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Rhondda Powling

Reconceptualising the School Library as Collaborative Makerspace | Services to Schools - 0 views

    "It is essential that school leaders apply the same spirit of innovation and future focus to the re-imagination of their school library environments as they do to other aspects of both their built and virtual school environment. Library as creative collaborative makerspace is an exciting, transformative idea that warrants exploration."
Rhondda Powling

Latest Study: A full-time school librarian makes a critical difference in boosting stud... - 2 views

    "This study adds to the evidence that all K-12 students need and deserve quality school library programs with full-time certified staff. Students are more likely to succeed when they have library programs that are well staffed, well funded, technologically well equipped, well stocked, and more accessible. And, the neediest learners may benefit the most from trained librarians and quality library programs."
Cathy Oxley

Flip This Library: School Libraries Need a Revolution - 11/1/2008 - School Library Journal - 1 views

  • We’ve created and invested in library media centers—and, in recent years, their Web sites—with the expectation that our students will come to these places. Sorry folks, but the old paradigm is broken. It’s time to become part of the Google generation. If we polled our students, we’d probably discover that they’re busy searching online, and maybe IMing or texting each other. Our school libraries and Web sites are the last things on most kids’ minds. At some point, we have to admit that our creations have become irrelevant to today’s students. There isn’t time for business as usual.
  • We don’t need a revision. We need a reinvention.
  • If we want to connect with the latest generation of learners and teachers, we have to totally redesign the library from the vantage point of our users—our thinking has to do a 180-degree flip.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • What we’re proposing is bold. Gone are the days when we can afford to exist on the periphery. The new learning commons is at the very center of teaching and learning. No longer will the library be something that students and teachers need to remember to come to—instead it will be integrated into their lives. Finally, the library will become the hub of teaching and learning—a place that everyone owns and contributes to—one giant conversation that’s both a social and a learning network. Face it, folks. We’re at a crossroads. Doing nothing, trying to shore up the status quo, or attempting to resuscitate a dead model aren’t feasible choices. It’s like mom saying, “Either eat your spinach or go to bed.” We may not like it, but let’s start eating.
Rhondda Powling

schoollibraries2011 - checklist for parents - 1 views

    There are no facts and figures about the school library on the My Schools website, yet the library and the teacher librarian play a vital role in your child's education. So are Australian children and young people getting the best deal? ASLA research shows that a strong library program that is adequately staffed, resourced and funded can lead to higher student achievement regardless of the socioeconomic or educational levels of the adults in the community This is a 10-point checklist designed for parents to investigate if their school is investing where it counts.
Rhondda Powling

ASLA - School library policies and statements - 2 views

    Policy Statement - School Library Bill of Rights. School libraries are concerned with generating understanding of freedom and with the preservation of this freedom through the development of informed and responsible citizens. The responsibility of the school library is .....
Rhondda Powling

What To Do When Kids Aren't Allowed To Read Digital Books in School | Scales on Censors... - 0 views

    Ebooks outlawed in class. The September issue of School Library Journal addressed not one, but two reader issues pertaining to digital access by K-12 students. Pat Scales, chair of the American Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee, has dealt with many a book challenge and attempts to ban library materials. In her column, "Scales on Censorship," she addresses situations faced by readers. But "this is the first I've encountered in which a book's format has been censored," she writes.
Fran Bullington

The School Library Link: A Free Newsletter to Promote School LIbrary Programs to Parent... - 2 views

    A free monthly newsletter created by graduate school library student Michelle McGarry. Print it out and send home with students each month.
Fran Bullington

Looking to Ramp Up Your Library Web Site? Try a Blog. - 1/1/2010 - School Library Journal - 2 views

    Carolyn Foote's article not only shares why you should consider a blog for your library website, but also offers many resources which include links to support using blogging and links to school library websites using a blogging platform.
Rhondda Powling

Advocating for School Libraries - a Primer | YALSAblog - 0 views

    "AASL provides this definition: Advocacy is the ongoing process of building partnerships so that others will act for and with you, turning passive support into educated action for the library program."
Rhondda Powling

Ignoring the Evidence: Another Decade of Decline for School Libraries | Canadian Educat... - 2 views

    "Why doesn't the research on school libraries resonate with educational policymakers and funding allocators?"
Rhondda Powling

school_library_impact.jpg (2508×4029) - 2 views

    The infographic presents research highlights from all of Library Research Service's (LRS) school library impact studies. There are 2 versions available - one for digital viewing and one for printing.
Rhondda Powling

25 Libraries We Most Love on Pinterest | OEDb - 2 views

    "Numerous libraries - be they specialty, public, or affiliated with a school - have harnessed its popularity to push education and literacy causes to the digital generation....Some of the best-curated Pinterest accounts out there fuse old and new into a spectacularly informative feast for the mind. "
Mansel Wells

Our Documents: Ideas for Librarians - 12 views

    Many librarians are interested in finding new ways to encourage more students and teachers to use library materials and do high level research. Their efforts are often limited by available time or unfamiliar subject matter. For that reason, librarians should be excited about the teaching possibilities available through the Our Documents initiative. This program offers school librarians ideas and materials to improve use of their collections. Here are some suggestions for using Our Documents in a school library.
Cathy Oxley

Massachusetts School Library Association - Chelmsford High School's Learning Commons: F... - 0 views

    Massachusetts School Library Association
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