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Online Course Design - 0 views

    • alexandra m. pickett
      Joy! thank you for making your learning visible to me! I am awed and inspired by the depth of your insights!
  • So establishing teaching presence is what all the designers, Alex, and even I, am doing when we make decisions about the content of the course, the types of activities we want to include, the tools we would like to use, how we want to assess, how we provide channels for providing and managing feedback, how we want to induct students into the course, how we want to wrap up the course….Basically – everything!
  • From planning, to execution, to assessment, to revision. So this is why developing a course is an “iterative process”.
  • ...23 more annotations...
    • alexandra m. pickett
      eureka!!! brilliant!!!
  • And nothing happens by chance. Everything happens by deliberate design. And I am seeing how this is happening.
  • People are important, so… (make decisions, plan activities, evaluate, discard, adapt, iterate, etc.) Thinking is important, so ….(make decisions, plan activities, evaluate, discard, adapt, iterate, etc.) Learning is important, so….. Content knowledge is important, so… Skills are important, so…
  • From this, I have learnt that it is perfectly fine to change your mind, as long as you have solid justification. This was also a useful reminder abot the importance of accurately matching the number of objectives with activities. A designer needs to avoid creating an objective that has no activity, and an activity with no objective, as can sometimes happen through oversight.
  • “You need to rethink lots of things, to be open to possibilities, opportunities to options, then you’re more likely to be successful,” says Alex. This kind of openness does not happen as a matter of course. It has to begin with an awareness. This attitude of being open to possibilities, opportunities and options has to be actively worked upon. I failed to understand this at first. So I found it perplexing that Alex would pursue what I thought was a trivial line of discussion. What do you think is not possible to teach and learn online? I volunteered several bright contributions. I was still unaware of the purpose of this apparently innocuous discussion. Of course now I know better. That discussion was supposed to challenge a closed mind. Because with a closed mind, we render ourselves unable to be open to possibilities, opportunities to options. A closed mind works against innovation, progress, improvement, expansion. This is a new frontier, and therefore the stance which can reap untold benefits and leanings should be “Let’s explore!” So the question we should be asking isn’t “What cannot be done?” but rather “How do I make this possible?”
    • alexandra m. pickett
      thank you for this observation, joy! thank you for taking the bait and giving us all the opportunity to question our assumptions and to arrive at creativity, innovation and possibilities!! : )
  • I need to be open to possibilities, opportunities, to options. I must put aside my prejudices and temporarily suspend “logical thinking” in favor of creative thinking.
  • But we should never give up on the unwilling ones.
  • The best way to spark change is to let them attend an effective online course.
  • I am beginning to see how “developing a course is a transformative experience”.
  • I don’t think I can return to the classroom and teach anything the same way before.
  • Designing an online course has been, for me, a truly transformative experience. It has allowed me not only to reexamine, reformulate and reassess, but to also move forward to innovate and in some ways, to reinvent myself as a teacher.
  • I was therefore quite relieved Alex confirmed what I had feared. I was packing in too much. Even before even before Alex provided her completely justified feedback that my course was too packed (“for you Joy, less is more!”)
  • An online environment is different from a f2f setting. Being able to state it in a theoretical way is not the same as understanding it and translating it into practice. Of course I knew the theory. But when the time came for application in the design of the online course, my knowledge did not transfer well into practical application. This is one of the main problems when there is a failure of the student to  successfully transfer learning, which is basically one of great challenges of teaching.  So basically, what I did initially did was to replicate my f2f activities directly into my online classroom.
  • As I feared, and Alex confirmed, this large amount of group work puts a strain on the students and also poses too many logistic difficulties. Perhaps one or two group work activities might work, but not several in each module. It is unrealistic. So I have learnt, in a very concrete and hands-on way, that designing for my online classroom in this instance is different from designing for my face-to face classroom.
  • Once again, I am reminded that theory and practice need mutual reinforcement. Understanding the theory is one thing. Transferring the theoretical knowledge into action requires experience, reflection, and feedback from others.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      thank you for making your thinking and learning visible to me!
  • Having experienced a wonderful sense of community, and seeing how it is done, I do feel that I have a fair idea of the basic ingredients that go into creating a sense of community. However, Alex has set a high, high standard, and I don’t know I have the energy to sustain the community building effort, even if I knew how to do it!
    • alexandra m. pickett
      i have great expectations of you joy! i know you can do it : )
  • this is a process
    • alexandra m. pickett
      Yes!!! the value to me and to the others in the class is to be able to watch your process. we see how you think and refine and how your ideas change and evolve and that adds to our understanding of you and our own learning.
  • My present ideas never look like version 1! The result is that the ideas I handed up in the proposed learning activities resemble very little of what I actually have now
    • Joan Erickson
      Oh Joy, I can relate! By the time Alex reads my submitted writing assignment, my actual course design has already morphed a few times. I've visited your course, it looks great! the activities you set up indicatethat you have high expectations for the participants!
  • Confucius
    • Joan Erickson
      wow, Confucious said that? I didn't even know, and I'm Chinese!
  • In short – let the students do the work. This is the best way to learn. This principle, I think, has been demonstrated in this course. And I intend to pursue it in my own course. I see the value of giving the students both structure and space.
  • One of the insights has to do with letting go as a teacher.
  • Reading Sue’s
  • I agree with Sue.

