Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you make to share, read, and print. Read them like books, play them like games, and send them like greeting cards. They're curiously fun.
An e-book reader supposed to launch in 2010. The software should be pc combatible. Offers features such as highlighting and annotating books, texts will be stored virtually so reader's notations are available anywhere. Will also have read-aloud feature.
This is a short video clip of Quentin Blake explaining what the word 'illustration' means to him. The website Wordia is a video dictionary uploaded by people to illustrate the significance various words have for them.
Michael Stephen's "Welcome to the 2009" version of TTW's annual look at the trends and technologies that I believe will impact what we do in libraries and information centers.
Blogging Rubric by \n\nRyan Bretag\n is \nlicensed under a \nCreative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United \nStates License\n.\nBased on a work at \\n.