Nuova carta geografica della letteratura russa. Litkarta è un progetto di recente nascita che si prefigge di dare una mappatura della letteratura russa contemporanea.
The Virtual Library Slavistics "Slavistics-Portal" is the central point of access for the subject information for Slavistics via the internet. The Portal is directed to scientists and students, teachers, translators, journalists, cultural managers and all those, who are interested in Slavistics in general or Slavic languages, Slavic literatures and Slavic folklore in particular
Zembla is one of the finest Internet resources devoted to the Russian / American novelist and poet Vladimir Nabokov. It is organised by the library at Pennsylvania State University, and will be of interest to: students; enthusiasts; teachers; and researchers. Resources available here include: extensive biographical information on the author; excerpts from his work (including Nabokov's own readings from his poetry and his novel Pale Fale); detailed critical essays, bibliographies, creative writing based on Nabokov; and news on Nabokov mailing lists, conferences, summer schools, etc. The site also give information relating to the International Vladimir Nabokov Society and its publication 'The Nabokovian
This Web site is devoted to the project "Cyrillic Books of the 16-20 Centuries from the Collection of the State Public History Library" which was launched in 1999 and includes the library's electronic catalogue of rare books. The catalogue is constantly updated, and at the moment one can find descriptions of 222 books (331 copies) kept at the library