The Truth About Homework - 1 views

  • Carole Ames of Michigan State University points out that it isn’t “quantitative changes in behavior” – such as requiring students to spend more hours in front of books or worksheets – that help children learn better.  Rather, it’s “qualitative changes in the ways students view themselves in relation to the task, engage in the process of learning, and then respond to the learning activities and situation.”  In turn, these attitudes and responses emerge from the way teachers think about learning and, as a result, how they organize their classrooms.  Assigning homework is unlikely to have a positive effect on  any of these variables.  We might say that education is less about how much the teacher covers than about what students can be helped to discover – and more time won’t help to bring about that shift.
    • Nicole Gallo
      Developing an online course is not just the transfer of a traditional course to an online platform.  Assigning a video is not providing the student with a relevant experience nor a reason to engage; it can still be viewed through the lens of just homework. 
  • Finally, any theoretical benefit of practice homework must be weighed against the effect it has on students’ interest in learning.  If slogging through worksheets dampens one’s desire to read or think, surely that wouldn’t be worth an incremental improvement in skills.

Autistic Teen Uses Tech to Break Silence: "I Escaped My Prison" | NBC Southern California - 0 views

    This is an amazing story. I hope all autistic children get the chance to break their silence.

AJET 27(1) Tee and Lee (2011) - From socialisation to internalisation: Cultivating tech... - 0 views

  • is needed is an approach that helps teachers learn how to choose, apply, evaluate and further develop different configurations of tools and artifacts - digital and otherwise - depending on their practice, their learners, the contexts they are in, and the nature of the subject they teach. If this sounds like teaching our teachers how to fish, it is. They should not be given a prescribed technology or the proverbial fish; instead, they must learn how to fish, or specifically to think through, critically choose or design and configure, learn and apply technologies that will best meet the teaching and learning needs that exist within their context. If this can be done, teachers can go beyond thinking of themselves as merely being passive consumers of technological tools and begin thinking of themselves as being designers or purposeful users of technology specifically to aid students' learning.
  • Koehler and Mishra (2007) explained that good teaching with technology for a given content is complex and multidimensional. It requires a nuanced understanding of how a combination of certain technologies and pedagogical technique can make learning of a particular content area more meaningful.
  • Key design considerations for creating activities and conditions tofacilitate socialisation, externalisation, combination and internalisation
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Socialisation and externalisation largely manifested in the form of class discussions and out of class group discussions. Both externalisation and combination can be seen in the wiki based e-book project and higher stakes presentation at the end of the course. Internalisation was stimulated in the implementation and oral reflections in class, and the reflections they were writing for the course.

Reflective thinking and writing - 0 views

    reflective writing

What is Online Presence? | online learning insights - 0 views

  • What is online presence?
  • There are several definitions of online presence, but I think the best term to describe online presence is ‘being there’ and ‘being together’ (Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching)
  • Online learning should not about the technology but about the learning interactions – and being there
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Three Dimensions
  • social presence, cognitive presence and teaching presence. By
  • Teaching Presence
  • guiding and structuring and communicating
  • Sources:

