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Jeanne Cousineau

Guns Germs & Steel: The Show. Overview | PBS - 0 views

  • Inspired by a question put to him on the island of Papua New Guinea more than thirty years ago, Diamond embarks on a world-wide quest to understand the roots of global inequality.
    • Jeanne Cousineau
      These are some of the main questions Diamond answers in his book, Guns, Germs, and Steel. He theorizes that due to the east-west axis of Asia/ Europe (which would include its favorable climate, terrain, and ease of sharing and borrowing technology), the availability of domesticable plants and animals, to name a few, this area had all the right ingredients to be successful, as opposed to the Americas/Africa. The latter had few domesticable animals, a north-south axis, and a difficult terrain for "sharing", to name a few. We will all need to dive further into his book and these sites to uncover all of the necessities that helped some succeed over others.
    This is just a page from the other PBS bookmark - I've just highlighted text on this page and added a sticky note so you don't need to peruse the site to find it.
    i see your bookmarks in diigo, nicely done! now incorporate the things you bookmarked into a post with links directly to the source urls, not to diigo. (Think of diigo as our shared library where we keep/organize all our links, tagged so we can find them later easily if we want.) in your post link to the source url, on which will be your diigo comments, highlights, and stickies making your post 100% richer. (view all bookmarks and then you can see the list of bookmark tags. Also, what do you thing of tagging things with "module 1" and so on so you can isolate all the resources you bookmark in the course by course module? Think about what will make the tool useful to you today and tomorrow, and what will make it useful to the rest of us in the course. I am very interested in exploring the potential of this tool with your help and in having you tests its features and functionality and push the limits as we kick its tires.
Shoubang Jian

The Technology Source Archives - Ten Ways Online Education Matches, or Surpasses, Face-... - 1 views

  • Students are empowered to learn on their own and even to teach one another. Particularly in the discussion group mode, students have the opportunity to explain, share, comment upon, critique, and develop course materials among themselves in a manner rarely seen in the F2F classroom.
  • ar more writing-intensive than traditional classes
  • When an instructor posts a question on the asynchronous discussion board, every student in the class is expected to respond, respond intelligently, and respond several times.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • relative "anonymity" of online discussions helps create a level playing field for women, homosexuals, students with physical handicaps, and members of other potentially marginalized groups, as they can participate in class activities without being stigmatized. Moreover, the format gives non-native speakers of English extra time to contemplate questions and compose appropriate answers.
  • teach students to find and learn information on their own or in concert with their colleagues. The online environment fosters self-motivated education.
  • Online students, however, can and do e-mail countless questions to their professors and frequently engage in a dialogue that would be hard to duplicate in the F2F world.
  • Students with family or work responsibilities are often unable to commit to a traditional course because they cannot be in the same place at the same time for 15 consecutive weeks.
  • teaching styles do not work in the online environment (just as some students have discovered that their learning styles make online courses unworkable for them)
    • jessica mascle
      i wonder if my teaching style matches?
  • On-demand interaction and support services
    • Shoubang Jian
      new technology, like Eluminate, allows teachers to conduct office hours in a virtual environment. Participants can talk to each other, share desktop, share the same browsing experience, chat, draw charts. Fantastic.
    Reading for Module 1
  • ...1 more comment...
    see highlighting
    do i have to respond to others?
    10 facts about online education
Amy M

Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities - 0 views

shared by Amy M on 10 Jul 09 - Cached
  • a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Anyone may view or contribute: authors create and collaborate instructors rapidly build and share custom collections learners find and explore content
  • Create Content
  • Find Content
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • On February 1, 2012, Connexions launched its groundbreaking initiative OpenStax College™. OpenStax College is a non-profit organization committed to improving student access to quality learning materials. Our free textbooks are developed and peer reviewed by educators to ensure they are readable, accurate, and meet the scope and sequence requirements of your course. Through our partnerships with companies and foundations committed to reducing costs for students, OpenStax College is working to improve access to higher education for all. OpenStax College is an initiative of Rice University and is made possible through the generous support of several philanthropic foundations.
  • Connexions® is a registered trademark of Rice University.
    Lots of online materials, free of copyright, that can be used by teachers (only a reference is required.
    Rice University's OER repository
alexandra m. pickett

