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Fran Bullington

Looking to Ramp Up Your Library Web Site? Try a Blog. - 1/1/2010 - School Library Journal - 2 views

    Carolyn Foote's article not only shares why you should consider a blog for your library website, but also offers many resources which include links to support using blogging and links to school library websites using a blogging platform.
Rhondda Powling

Facts & Questions on Blogging, Curating & Collecting - 2 views

    What is the difference between blogging and curation if they are both about finding and sharing great content?  According to Deanna Dahlsad at Kitsch-Slapped, is the focus. While bloggers often cover anything that interests them as the are online where as curators are characterized by a strong focus on a specific topic.  
Rhondda Powling

TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics... - 1 views

    The Teleread blog covers news related to e-books and online publishing. The blog also includes a section specific to libraries, so readers can easily find relevant library news and stories.
Rhondda Powling - 2 views

    Susan Mapleson, a Teacher Librarian at Christian College (Senior Campus) Geelong has developed an interesting blog for lovers of literature. The i.Read blog is cleverly titled and is continuing to develop. .
Rhondda Powling

Blogging Rubric - 0 views

    Blogging Rubric by \n\nRyan Bretag\n is \nlicensed under a \nCreative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United \nStates License\n.\nBased on a work at \\n.
Mansel Wells

DogEared Book Blog - National Geographic Kids - 0 views

    Blog About Books Presented by National Geographic for Kids, DogEared is a blog about books-good books, funny books, adventure books; books about animals, friendship, pirates, faraway places . . . every kind of book that kids enjoy. Why is the site called "DogEared"? You know when you read a book and you turn the top edge of a page over to mark your place? That's called a "dog-ear"! Students mark ("dog-ear") the Web page so they can return to it often in order to read real kids' reviews and recommendations. They also share their own opinions and create their own reading wish list-as if it were their own online book club.
Rhondda Powling

Page-Turner : The New Yorker - 3 views

    This is The New Yorker's book blog and therefore has links. Page-Turner takes full advantage of its audience and posts everything from a fantastic monthly podcast to a daily news roundup, great essays etc.
Rhondda Powling

January is writing advice month (sticky post) Updated » Justine Larbalestier - 0 views

    Question and answer-style blog posts about writing for the month of Jan 2008
Mansel Wells

Group K-12Librarians's best bookmarks - 0 views

    Blog About Books Presented by National Geographic for Kids, DogEared is a blog about books-good books, funny books, adventure books; books about animals, friendship, pirates, faraway places . . . every kind of book that kids enjoy. Why is the site called "DogEared"? You know when you read a book and you turn the top edge of a page over to mark your place? That's called a "dog-ear"! Students mark ("dog-ear") the Web page so they can return to it often in order to read real kids' reviews and recommendations. They also share their own opinions and create their own reading wish list-as if it were their own online book club.
Mansel Wells

Splogs and Plagairism - 0 views

shared by Mansel Wells on 29 Dec 08 - Cached
    Have you ever seen your blog posted with someone else's name or find they are misusing your content? This is called a Splog where a plagiarist is scraping full feed content and republishing it easily. Content theft and plagiarism are common occurrences in the blogosphere.Have you ever seen your blog posted with someone else's name or find they are misusing your content? This is called a Splog where a plagiarist is scraping full feed content and republishing it easily. Content theft and plagiarism are common occurrences in the blogosphere.
Rhondda Powling

The Readventurer - Home - 0 views

    A blog by 2 avid readers about reading and encourageing reading
Rhondda Powling

Justine Larbalestier - 0 views

Rhondda Powling

Slightly addicted to fiction - 9 views

    Judi Jagger, 2011 WA Children's Book Council judge, has developed her own blog. It is a great read for anyone interested in children's and YA literature.
Rhondda Powling

Derek Landy Blogs Under Duress - 1 views

    The blog of the author of the Skulduggery Pleasant books
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