: Learning Center : Plagiarism Definitions, Tips on avoiding Plagiarism,... - 0 views
Mansel Wells on 16 Mar 09The Learning Center is designed to help educators and students develop a better sense of what plagiarism means in the information age, and to teach the planning, organizational, and citation skills essential for producing quality writing and research. Our site offers information about: * Plagiarism defined, in easy-to-understand terms * Tips on how to avoid both internet-based and conventional plagiarism * Guidelines for proper citation, and links to help with specific citation styles * Suggestions for developing good research and writing skills * Answers to frequently asked questions, including explanations for often misunderstood concepts like fair use, public domain, and copyright laws * Definitions for important research-related terms * Suggestions for integrating plagiarism education into lesson plans * Tips for creating assignments that discourage plagiarism and encourage original thinking * Information on the causes of plagiarism today * Help with identifying different types of plagiarism, in particular plagiarism from the internet * Printable handouts for students on plagiarism, proper citation, and paper writing