Your Site Name - Front Page - "Steal" - 0 views

  • "Ideas are for sharing, and, if you feel it can help your students learn, please, feel free."
  •  How did we teachers get to the point where ideas are stolen, and not shared?
JJ Wagner

What is text wrap? - 0 views

  • Home > text wrap text wrap Text wrap is a feature supported by many word processors that enables you to surround a picture or diagram with text. The text wraps around the graphic.
    Definition of text wrapping
ian august

Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: Learning in a Participatory Culture: A Conversatio... - 0 views

  • peop
  • it isn't about the technology
  • It is about the informational affordances and cultural practices which have taken shape around the computer and other interactive technologies.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Yochai Benkler, author of The Wealth of Networks, tells us we respond to the culture differently when we see it through the eyes of a participant rather than a consumer
  • And it is this participatory culture which has been facilitated by the new digital media in a way that stretches far beyond the imagination of previous generations.
  • When we are talking about the internet, we are talking about all of the activities we perform through this new information infrastructure and the mindset which emerges through our ongoing engagement and participation in the great public conversation that emerges through it.
  • Beyond the individual medium there is a media ecology -- all of the different kinds of communications systems which surround us and through which we live our everyday lives
  • and they have opened up a space where all of us can be welcomed as potential participants
  • All of the research shows that the communities of practice which grow up around this participatory culture are powerful sites of pedagogy, fueled by passion and curiosity and by a desire to share what we learn and think with others.
  • Pierre Levy tells us that in a networked society, nobody knows everything
  • everybody knows something
  • and what any given member of the community knows is available to the group as a whole as needed.
  • We are evolving towards this much more robust information system where groups working together can solve problems that are far more complex than can be confronted by individuals
  • Right now, schools are often using group work but not in ways which encourage real collaboration or shared expertise -- in part because they still assume a world where every student knows everything rather than one where different kinds of knowledge come together towards shared ends.
  • You wouldn't consider someone literate if they could read but not write text and we shouldn't consider someone literate if they can consume but not produce media
    henry jenkins
Maree Michaud-Sacks

Meridian Article: Authentic Learning: A Practical Introduction & Guide for Implementation - 0 views

  • Learning is closely connected to the world beyond the walls of the classroom.
    • Maree Michaud-Sacks
      This is what I will be exploring in my online course. How can we use technology to connect classroom learning with real life practice.
  • Students produce a product that can be shared with an audience outside the classroom.
    • Maree Michaud-Sacks
      This idea relates to students using multimedia to present their experience. Being able to summarize and present what they learned is a good reflection, and is a product that can be shared outside the classroom.
  • Learning is student driven with teachers, parents, and outside experts all assisting/coaching in the learning process.
    • Maree Michaud-Sacks
      Even though authentic learning is student centered, instructor can still help guide learners by assisting and coaching when needed.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Students have opportunities for social discourse.
    • Maree Michaud-Sacks
      Another reason to utilize discussion. Students can learn more through conversations with colleagues and peers.
Ryan Mulligan

Quia Game Website - 0 views

    Website full of learning activities. To use them go to shared activities and pick the subject you would like.
Anne Deutsch

Watch LION: Library Information literacy Online Network Episodes | How To Videos | Blip - 0 views

  • Participants in this project agree to make these episodes openly available for others to link to, embed, share, download, or edit, provided the appropriate credit is assigned to the author (further information about all rights can be found by looking at the Creative Commons License associated with each epidsode
    • Anne Deutsch
      Open Access - Librarians like to share!
    • Anne Deutsch
      Yet another great source of unbranded, generic, and high quality "how to" videos that I can mine for my course.
    • Diana Cary
      This is great Anne. Where did you find these resources Merlot or one of the others? How will you incorporate this video into your online course?
    • Anne Deutsch
      Hi Diana - LION is a bit like Merlot for librarians but more limited in scope as it's only videos. The quality is high and videos don't have any branding so that they can be utilized by any library.
alexandra m. pickett

