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alexandra m. pickett

Notes to Self - 1 views

  • I think if I could focus on a few people’s posts, I could make more quality contributions. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      i am kinda torn about the small group thing. i hate taking choice away - it seems to me that you can self select your own small groups. why don't you just do that? scan all the posts and then decide who you want to engage and then just pick them to interact with. Read all interact with a select few. In the discussion for this module (2) i have it split into several discussions. i am wondering if splitting it by topic like that will feel different to you. Let me know. ok? I have toyed with the idea of reducing the number of posts required... and just doubling your score on them. what would you think about that? i have never had so many people in the course. It is designed for a more intimate number of students. I am trying to come up with ways make my work more efficient yet still intimate, personal and effective. Work in progress. i am learnking too. : )
    • Lisa Martin
      Alex - Seeing that module 2 was split into several discussions was a HUGE relief to me! It seems much less overwhelming and easier to be organized :-)
    • Tina Bianchi
      Now that some more time has passed, I actually have done what you're suggesting here...reaking all and interacting with a select few. With this approach, it became more manageable. I haven't done my first post for module 2 yet (just finished the readings) but I do think the split into several discussions will make a huge difference. I can only imagine the work you have cut out by having read/rate ALL THESE POSTS! It seems overwhelming, and I am considering the implications of it as I think about designing my course. Thanks for the feedback!
  • We could still have been required to complete the same number of posts, but perhaps had fewer count toward our grade on this first run.  I
    • alexandra m. pickett
      hmmm. i don't count them all. the first couple with my feedback are the grace period... "if i were to rate this it would be a ..."
    • Tina Bianchi
      I understand what you're saying here...I don't know what I missed and where I missed it, but I "assumed" (there's that pesky word again!) that all posts, beginning with the initial introduction, would be rated. I did fewer posts than I should have considering this. There were a few (though admittedly not of high quality as they were early in the Module and I hadn't yet gotten the hang of things) that weren't scored, so what I thought my score would be for discussion in the first module was not even close to my actual score. Live and learn...
    • alexandra m. pickett
      : ) welcome to social learning!
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • As we continue to interact with content and then share that learning with each other, we construct our own meanings and apply what we’re learning in a variety of contexts.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      E U R E A K A !!! brilliant!! : )
  • is imperative that I stop thinking about how to transform my F2F materials to suit the online environment.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      it is impossible to duplicate the f2f environment online. to try to do so is folly. you must reconceptualize. you have to leverage the options and mitigate the limitations of any environment in which you teach.
  • I hit “Publish” only to find half of my post showed up and no way to retrieve what was lost.  Therefore:
  • I am very interested in the hyper-content design. I like the idea that with this model, students determine the order of their own learning activities. In this model, there may be a few things that could be tricky; for example, setting up group activities might be left to the students to manage since they wouldn’t all be completing the same activities at the same time.
    • Lisa Martin
      I've been thinking the same things about this model. I think it's so hard for me to envision because of my lack of experience with it. I also have a hard time applying some of the things we've learned in this course to that design.
  • Whatever it takes.
  • Yet, as I continued reading I realized that my grasp of the content was continuing to evolve.  I feel that I have a deeper awareness of what teaching presence looks like, not only in an online course but also in a traditional classroom, as well.
  • Perhaps it’s time I move from measuring in coffee spoons to taking in the big picture.
    • Maria Guadron
      Love your "How To" section! Can't wait to see your screencasts.
  • Even though the course won’t start until January, I know it’ll be here before I know it.
  • has led to me a realization–the course I’ve created will never (and should never) be finished!  It makes sense.  I never teach the same lesson twice in exactly the same way, so it should go without saying that every time I look at this course and eventually start using it, I will continue to add, remove, and change what’s there.
Erin Fontaine

Techy Lincoln Middle School teachers reaching students' brains through their smartphone... - 0 views

  • Another benefit of Edmodo is that students are encouraged to collaborate in order to solve problems, while the teachers can stand back and observe.
  • "It's almost like I had stepped out of the equation and they were problem solving themselves,"
  • The students' fingers got busy typing on their cell phone keyboards, and anonymous responses started showing up almost instantly on the discussion webpage for the question: "It could make learning more fun." "We can get our grades quicker." "It makes learning easier for everybody." "It's a lot more hands on and everyone has a voice." "Makes us pay attention and focus more."
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • "They're training themselves. We're just the facilitators; we're just guiding them through it."
  • "Our students have been taught a one-dimensional literacy, and literacy isn't one-dimensional — it's three-dimensional," she said. "They need to be able to know what all those dimensions and facets are."
    Learn to embrace and be a part of their world and they will become more of an active learner.
    I found this article as I was researching as to what I wanted to do for my course. I was really debating whether I wanted to do a course for adults or if I wanted to do one at the middle school level. This article was definitely one of my deciding factors.
Amy M

