The War Poetry website provides access to war poems from the First World War to the latest conflict in Iraq, as well as bibliographical information on poets of the First World War. The site is owned by Saxon Books, and is partially commercial, advertising anthologies of First World War poetry from the publisher
CAPA-Contemporary American Poetry Archive - 0 views
The Contemporary American Poetry Archive (CAPA) is an electronic archive which aims to make freely available on the Internet out of print volumes of 20th Century American poetry. The material is arranged alphabetically by author and copyright information on reprinting the works is provided. The site provides limited biographical information about the poets. At present about seventy volumes are archived. Books from commercial, university, and small presses are eligible for archiving; self-published and vanity press books are not considered. The archive is supported by Connecticut College, Department of English and Connecticut College Libraries.
Poetrysky - 0 views
The first Chinese and English bilingual poetry magazine, Poetry Sky, has been available online since 2005. Founded by US-based poet Yidan Han, the website presents modern poetry in both English and Chinese, features interviews with poets, and includes sections for both poets and critics. From the main page, users can navigate to Poetry Quarterly, an online magazine, which features Chinese and English-language poetry in translation from a wide range of writers. Huiyin Lin and Qijiao Cai are among the Chinese poets whose work is featured on the site, while contemporary American poets featured here include Robert Creeley and Charles Wright. English-language poets whose work appears in Chinese translation include Sylvia Plath; Emily Dickinson; and Robert Frost.
The Medieval Lyric - 0 views
Poesía en español - Spanish poetry - 0 views
'Poetry in Spanish' is a vast online anthology of poetry in the Spanish language. Users may browse the collection alphabetically or chronologically by poet, or by century (beginning with works from the 13th century). All the major writers of poetry from the Spanish-speaking world are well-represented here, but newer poets are not ignored: one section of the site is devoted to Spanish and Latin American poetry from the 21st century
The Poetry Library | Southbank Centre | Home - 0 views
The Poetry Library is the website of a physical library based in the South Bank Centre, London. The library was founded in 1953 and holds the largest collection of modern poetry in Britain. Its collection includes all modern poetry published in the United Kingdom from 1912 and a wide selection of international materials in English dating from the 20th century to the present day. The Poetry Library website provides a catalogue and an online enquiry service as well as: details of current and past exhibitions; news of forthcoming events (poetry readings, appreciation classes, workshops); related links; lists of poetry publishers and poetry magazines; and advice for poetry reading groups.
Representative Poetry On-line: Version 3.0 - 0 views
Representative Poetry Online, version 3.0, includes 3,162 English poems by 500 poets from Caedmon, in the Old English period, to the work of living poets today. It is based on Representative Poetry, established by Professor W. J. Alexander of University College, University of Toronto, in 1912 (one of the first books published by the University of Toronto Press), and used in the English Department at the University until the late 1960s.
The Internet Poetry Archive - 0 views
The University of North Carolina Press joins the UNC Office of Information Technology in publishing the Internet Poetry Archive. The archive makes available over a worldwide computer network selected poems from a number of contemporary poets. The goal of the project is to make poetry accessible to new audiences (at little or no cost) and to give teachers and students of poetry new ways of presenting and studying these poets and their texts.
Edmund Blunden Homepage - 0 views
The War Poets Association - 0 views
Florbela Espanca: o espólio de um mito | Poesia, conto e crítica florbeliana - 0 views
A obra e a personalidade literária de Florbela Espanca têm constituído indisfarçáveis motivos de embaraço para a crítica académica - um embaraço que nunca impediu a extraordinária receptividade dos leitores. Este projecto, que junta investigadores portugueses e brasileiros, tem como uma das suas mais marcantes vertentes a tentativa de reconstituição do processo de "apropriação" e de "socialização" de um conjunto de obras da autora que devem, em nosso entender, ser retomadas com novas leituras.
Sixteenth Century Ballads: A work in progress - 0 views
Greg Lindahl provides this online database dedicated to sixteenth-century ballads meant to be sung. As well as the plain text database, it features an introductory article on 'The Music of the sixteenth-century Broadside Ballad' and there are also partial transcriptions from some prominent hardcopy collections of broadside ballads including: 'Ballads and Broadsides Chiefly of the Elizabethan Period and Printed in Black Letter Most of Which were Formerly in the Heber Collection and are now in the Library at Britwell Court Buckinghamshire