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Rhondda Powling

Book Trailer Resources - 7 views

    Naomi Bates' site for book trailer resources. It offers information about creating good book trailers as well as where you can find resources for creating your own.
Mansel Wells

eThemes Resources Listed by Grade Level | eThemes | eMINTS - 0 views

    A very large collection of resources that is well worth examining.
    A HUGE collection of online resources sorted first by grade level and then by topic.  This is well worth exploring.
Dana Woods

Shmoop: Study Guides, Teacher Resources - 3 views

    Smart, fun, plain-spoken study guides and teacher resources. Digital textbooks by Ph.D. and Masters students from Stanford, Harvard, Berkeley
Rhondda Powling

::: CHILDREN'S LITERACY LAB ::: - 1 views

    It is an interesting programme which is trying to investigate how children actually use digital books. It is hoped that the research will help school librarians and teachers to adjust to the way in which pupils use E-books.With lots of resources, information, tips and news, this is an interesting site to peruse.
Rhondda Powling

cooltoolsforschools » home - 0 views

    A great wiki site to find good resources
Fran Bullington

Looking to Ramp Up Your Library Web Site? Try a Blog. - 1/1/2010 - School Library Journal - 2 views

    Carolyn Foote's article not only shares why you should consider a blog for your library website, but also offers many resources which include links to support using blogging and links to school library websites using a blogging platform.
Fran Bullington

ISAIL: Home - 2 views

    The Illinois Standards Aligned Instruction for Libraries wiki which includes a K-12 curriculum as well as many resources.
George Spicer

Free Mathsframe Interactive Whiteboard Teacher Resources - 1 views

    Free resources for teaching maths using primary framework objectives
Alison Hall

SBDS Prototype 0.1 - 0 views

    SBDS will be a new discovery service focussed on Australia, Australians, and items found in Australian collecting institutions. It will provide a single point of access to resources currently discoverable via the Library's multiple discovery services, and to digitised material freely available online anywhere in the world.
Rhondda Powling

Guidelines for working with RDA and non-RDA records prior to implementation of RDA- Pro... - 0 views

    From the Library of Congress:The following guidelines were recommended by the Task Group on Hybrid Bibliographic Records (Sept. 1, 2011). The recommendations were approved by the PCC Policy Committee. The documents below include guidelines for working with RDA and non-RDA records for monographs, serials, and integrating resources prior to implementation of RDA.
Rhondda Powling

Ebooks & Digital Content | Transforming Libraries - 2 views

    To help meet a growing need, the ALA's Digital Content & Libraries Working Group was formed in Fall 2011 to implement the recommendations and to continue the work of ALA's Task Force on Equitable Access to Digital Content. Working Group members were selected by the ALA President based on their high level of expertise and range of experience regarding libraries and digital content, and are broadly representative of the various constituencies within the Association and library community. This website is meant to be a resource to support libraries in their transformation from print to digital content
Rhondda Powling

schoollibraries2011 - checklist for parents - 1 views

    There are no facts and figures about the school library on the My Schools website, yet the library and the teacher librarian play a vital role in your child's education. So are Australian children and young people getting the best deal? ASLA research shows that a strong library program that is adequately staffed, resourced and funded can lead to higher student achievement regardless of the socioeconomic or educational levels of the adults in the community This is a 10-point checklist designed for parents to investigate if their school is investing where it counts.
Rhondda Powling

Top Downloads « EasyBib - 0 views

    From EasyBib posters to use throughout your library. 'Post the creative flyers around your library, print out some stickers or bookmarks to share with your students, or mix it up and share these resources on your own web site. We also have information handouts that serve as a useful ready reference tool."
Mary K

educationalsoftware » Web searching tips - 0 views

    Extensive list of web searching resources from a comprehensive educational technology wiki
Mansel Wells

Library Media Services » Collaboration - 0 views

    Collaboration between the Teacher and the Librarian is essential to further student achievement. If you are new to collaboration, or you haven't flexed your collaborative skills lately, here are some resources you might find useful!
Fran Bullington - 0 views

    Annotated list of resources for slms
Mansel Wells

Thinkfinity for Educators - 0 views

    Enables searching by subject, grade, resource type and content partners.
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