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UK Copyright Literacy | Decoding copyright and bringing you enlightenment - 0 views

    This is the home of UK Copyright Literacy for everyone interested in copyright education. Copyright Literacy is defined as "Acquiring and demonstrating the appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours to enable the ethical creation and use of copyright material." This site is for everyone interested in fostering a better understanding of copyright and intellectual property rights issues in the UK. It is aimed primarily at people with responsibility for communicating and modelling ethical practices relating to copyright and related rights, such as librarians, archivists, curators, teachers, researchers and copyright support staff. However it is intended to promote enlightened conversation on the subject for anyone whose professional or personal life is significantly affected by copyright.

Copyright Advisory Network - Copyright Advisory Network - 0 views

    The Copyright Advisory Network (CAN) exists to help librarians understand copyright law and appreciate the important role that they can play in serving the public. We use the Network to respond to copyright questions posed by librarians, but perhaps-more importantly, help librarians learn about copyright from a broader perspective, primarily its impact on information policy issues fundamental to our profession, including free expression, equitable access to information, censorship, and intellectual freedom.

Images: How to find them - - 0 views

    La bella pagina di aiuto della Auraria Library Denver (Colorado) per sapere dove trovare immagini in rete e come usarle utilizzando le banche dati più adatte e rispettando sia il copyright che la corretta citazione delle fonti

EVXpress™ Document Delivery Service - 0 views

    EVXpress Document Delivery Service gives access to East View's collections of over 650 newspapers and journals. The user-friendly interface lets researchers browse or search citations to find articles on hundreds of topics. If you find an article of interest place an order on the secure server to quickly receive the copyright compliant document, delivered to your email address as a pdf. Flier >

Petra - 0 views

    PETRA brings together the initiatives and expertise of organisations active in the field of literary translation in Europe, on both a national and a transnational level: translators' and authors' organisations, literary organisations and networks, policy making bodies and organisations dealing with education, publishing and copyright.

CRDB - 0 views

    Presents biographical and publication information for more than 470 women who lived in Canada or wrote about Canada, and authored an English-language book or pamphlet of fiction or poetry that was published before 1940. It includes titles of publications and references to archival resources. Directed by Dr. Carole Gerson, this project was supported by SSHRC, the University of British Columbia, and Simon Fraser University, with substantial research and editing by Carol McIver, Marjory Lang, Deborah Blacklock, Sandra Even, and Katrina Harack. Copyright is held by Carole Gerson.

Biblioteca Virtual - Literatura - 0 views

    Biblioteca digitale di letteratura brasiliana esente da diritti di copyright

Chinese Civilization in Time and Space - 0 views

    Chinese Civilization in time and space is an innovative research tool being developed by Academia Sinica, Taiwan which aims to provide scholars with free access to GIS data applications showing maps and timelines of Chinese history over the past 2,000 years to the Qing Dynasty. It integrates geospatial materials, based on historical atlases of china, with other geographical and historical research databases including text from the Scripta Sinica, and the The Bibliography of Chinese Local Gazetteers. Topics covered include: geographical changes in the Yellow River; the development of urban areas; archaeology and archaeological sites in China; a database of information on famous persons in Chinese history; a historical atlas of place names from China and Taiwan. The database may be searched. users should note that much information is offered in Chinese only. Technical and copyright information is provided.

Germanic Lexicon Project - 1 views

    The Germanic Lexicon Project (formerly the Indo-European Language resources page) is an online collection of lexicons of the early Germanic languages. The Web site provides free access to an impressive number of copyright-expired language reference publications related to these language, either as digitized texts (encoded using HTML or XML) or as scanned page images. The project is ongoing, and the site's author invites users to participate in the digitization process by correcting individual pages (full instructions on how to participate are provided): consequently, the project is developing into an important international collaboration. The grammars, dictionaries, glossaries and readers available at the time of cataloguing, in various forms, covered the following languages: Gothic; Anglo-Saxon; Old and Middle High German; Old Saxon, Old Frisian; and Old Norse. Resources for the linguistic study of Latin, Old Irish and Tocharian are also available. Background information for each publ

CAPA-Contemporary American Poetry Archive - 0 views

    The Contemporary American Poetry Archive (CAPA) is an electronic archive which aims to make freely available on the Internet out of print volumes of 20th Century American poetry. The material is arranged alphabetically by author and copyright information on reprinting the works is provided. The site provides limited biographical information about the poets. At present about seventy volumes are archived. Books from commercial, university, and small presses are eligible for archiving; self-published and vanity press books are not considered. The archive is supported by Connecticut College, Department of English and Connecticut College Libraries.

Guida sintetica sull'utilizzo a fini didattici di materiali protetti dal diri... - 0 views

    indicazioni utili in materia di diritto d'autore così come disciplinato in ambito nazionale dalla L. 633/1941.Le indicazioni hanno l'obiettivo di introdurre i concetti chiave in materia e di costituire uno strumento di orientamento al fine di consentire ai docenti di meglio valutare la possibilità di utilizzare opere o parti di opere protette dal diritto d'autore nella realizzazione dei propri materiali didattici. Saranno a tale fine analizzate in particolare le ipotesi in cui la normativa vigente consente le cosiddette libere utilizzazioni, cioè i casi in cui materiali protetti dal diritto d'autore possono essere legittimamente utilizzati senza necessità di richiedere la relativa autorizzazione ai titolari dei diritti. Infine saranno evidenziate le condizioni in base alle quali è possibile incorporare a fini didattici materiali in formato elettronico disponibili nelle collezioni dell'Ateneo (banche di dati, riviste elettroniche, ecc.) in ulteriori materiali elaborati dal docente stesso e destinati ai propri studenti.
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