one small step for blogging…one giant leap for me - 4 views

  • Someone please explain to me the whole “hashtag” thing. PLEASE!  I feel so out of the loop!
  • I guess I just assumed that she was the exception,
  • I realize now that I was taking this, as well as all of my other skills, for granted.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Twitter
  • not getting feedback on my course profile or course information documents. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      I am still trying to figure out how to not be overwhelmed with the volume of interaction in this course. : )
    • Lisa Martin
      I realized since I wrote that how much more you have to do than usual...I can't imagine!
  • I also realized that my ideas come from a desire to incorporate social networking more into online courses. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      take a look at this - i think you are thinking about a social networking site. In the future you may want to consider this as a companion to your course.
    • Lisa Martin
      Thanks Alex!
  • ~I continue to be astonished every week with how much I am growing and learning in this course.  Not only am I learning how to be an effective online instructor and everything that it entails, but I am also learning a lot about myself.~
  • I lose track of time and hours have gone by without me even realizing it. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      that is the definition of "engagment"
  • “What young children perceive that their teachers do plays a more significant role in their socio-emotional outcomes than what teachers report they do” (p. 30).  We have an EVEN bigger impact than we thought!
  • “Am I providing a bridge for my students from their prior knowledge to where I want them to be and where THEY want to be?” “What am I doing to facilitate their growth not only in building a positive self-image, but also as learners in general?” “Am I REALLY taking into consideration their interests, passions and motivations?” And finally, “What Would Alex Do?”
  • “I really like how you tell them you are there for them.  A lot of my teachers give us confusing assignments and I never feel like I can ask them questions.” 
  • When she was done going through everything she said, “Are you actually going to teach this class? Can I take it when you do?” 
  •   I was spending so much time figuring out the tools that I felt like I wasn’t spending time on content.  I realize now that I needed to spend that time and those tools were part of the content of this course. 
  • I LOVE learning in general!  I liked learning before…well I never disliked it anyway…well unless it was math…or science…I had no idea what it was like to truly LOVE learning.  Its sad to me that it took me 30 years to experience this.  Did I work A LOT in this course?  Did I give up much of my social life?  Did I stay up too late?  YES, YES and YES.  Was it worth it? Absolutely!  Did I mind? NOT ONE BIT…Reflecting on the fact that I worked so hard and so much on something and not only wasn’t bothered by it, but enjoyed every moment was a HUGE wake up call to me. 
  • You just have to have passion and a belief in yourself.
  • This was the only course I have EVER taken in which I will walk away having truly internalized knowledge.  I know that I internalized what I have learned because when I was reviewing my classmate’s courses I didn’t have to refer to a book or a checklist, it was all in my head.  When I look back at my undergrad education, I have always said that I didn’t feel like I actually “learned” anything until I student taught and learned by DOING.  That’s exactly what happened in this course, I learned by doing.  This is only course that has ever provided me with this type of experience and it has shown me what quality education should be, not only online but in a face-to-face situation as well.
  • We(myself, my classmates AND Alex) worked together in this course to contribute to the construction of our knowledge. 
  • It wasn’t until this summer when I turned 31 that I finally experienced being a student in a student-centered, constructivist environment that actually got me to THINK.  Not just think, but think critically…It took 31 years for me to experience a true community of learners!  I don’t want other students to have to wait 31 years to experience what its like to REALLY LEARN!
  • I want to CHANGE someone the way that Alex, ETAP 640 and all of you have CHANGED me.
    I'm posting the link to my blog so that I can practice adding bookmarks to diingo

Embodied Learning - 0 views

  • It is useful to think of embodied learning (“M-BOD”), as Gee conceives it, as a dimension of EL since the pedagogy constructs learning as active and interactive, but it would be a mistake to conflate the concepts. M-BOD is a framework, a set of principles, for understanding how people become motivated to engage and re-engage cognitively challenging tasks--to "practice" at something--but this is not thinkable as an operation of (again in Fenwick's words) an "autonomous rational knowledge-making self, disembodied, rising above the dynamics and contingency of experience." Condensing and simplifying some of Gee's ideas, I came up with the hypothesis that practice is pleasurable when it involves people in making choices that reward them somehow--choices about who to be: (imaginative projection: some participation in story-telling or drama) what the rules are (game recognition: the mental labor of identifying problems and how to solve them) how to adapt (or improvise on) the rules to suit a particular context (game elaboration: some kind of recoding of some elements of the game)
  • Far more than books or movies or music, games force you to make decisions. Novels may activate our imagination, and music may conjure up powerful emotions, but games force you to decide, to choose, to prioritize. All the intellectual benefits of gaming derive from this fundamental virtue, because learning how to think is ultimately about learning to make the right decisions: weighing evidence, analyzing situations, consulting your long-term goals, and then deciding…. Those decisions are …predicated on two modes of intellectual labor that are kept to the collateral learning of playing games. I call them probing and telescoping (41) Probing: you have to probe the depths of the game’s logic to make sense of it and like most probing expeditions, you get result by trial and error, by stumbling across things, by following hunches (42-3) Telescoping is managing…simultaneous objectives… you can’t progress far in a game if you simply deal with the puzzles you stumble across; you have to coordinate them with the ultimate objectives on the horizon...Telescoping is about constructing the proper hierarchy of tasks and moving through the tasks in the correct sequence. It’s about perceiving relationships and determining priorities (54-55).

Heinemann Books: Authors: Regie Routman - 0 views

    this publisher promotional site offers access to resources by Regie Routman who writes on the value of big questions and student motivation and engagement in writing - two works of interest to look at for those interested is Writing Essential and Conversations

The Authority in Online Education - 0 views

  • As school districts across the country have faced budget gaps, they’ve been forced to cut back. Schools are eliminating programs and cutting teaching jobs and salaries – it’s clear that the U.S. public education system is facing problems. But Wozniak thinks that school systems have not “adapted to children’s needs,” and that computers could help to fill these gaps. Additionally, they could help schools save money. “If you had 30 teachers in a class with 30 students, they’d all get individual attention and be moving at their own paces,” Wozniak said. “So I think someday a computer could possibly be a teacher.”
  • “School in itself is pretty much a restrictive force on creativity,” he said. “When you come to class, you do the exact same pages in the book, the same hours as everyone else in the class. You don’t go off in your own little directions. This is not the way of the future.”
  • New technologies are beginning to mimic the capabilities of humans more than ever before. While technology and education experts agree that teachers won’t be replaced by robots anytime soon, computers have helped schools to make strides in student progress and achievement over the past few years. Tools like interactive online education platforms and online courses have demonstrated success, while also helping school districts save money. But to pinpoint successful educational technology, interactivity is key.

