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EVXpress™ Document Delivery Service - 0 views

    EVXpress Document Delivery Service gives access to East View's collections of over 650 newspapers and journals. The user-friendly interface lets researchers browse or search citations to find articles on hundreds of topics. If you find an article of interest place an order on the secure server to quickly receive the copyright compliant document, delivered to your email address as a pdf. Flier >

China/Asia On Demand - 0 views

    China/Asia On Demand (CAOD)/Asia Document Delivery is an effective knowledge gateway to research materials from China in particular and Asia in general. It provides a powerful Web-based research, access and electronic information solution with unique searching and discovery capabilities. Documents can be retrieved in their original format including graphs and illustrations in a pay per-view manner or with a flat fee subscription. A wide range of journals (9,638 titles) (as of January 2011) can be accessed online. Millions of theses and dissertations, patents and conference proceeding papers could be requested with just a click away.

British Library Document Supply Service (BLDSS) - 0 views

    British Library Document Supply Service (BLDSS)

British Library Document Supply Service (BLDSS) - 0 views

    Il servizio di document supply della British Library. Il customer help è disponibile all'indirizzo

Rimuovere il DRM da ebook Kindle e documenti in formato ePub e pdf - 0 views

    Tutorial sulla rimozione del DRM dagli e-books Kindle per trasformarli in pdf stampabili e fruibili da tutti i devices. La guida richiede l'installazione di Adobe Digital Editions e Calibre

ANRT - 0 views

    Created in 1971 by the French Department of Education, The National Centre for the Reproduction of PhD Theses reproduces all authorized French university PhD theses on different material (in paper, microfilm and electronic format).

Register & Read | About JSTOR - 0 views

    Register & Read offre la possibilità di leggere online gratuitamente dai pc esterni all'Ateneo un massimo di 3 articoli ogni 2 settimane. Per usufruire del servizio basta creare un account personale gratuito su JSTOR, quando si individua un articolo che interessa facente parte del Register & Read program si clicca su 'Read Online Free' si aggiunge il documento al proprio scaffale e si può leggere online l'articolo, dopo due settimane lo si può rimuovere dallo scaffale leggerne un altro.
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