Motivating Your Students: Teaching Advice & Tips (Grades K-12) - - 0 views

  • Offer differentiated instruction. Be aware that you'll have students of differing abilities in your classroom. Don't make the mistake of crafting a single lesson for everybody—without taking into consideration the different ability levels.
  • Students should have multiple opportunities to set their own academic goals.
  • trust and respect
    motivating students with flexible learning
Lisa Martin

Self esteem and the influence of significant others - 1 views

    It seems to be particularly important for the teacher to explicitly exhibit support for students in their academic pursuit because of their relatively greater influence on the adolescents, as demonstrated in the present analyses. After all, among all others in a school setting, the feedback of teachers is probably the most salient reinforcer regarding student proficiency in academic work. The finding in support of the teacher as a powerful source of reinforcement is not surprising.
    the findings of the present study show that the teacher, like all the other significant others considered here, had substantial impacts on adolescents' academic achievement, academic self-esteem, and interest in academic work. Being probably the most significant of significant others in a school setting, the teacher had noteworthy influences on these educational outcomes that were consistent across Grades 5 and 6 and all levels in the high school. More importantly, support from the teacher had even stronger influences than other sources such as parents and peers. The impacts were so strong that they were even greater than the impact of personal expectancy which was presumably the most powerful predictor of these educational outcomes
Danielle Melia

New York Profile on Physical Education Mandates - 0 views

    Gives an overview of what NY State requires for physical education in grades k-12
Catherine Strattner

Tips for Time Management in Online Learning: End Procrastination & Start Improving Your... - 0 views

    Another good time management article.
Maria Guadron

Teaching & Learning - Instructor Characteristics That Affect Online Student Success - M... - 0 views

  • We must hear from the instructor within 24 hours!” “I would not think twice about withdrawing if the instructor is not available five days a week.” “The worst thing is waiting for a graded paper.”
    Feedback rated as an instructor characteristic that affects online student success!
diane hamilton

ECRP. Vol 5 No 2. The Role of Child Development and Social Interaction in the Selection... - 0 views

  • A closer look might provide insight into how this experience will assist in Rachel's development: Positive emotions are created from the established lap reading routine that generates an intimate closeness and feeling of security. Interactive social dialogues between Rachel and her mother build on prior knowledge and provide immediate feedback as they discuss each animal as the story progresses. The language they use to label, compare, explain, and classify creates a supportive context for structuring the processes of thinking and concept formation. Each of the domains of development—linguistic, cognitive, social, and emotional—is affected during Rachel's experience, and all play an important role in her development
  • As Rachel began to internalize the actions and language of her mother, she began to use these tools to guide and monitor her own processing behavior until she is now able to take over much of the responsibility for reading the book (Dorn, French, & Jones, 1998)
  • A framework for understanding the interrelated nature of the cognitive, social, emotional, linguistic, and literacy development of children; social interaction; and literature selection in grades K-4 is provided in the appendix. The purpose of the framework is to provide a general guide for teachers, parents, and other caregivers in the appropriate selection of books that takes into consideration the importance of child development.
    this article contains a useful reference table for developing interest in literacy and applies to development of literacy dispositions and life-long learning
Amy M

MOOCs, Large Courses Open to All, Topple Campus Walls - - 0 views

  • Mr. Thrun sent the 23,000 students who completed the Artificial Intelligence course a PDF file (suitable for framing) by e-mail showing their percentile score, but not the Stanford name; 248 students, none from Stanford, earned grades of 100 percent.
    Standford's AI course
Amy M

Grading Online Discussion Participation: A Sample Rubric - 0 views

    A simple discussion rubric.
Hedy Lowenheim

Online Teaching Tips: Pedagogy - Communcation Tips - 0 views

  • Acknowledgment feedback assures students you have received their assignment submissions or that you are in search of answers to their questions and that you will respond soon. Sometimes you can give feedback to the entire class, reminding them that you are grading their papers and it will take a week or so to respond
Luke Fellows