The Digital Citizen - My Sojourn in the World of Web 2.0 by Irene Watts-Politza - 3 views

  • “You are interacting with one single individual at all times.  There is no ‘class’ …”
    • Lisa Martin
      Thinking about this really helped me redesign my course profile :-)
  • “Design a course with the student perspective, one who has never taken an online course before” (Pickett, What Works?).
    • Lisa Martin
      Great advice! I have a hard time sometimes with this, because there's part of me that also wants to design it for someone who not only hasn't taken an online course, but perhaps isn't very tech savvy :-)
  • I must find a balance, however, in order to complete the necessary tasks well so I can savor the doing of those that have salience.
    • Lisa Martin
      I need to find balance myself. I think the only reason the way I'm doing things right now is ok is because I live alone. I will eventually have a family, and I want to be an online instructor...I will certainly need to figure this out!
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • I realized that the online environment is actually a type of classroom; is that why course language includes such terms as “area”, and “room”?
    • alexandra m. pickett
      e u r e k a ! ! !
  • The resulting ah ha moments became the core of my entry …
  • One activity that I am especially excited to observe is the students tweeting from their placements when they make a course- to- practice connection.
    • Lisa Martin
      great idea!
    • Maria Guadron
      AWESOME idea! Love it.
  • How am I simultaneously learning how to be an online student and instructor?
    • Lisa Martin
      Great way to think about it
  • Something that has been proven to work is frequent, immediate instructor feedback.
    • Lisa Martin
      This is a HUGE difference I notice between Alex and other instructors. She has definitely built her social presence with me this way. Her podcast on my learning activities was an eye opener for me. It made me feel so good that she had ACTUALLY looked at my work! I have often wondered if other teachers REALLY did that.
  • Aug 04 2012
  • Reflecting on the online course design process, I realize I have made a tremendous transition from first-time student to instructor in the space of one semester. What I have learned about myself is that I have an affinity for designing in the online environment. 
  • I am technology-proficient.
  • While I am not yet a full technophile, I am surely no longer a technophobe!
  •   I so deeply enjoyed the reading and studying portion of this course … it opened a new world of theory to me, made more exciting by the historic proximity of the leading researchers in the field. 
  • I kept telling myself, “You need the experience if you want to be an instructional designer!”
  • So, reflection has proven its worth yet again:  reflecting on my work in designing EED406 thus far is proof that research-based best practice works.
  • discussion is the heart of online learning. 
  • students’ learning is demonstrated through the vehicle of discussion.  
  • blog posts are personalized records of learning, thinking, and being. 
  • It is not about what the instructor wants to hear, it is about hearing the student’s articulation of what is being learned that is essential to evaluating the content of a blog post.
  • Through trying to be “fearless” about using technology, as Alex advises, I have come to learn that confidence is something that one must exercise in all spheres of the online environment.
  • we can not help but to teach when we learn and to learn when we teach.
  • “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” This is certainly true of discussion forum.  We learn with and for each other: as  you learn, I learn. 
  • I have spent my academic life I believing that I have to ‘go it alone’, since I walked home from school alone the first day of first grade.  Strangely, this course, in which I spend so much time alone, is teaching me that I don’t. 
  • It causes me to reflect on the similarities between online and physical communities, something I had not thought of before.  Could it be that we really are, slowly and steadily, growing into a genuine community?
  • I am a student whose understanding of connectivism and heutagogy is being developed experientially through taking this course.
  • Teaching presence also involves anticipating students’ needs based on monitoring progress and being ready to find that perfect something to support the student’s learning.
  • (Think Twitter, Irene!) 
  • complaints, above, I think about the layout of the course; if it’s too many clicks away or the explanations aren’t clear, students become anxious, lose interest, and possibly
  • I just finished what may be my last discussion post for ETAP640. As I went through the post process, I was cognizant of each step: read your classmates’ posts; respond to something that resonates within you; teach (us) something by locating and sharing resources that support your thinking;  include the thinking and experiences of classmates; offer your opinion on what you are sharing; cite your resources for the benefit of all; tag your resources logically.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      hi irene!
    Student Reflections @wattspoi on "Heutagogy & its Implications for Evaluative Feedback" #lrnchat #edchat
Lauren D