Teaching Tip - 0 views

  • Students write 4 statements; 3 of the statements are truths about themselves or some aspect of their lives, and 1 of the statements is a lie. Students read their list out loud in class and the rest of the class try to guess the lie. This activity ALWAYS works and is a great way for you to get a glimpse of your students as individuals. The process works both ways, i.e., you should also participate in the activity.
  • This can be used in two different ways. In my classes, I have students list 10 books they would take with them if they were marooned on a desert island. Students share their lists with each other. (I sometimes use this as one of the first posts to my online class blog instead of in the classroom.) As a group activity, I ask students to gather in groups of 4 or 5 and come up with a list of 5 items they would take with them if they were marooned (the group as a whole can only bring 5 items). Groups read their lists out loud and justify their choices.
    ice breaking activities

Flipping Bloom's Taxonomy | Powerful Learning Practice - 0 views

  • I think the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy is wrong.
  • In media studies we often look at the creation of print and digital advertisements. Traditionally, students learn many of the foundational principles for creating a layout through a lecture or text book reading, and then eventually create their own.
    Fipping blooms

Theory_and_Practice_of_Online_Learning - 0 views

    The effective online learning teacher makes provision for negotiation of activities, or even content, to satisfy unique learning needs. As they become more informed participants and consumers of formal education, learners are also demanding increased input into the control of their learning
1More Instructional Design (Wiley/Jossey-Bass Education) (9780471393535): Patrici... - 0 views

    a textbook we could have read

Outline of American Geography - - 0 views

  • Themes and Regions The Physical Environment Foundations of Human Activity Megalopolis The Manufacturing Core The Bypassed East Appalachia and the Ozarks The Deep South The Southern Coastlands The Agricultural Core: The Deep North The Great Plains and Prairies The Empty Interior Southwest Border Area California The North Pacific Coast The Northlands Hawaii
    This site is great! A lot of good information I can use when teaching about US geography and regional misconceptions.

101 Ways to Use Tagxedo - 7 views

  • Compare Similar Documents
    • Lisa Martin
      I love that you can put any text in to do visual comparisons like this!
    • Gary Bedenharn
      I'll have let the students do this to emphasize the key terms that are important to them in the unit.
  • Make a Movie Review
    • Lisa Martin
      Or a book review :-)
  • Turn a Logo into a Tagxedo
    • Lisa Martin
      I havent look into this, but I'm wondering if you can upload a logo to use for the shape? Looks that way with all of these images!
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Review What You've Been Tweeting
    • Lisa Martin
      I wonder if you could use this ability to make something like this from your blogs or posts?
  • Not all photos workNeed high contrastAdjust threshold and blurUse Capture/Undo/RedoPrefer "Light" themesPhotos can be color or B&W
    • Lisa Martin
      This answers my question about uploading pics!
  • Critique Your Resume
    • Lisa Martin
      Love this idea for critquing any of your work
  • Break the Ice
    • Lisa Martin
      I love the idea of this as an ice breaker. Letting students choose their own shape would allow for even more expression.
  • Improve Students' Writing Skill
  • Learn More about Yourself
    • Lisa Martin
      Like this idea for the girls to make for someone else to build THEIR self-esteem
  • Capture the Collective Wisdom
    • Lisa Martin
      This could be used as an icebreaker activity as well. Maybe combine ideas of all students on what they're nervous about with the course or what they're looking forward to or want to learn.
    • Lisa Martin
      These ideas can be used in ANY course, on OR offline. Some great activities in here for icebreakers and a variety of other things!
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This is a marvelous visual arts tool that can provide self-assessment opportunities as well as artistic expression of language concepts. This is great find, Lisa!
    • Gary Bedenharn
      This a great visual tool for any subject.  I love it!
    • Lauren D
      I've been trying to use tagexdo for a while, but love these slides, never knew you could use your own logos :)
    • Lauren D
      I think I am going to add this to my introduction module to show students all the encompasses geography!
    This looks like fun! I'll have to think about how I might be able to use it.

Inspiring Teachers - Articles - Classroom Community: Building a Solid Foundation - Empo... - 0 views

    Bringing the classroom into an environment conclusive to a community for learning.
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