Can Schools Help Students Find Flow? | Greater Good - 0 views

  • memorizing facts that may be needed to pass a test but will soon be forgotten
  • is not really learning because students aren’t really grasping the material enough to apply it beyond the context of the test
  • Schools are too focused on grades, he argues, and fail to take advantage of kids’ intrinsic desires to learn
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • combination of motivation, concentration, interest, and enjoyment
  • feeling the need to achieve—in the absence of true student engagement—led to cheating, sleepless nights, depression, and drug abuse
  • felt that their activities were under their own control and relevant to their lives
  • lessons that offer choice, are connected to students’ goals, and provide both challenges and opportunities for success that are appropriate to students’ level of skill.
  • balance between the challenge of the activity and the skills of the person engaged in that activity
  • Many afterschool programs also foster high levels of flow
alexandra m. pickett

Drama Teacher Attempts Creation of Online Learning « Acting Education for iPa... - 0 views

  • What has surprised me the most in creating this course is how similar effective online teaching is to effective classroom teaching.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      eureaka!!! the secret is out. teaching is teaching : )
  • the grade is secondary to the learning,
  • every problem became an opportunity,
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • I failed to fail.
  • teaching online is not that much different from teaching F2F;
  • (answers on a postcard please.)*
    • alexandra m. pickett
      online teachers do it better online.
    • alexandra m. pickett
  • (perhaps I should create one!)
  • “Can a drama class be taught online?” Yes, absolutely, yes.
Jessica M

Collaborative Writing: An Annotated Bibliography - Google Books - 0 views

    Peer editing groups or pairs can benefit students learn their own strengths and weaknesses as writers, encourage better editing and revising skills, and promote communication between peers in the classroom

Fearless Writing (a book by Tom Romano) - 2 views

    This link will take you to the opening chapter of Tom Romano's latest book about multi-genre papers. Romano has been working on this concept for close to two decades. It branches off Gardner's work on multiple intelligences, which Samantha wrote about on the Module 1 discussion board. I believe that we need to rethink what an academic paper "should" look like. Are we teaching an outdated model?
    Rhonda, I started reading Fearless Writing with this link you provided and if I had nothing else to do today I would curl up and just read it. This is a topic that I have been thinking about whie taking these ETAP classes that there needs to be a paradigm shift in letting people just write. As a writer, of sorts at least I have published a book, I write best with editing a thousand times as the writing becomes better targeted. However, one can notice in our online discussions how some students do not write much, or do not write from the soul of self, the creativity with the science and theories to figure out how to remember and apply what we learn. During the years I was writing my book, I discovered that when I played the piano or figured out some 1700 Spanish classical guitar piece..I could write easily. It was like food for the writing. Now days I have that music in my head whenever write like right now there's a tune being built with the pace of tapping the keys. This process is what we need to let flourish when student have their dance of art, music, and other types of deigns in the Mind that form pathways to help us learn.
    Thanks for the comment. I haven't done much with multigenre papers since getting the teacher certification, but I do think it's an area that needs more exploring. Romano focuses mostly on the high school population but I see no reason why these ideas can't be pulled up into an expository writing course. Yes, college students need to know how to do the basic research, citation, and so on, but they also need to know how to CREATE, how to enjoy words for words' sake rather than putting words on the page to fulfill a grading formula. Again, call me a Luddite if you will but I fear that as these web tools grow more sophisticated, we are losing our grip on the simple pleasure of the written word...
Teresa Dobler

Can student choice in homework assignments increase the return rate and increase studen... - 0 views

  • grade
  • yielded slightly positive results in both students’ attitude towards science and homework return rates
    • Teresa Dobler
      Giving students choice increased homework completion and attitudes toward science in middle school students.

Group Work Online | online learning insights - 0 views

  • I emphasize the why of the activity—what’s in it for the students
  • weighty, not necessarily in grades but in terms of complexity
  • synthesize, analyze and create a product
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Have students create a team charter
  • Provide an outlet for students to get help with group collaboration and conflict. Include on the course site
  • Create small group
  • Provide a mechanism for students to give feedback and reflection on group participation and the experience overall.
  • Recommend that the group select a project or team leader.
alexandra m. pickett

Using Rubrics to Grade Online Discussions - ELC Support - 1 views

    "The Value of Rubrics Rubrics are useful for assessing work in any classroom setting, but they are especially helpful in online courses, where all information must be clearly stated in course documents. In some courses, instructors use rubrics for each assignment. "
    Contains several example rubrics for discussions and journals as well as nettiquette and a link to a list of articles on related topics.
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