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Rhondda Powling

So Now What?: The Future for Librarians - 0 views

    Article that looks at library services and the work of library staff. The article asks questions about what do the future trends mean for us who work in the library field. It is a positive artlce that concludes that libray skills and training are still very valid and are just as useful in the digital world as they were in the print era, if ew are willing to take our future into our own hands and not meekly hand everything over to commercial bodies.
Rhondda Powling

After the Parade | THE NEXT BILLION SECONDS - 0 views

    ALIA futures Summit. Librarians & culture of shared knowledge.Mark Pesce shares his keynote address on his blog
Rhondda Powling

The future of print: 21 interesting e-books for kids | Dangerously Irrelevant | Big Think - 0 views

    Collectively, these examples may be giving us a glimpse into what the future of children's publishing is going to look like
Rhondda Powling

Fight the 'Zombie Librarians' | ISTE 2014 - The Digital Shift - 0 views

    ISTE Keynote by teacher librarian Jennifer LaGarde. She gave a great speech that asks all TL's to question what sort of librarian they are. Are we preparing for the future or stuck in the past. - or to put it another way Are we Zombie librarians or zombie fighters?
Rhondda Powling

Reconceptualising the School Library as Collaborative Makerspace | Services to Schools - 0 views

    "It is essential that school leaders apply the same spirit of innovation and future focus to the re-imagination of their school library environments as they do to other aspects of both their built and virtual school environment. Library as creative collaborative makerspace is an exciting, transformative idea that warrants exploration."
Rhondda Powling

The Future is Here: When Science Fiction Turns Real - Book Patrol - 1 views

    Great infogrpahic that creates a great image of Sci-Fi information that I was explaining to students not long ago. Much clearer here!
Rhondda Powling

Copyright, Ebooks and the Unpredictable Future | Digital Book World - 1 views

Rhondda Powling

Lend Me Your E-books (Part 2) | Publishing Perspectives - 1 views

    Erik Christopher considers the model offered by Overdrive and the future of lending as seen by the Open Book Alliance's Peter Brantley.
Rhondda Powling

MoversandShakers 2011 - 1 views

    For ten years now, LJ's Movers & Shakers has been spotlighting librarians and others in the library field who are doing extraordinary work to serve their users and to move libraries of all types and library services forward. They hail from all corners of the library world and several nations. Nominated by their colleagues, friends, bosses, and just plain admirers, they are just the tip of the iceberg. We know there are many more Movers out there, making libraries better and taking them into the future.
Cathy Oxley

Massachusetts School Library Association - Chelmsford High School's Learning Commons: F... - 0 views

    Massachusetts School Library Association
Cathy Oxley

Flip This Library: School Libraries Need a Revolution - 11/1/2008 - School Library Journal - 1 views

  • We’ve created and invested in library media centers—and, in recent years, their Web sites—with the expectation that our students will come to these places. Sorry folks, but the old paradigm is broken. It’s time to become part of the Google generation. If we polled our students, we’d probably discover that they’re busy searching online, and maybe IMing or texting each other. Our school libraries and Web sites are the last things on most kids’ minds. At some point, we have to admit that our creations have become irrelevant to today’s students. There isn’t time for business as usual.
  • We don’t need a revision. We need a reinvention.
  • If we want to connect with the latest generation of learners and teachers, we have to totally redesign the library from the vantage point of our users—our thinking has to do a 180-degree flip.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • What we’re proposing is bold. Gone are the days when we can afford to exist on the periphery. The new learning commons is at the very center of teaching and learning. No longer will the library be something that students and teachers need to remember to come to—instead it will be integrated into their lives. Finally, the library will become the hub of teaching and learning—a place that everyone owns and contributes to—one giant conversation that’s both a social and a learning network. Face it, folks. We’re at a crossroads. Doing nothing, trying to shore up the status quo, or attempting to resuscitate a dead model aren’t feasible choices. It’s like mom saying, “Either eat your spinach or go to bed.” We may not like it, but let’s start eating.
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