Ben_Online.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Students share perspectives Online forums, provide public areas to post information. Each student can view another student's answers and learn through the exposure to different perspectives. This benefits students because they can combine new opinions with their own, and develop a solid foundation for learning. Research supports that "as learners become aware of the variations in interpretation and construction of meaning among a range of people [they] construct an individual meaning, " (Alexander, 1997). Students experience a sense of equality-Another benefit to using web-based communication tools is to give all students a reinforced sense of equality. Each individual has the same opportunity to "speak up" by posting messages without typical distractions such as seating arrangements, volume of student voices, and gender biases. Shy and anxious students feel more comfortable expressing ideas and backing up facts when posting online instead of speaking in a lecture room. Studies prove that online discussions provoke more confrontational and direct communication between students.
Maree Michaud-Sacks

sharing what i know » Blog Archive » the cms is a dinosaur …and you know what... - 0 views

  • I naturally resist and feel uncomfortably confined by the locked down nature of the CMS… i mean really, is a “blog” that is locked into a CMS really a blog? No!!!!!!!! you can’t just call it a chicken when it is a duck!!!! Part of what makes it a blog is the fact that it is public – anyone can see it and interact with it. It also represents you publicly, belongs to you/you own it/it is yours to have and use, and to keep it beyond the end of the course and term - that is an authentic online learning activity! That is why i also thought it essential that the shared resources for the course be external to the CMS using diigo… i want my students to have access to the resources after the course ends!
    Alex's reasons for moving from a course management system (CMS) to moodle for course delivery. If you are wondering why we are engaging on so many external sites, this is recommended reading.
Maria Guadron

Bill Pelz Reflects on the CoI and Teaching Presence - YouTube - 1 views

    Bill Pelz, Professor & Internet Academy Coordinator at Herkimer County Community College, shares his ideas about teaching presence and the Community of Inquiry.
diane hamilton

Immersing Students in Great mentor texts - YouTube - 0 views

    video as teacher PD on how to use mentors texts to teach children the craft of writing - shares 10 texts
alexandra m. pickett

Twitter Chat with Inside Online Learning » Online College Search - Your Accre... - 0 views

    #IOLchat today on "creating a new online course" today at 12pET! #onlinelearing #edchat #lrnchat RT @Melissa_Venable: Are you creating your first online course? Have advice to share? Join me for an open discussion today: #IOLchat htt ...
Irene Watts-Politza

INTIME - Integrating New Technologies into the Methods of Education - 2 views

    • Irene Watts-Politza
      I added the free version of RealTime through clicking on site link on one of the videos and the videos play successfully. Although Mozilla FF is not on the list of supported browsers, I was able to get MozFF to recognize the Real Time plug-in after I installed it on my hard drive.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      Perhaps there are activities that can be adapted to online course environment? Click on "Go to Material", above, scroll down and click on "Database development" and select "by grade level" or "by content"
  • INTIME provides online video vignettes of PreK-12 teachers from various grades and subjects showing how they integrate technology into their classrooms using numerous teaching strategies. INTIME is the result of a PT3 program (Preparing Tomorrow?s Teachers to Use Technology). INTIME resources are useful for (1) teacher educators creating case studies; (2) pre-service teachers learning about effective pedagogical techniques; (3) in-service teachers searching for ideas and independent professional development; (4) professional developers seeking resources to demonstrate good teaching and technology integration, and (5) administrators developing teacher quality initiatives and mentoring programs.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • RealPlayer8 is required to view any videos
    I am considering whether to add the entire resource or just a few videos with a "for more of this ..." to my module on 21st Century Learning. What really excites me about this resource is the implications for case studies in methods courses in the B-6 program ... can even be shared with Secondary Ed and TESOL. You may want to share this with your grade level, Building Leadership Team, or your PD person. A GREAT free resource for meaningful, asynchronous tech integration training.
Gary Bedenharn

Technology Will Kill - YouTube - 0 views

    • Amy M
      tech is changing book to nook focused on the iPhone
    This video shares with the viewers the technology that people are utilizing from reading to communicating with each other.
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