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Mansel Wells

StorYBook - Summary-based software for novelists and authors. - 0 views

  • StorYBook is a free, open source story writing software for creative writers, novelists and authors that helps to keep the overview over the strands when writing a book, a novel or a story. StorYBook assists you in structuring your book.
    StorYBook is a free, open source story writing software for creative writers, novelists and authors that helps to keep the overview over the strands when writing a book, a novel or a story. StorYBook assists you in structuring your book.
Mansel Wells : Learning Center : Plagiarism Definitions, Tips on avoiding Plagiarism,... - 0 views

    The Learning Center is designed to help educators and students develop a better sense of what plagiarism means in the information age, and to teach the planning, organizational, and citation skills essential for producing quality writing and research. Our site offers information about: * Plagiarism defined, in easy-to-understand terms * Tips on how to avoid both internet-based and conventional plagiarism * Guidelines for proper citation, and links to help with specific citation styles * Suggestions for developing good research and writing skills * Answers to frequently asked questions, including explanations for often misunderstood concepts like fair use, public domain, and copyright laws * Definitions for important research-related terms * Suggestions for integrating plagiarism education into lesson plans * Tips for creating assignments that discourage plagiarism and encourage original thinking * Information on the causes of plagiarism today * Help with identifying different types of plagiarism, in particular plagiarism from the internet * Printable handouts for students on plagiarism, proper citation, and paper writing
Mary K

Subtext App for iPad - 1 views

    In Subtext, teachers can embed instruction and scaffolding right in the pages of almost any digital book or document. You can layer in web links, videos, assignments and quizzes-opening up limitless opportunities to engage students, foster analysis and writing skills, and assess student progress. Subtext supports the Common Core Standards across reading, language, writing and 21st century digital skills.
Rhondda Powling

Justine Larbalestier - 0 views

    The official website of Australian fantasy, science fiction author Justine Larbalestier. Jan 2008 was tips on writing month. Type in "writing" to bring up posts. or go to
Rhondda Powling

January is writing advice month (sticky post) Updated » Justine Larbalestier - 0 views

    Question and answer-style blog posts about writing for the month of Jan 2008
Rhondda Powling

Justine Larbalestier - 0 views

Rhondda Powling

rpowling's Bookmarks on Delicious - 0 views

    The official website of Australian fantasy, science fiction author Justine Larbalestier. Jan 2008 was tips on writing month. Type in "writing" to bring up posts.
Mansel Wells

Reference > Franklin Institute Educational Hotlists - 0 views

    Reference Hotlist 1. The People History 2. Fun Trivia 3. Word Lab 4. RefDesk 5. Units of Measurement 6. LibrarySpot 7. 50 States and Capitals 8. Metric System and Unit Conversion 9. SpellWeb 10. New York Public Library 11. HyperHistory Online 12. Guide to Grammar and Writing 13. Biographies of Scientists 14. A Web of Online Dictionaries 15. SciCentral 16. HHMI's Virtual Lab 17. New York Times Books 18. The Time Zone Page 19. Time Zone Converter 20. A Dictionary of Units 21. Explorers of The World 22. WWWebster Dictionary 23. The Quotations Page 24. Research-It 25. American Sign Language Dictionary 26. Mad Scientist Network - An Ask-The-Expert Network 27. The Internet Public Library 28. The Library of Congress 29. Encyclopedia.Com 30. Encyclopedia of the Orient 31. Encarta Encyclopedia 32. Writing Style Guide 33. Columbia Guide to Online Style 34. "The Elements of Style" By William Strunk, Jr. 35. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations 36. A Word A Day 37. 38. 39. Environmental Directory 40. Science & Engineering Encyclopedia 41. Metric Conversion Table 42. Adventures of CyberBee
Rhondda Powling

What To Do When Kids Aren't Allowed To Read Digital Books in School | Scales on Censors... - 0 views

    Ebooks outlawed in class. The September issue of School Library Journal addressed not one, but two reader issues pertaining to digital access by K-12 students. Pat Scales, chair of the American Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee, has dealt with many a book challenge and attempts to ban library materials. In her column, "Scales on Censorship," she addresses situations faced by readers. But "this is the first I've encountered in which a book's format has been censored," she writes.
Mansel Wells

Virtual Learning Resources Center - access to quality Internet Reference and Informatio... - 0 views

    An index of over 10,000 of the best academic information websites, selected by teachers and library professionals worldwide, in order to provide to students and teachers current, valid information for school and university academic projects! It includes selected sites in a growing list of subject/information areas including: full-text magazines, newspapers, electronic text archives, art history, biography, biology, career information, psychology, history, government information, literature, medical information, social sciences, legal information, American Civil War, Art, Careers, Crime, Directories, Economics, Education, English Language, Electronic Texts, Foreign Languages, Geography, Genealogy, Government Information,Health/Medical, History, Legal Information, Lesson Plans, Literature, Mathematics, Music, Reference, Science, Technology, Tutorials on the Web, and Writing Style Guides.
Rhondda Powling

Beth Revis - 0 views

    The official site of author Beth Revis who writes science fiction and fantasy novels for teens. Her debut novel, Across the Universe, launched from Penguin/Razorbill on January 11, 2011. Across the Universe is the first of a trilogy.
Fran Bullington

The Picnic Basket - 0 views

    Freee books! Agree to write a review and you could get a copy of newly published (or soon to be published ) booki.
Mansel Wells

ePals Pllrojects Global Community - 1 views

    Varying projects that can be done between students worldwide using writing skills.
Rhondda Powling

Fiction in Surrey - Google Maps - 1 views

    Gary Green's map of fiction in Surrey. A great example of how to use Google Maps. The tool also allows him to write about each title that he's put into the map.
Mary K

StoryBird - 0 views

    Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you make to share, read, and print. Read them like books, play them like games, and send them like greeting cards. They're curiously fun.
Rhondda Powling

Latest Study: A full-time school librarian makes a critical difference in boosting stud... - 2 views

    "This study adds to the evidence that all K-12 students need and deserve quality school library programs with full-time certified staff. Students are more likely to succeed when they have library programs that are well staffed, well funded, technologically well equipped, well stocked, and more accessible. And, the neediest learners may benefit the most from trained librarians and quality library programs."
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