistic big bang spun off a new etymological universe: the language of sensibility. "Sensibility" and its related terms either appeared for the first time, took on meanings unique to the period, or gained enriched connotations. The denotations of these new linguistic planets have proved as elusive as the rings of Saturn, however. This hypertext offers a new approach to understanding the language of sensibility, one that accounts for the multiple possibilities of meaning. Rather than attempting hard-line definitions, this project offers the tools for recognizing the multivalent connotations of such sensibilious words as "virtue," "sense," and "benevolence." Our hypertext groups excerpts from major words of sensibility according to 24 primary words; we imagine the sensibilious reader exploring these passages to glean a new understanding of the vocabulary and the literature of the period.

Come Citare un'Intervista - wikiHow - 0 views

    Guida in vari stili all'identificazione delle parti componenti della citazione bibliografica di un'intervista

Keats-Shelley Association of America - 0 views

    The Keats-Shelley Association of America (K-SAA) emerged from a coalition of scholars, critics, bibliophiles, editors, students, teachers - all engaged with the brilliant accomplishments of Keats and Shelley and, more practically, working to purchase and endow the maintenance of the Keats House in Rome and provide ongoing care of the poets' graves in Rome's Protestant Cemetery. In 1949 the American Committee was incorporated as the Keats-Shelley Association of America.

Whites Writing Whiteness | Letters, Domestic Figurations & Representations of Whiteness... - 0 views

    South African society and its changes over time is of particular interest for sociology and the other social sciences, because it provides a fascinating crucible for exploring the mechanisms of social change, including the eventuation of what became its distinctive overlapping hierarchies of racialised, gendered and classed inequalities, organised around segregation and then institutionalised apartheid. The 'Whites Writing Whiteness' project explores these complex matters concerning social change by focusing on one aspect of this which has been particularly associated with South Africa: it is investigating 'whites writing' and 'writing whiteness' in letter-writing and correspondences from the 1770s to the 1970s, a crucial period in South African history.

The Olive Schreiner Letters Project - 0 views

    The Olive Schreiner Letters Project is funded by the ESRC. It will transcribe, analyse and publish the complete extant Olive Schreiner letters presently in archival locations world-wide. Through this, it will also contribute theoretically and methodologically to the use of letters and other epistolary materials in social science and humanities research. The feminist and socialist writer and social theorist Olive Schreiner (1855-1920) was one of the most important - and radical social commentators of her day.

Il diritto per tradurre - 0 views

    «Il diritto per tradurre» è un programma di corsi di diritto che permette di acquisire, in modo mirato alle esigenze della traduzione, la competenza necessaria per tradurre testi giuridici da o verso la lingua italiana con la consapevolezza della loro logica intrinseca, andando oltre la superficie della terminologia e del linguaggio. Tutti i corsi si tengono in lingua italiana. Il sito mette a disposizione anche lezioni gratuite.
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