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Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally | Tech Learning - 0 views

  • Searching or "Googling" - Search engines are now key elements of students' research. At its simplest the student is just entering a key word or phrase into the basic entry pane of the search engine. This skill does not refine the search beyond the key word or term.
  • Social bookmarking – this is an online version of local bookmarking or favorites, It is more advanced because you can draw on others' bookmarks and tags. While higher order thinking skills like collaborating and sharing, can and do make use of these skills, this is its simplest form - a simple list of sites saved to an online format rather than locally to the machine.
    • sherrilattimer
  • Playing – The increasing emergence of games as a mode of education leads to the inclusion of this term in the list. Students who successfully play or operate a game are showing understanding of process and task and application of skills.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Tagging – This is organising, structuring and attributing online data, meta-tagging web pages etc. Students need to be able understand and analyse the content of the pages to be able to tag it.
  • Blog/vlog commenting and reflecting – Constructive criticism and reflective practice are often facilitated by the use of blogs and video blogs. Students commenting and replying to postings have to evaluate the material in context and reply.
    • sherrilattimer
      Interesting that responding to someone else's blog is more of a higher level thinking skill than writing one.
  • Moderating – This is high level evaluation; the moderator must be able to evaluate a posting or comment from a variety of perspectives, assessing its worth, value and appropriateness.
  • Students frequently capture, create, mix and remix content to produce unique products.
    Bloom's Taxonomy for technology!!
    This may be a really nice tool for developing our courses!

The Technology Source Archives - Ten Ways Online Education Matches, or Surpasses, Face-... - 6 views

  • Students are empowered to learn on their own and even to teach one another.
    • Erin Fontaine
      Students are made accountable for their own education and are able to reflect on what they are learning.
    • Heather Kurto
      Students work together with professors to create a learning style that meets their needs. The students guide information that is important to them making the experience meaningful.
  • Students served as instructors to their classmates, and together they worked toward learning goals more effectively than if they had been provided with the answer by the instructor.
    • Erin Fontaine
      I have seen my own students achieve better comprehension when they are able to see the information through the eyes of their peers rather than my perspective.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This also supports Shift 4 in ELA Common Core which calls for students to have "rich" conversations centering on a text.
  • When an instructor posts a question on the asynchronous discussion board, every student in the class is expected to respond, respond intelligently, and respond several times.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This expectation is supported by the online instructor's facilitation of discourse and intellectual leadership, identified by Jones et al. as two aspects of teaching presence.
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • On a more formal note, online tests and quizzes can be constructed with an automatic grading capability that provides immediate feedback and references to text and class notes that explain the correct answers. Assignments, including grades and editorial comments, can be returned to students more promptly and usually with more detail than in the F2F environment.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This is something to consider with respect to formative assessment, RtI evidence/data, and computer-based grade books. Wondering how it would work in an open source learning platform for collecting data on teacher effectiveness at the university level?
    • Teresa Dobler
      I have used online homework systems with my middle school students, and it works wonderfully. Many students use the immediate feedback to their advantage, reviewing the questions they got wrong. I know they use it well because whenever I happen to make an error in marking the correct answer, I will receive a flood of emails from students quoting resources stating why they believe their answer to be correct.
  • They say that it is common for participants in online courses to develop a strong sense of community that enhances the learning process.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      Bodes well for gobalization of education, especially when supported by language conversion apps.
    • Teresa Dobler
      Reminds me of a community of inquiry model. See Garrison, Anderson, and Archer, 2000.
  • thrilled
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      This is indeed the perfect verb for this experience!
  • The thinking, planning, research, learning, and effort that goes into constructing and teaching an online course has rejuvenated many faculty members who were frankly going through the motions after numerous years of teaching the same courses, semester after semester, in the same classroom environment.
    • Irene Watts-Politza
      As online learning increases at the secondary level, is it possible that responsibility for curriculum development will become an APPR bargaining issue under the Regents Reform Agenda?
  • the best way to teach students how to write more effectively is to have them write more often.
    • Erin Fontaine
      One of my main concerns about creating and online class for a junior high (7th/8th) grade is about how technology is affecting their writing abilities. I was afraid of how all the short hand phrases we all use are affecting students and their abiliity to write. Yes, online courses are writing intensive and a great means of keeping students writing but as the teacher I feel like I have to make sure that the work I recieve is of quality. As I continue to research this fear I am seeing both sides of the argument. Text talk may be both positive and negative. Still looking into this... Here is just one of many articles I have found on this topic:
    • Teresa Dobler
      Thanks for the link. I know with my students, I emphasize the need for using conventional English in typed school work no matter what device they are using. Most of my middle school students are adept at transitioning from the language they would use while texting to the language I expect in their lab report, even if they are typing the lab on their phone.
  • Students with family or work responsibilities are often unable to commit to a traditional course because they cannot be in the same place at the same time for 15 consecutive weeks.
    • Amy M
      This is a huge factor is accessibility for adult-learners.
  • Although some instructors may discover more than they wanted to know about their students, my online teaching experience disproves the notion that online courses are impersonal and do not foster relationships, either between students and instructors or among students themselves.
    • Amy M
      I wonder what the limit on class size is for an online course to feel "intimate."
  • In the traditional F2F classroom, the instructor asks a question, and the same four or five extroverted students inevitably raise their hands. They offer spontaneous, often unresearched responses in the limited time allotted for discussion. In the online environment, discussions enter a new dimension.
    • Heather Kurto
      This is huge for online learning. Students are able to thoughtfully respond which deepens discussions.
  • . Online education is neither right for all students nor right for all faculty, but it frequently meets the needs of both for an exciting, high-quality educational experience.
    • Teresa Dobler
      How do we make the jump and empower students to actually take on the role as a teacher?
  • explain, share, comment upon, critique
  • explain, share, comment upon, critique
  • unresearched responses in the limited time
  • unresearched responses
    • Teresa Dobler
      I personally have seen a big difference in my thought and contributions when given time to think, research, and craft a response to an argument.
    • sherrilattimer
      There is also something to be said abou the "delete" button. Once you say something, you cannot undo it.
  • can refer to their course materials and think through their answers
    • efleonhardt
      I think this is a very important piece of online learning I hadn't thought about t before. When students are online they are able to actually process the information and not be afraid if they're processing skills are slower than other students.
    • Teresa Dobler
      The goal is for the student to continue learning throughout life, not just for the course. This links back to the Minds on Fire reading:
  • However, I have heard from very few faculty members who are not energized by the creative process of achieving the same instructional goals in an entirely new format.
  • On average, online courses are far more writing-intensive than traditional classes have ever been.
  • he first response that comes to mind rather than the best possible response
    • George Dale
      and you don't have the, "Doh! I should have said ..." as you're walking out of the classroom.
  • Many online students have indicated that this is the first time they have ever "spoken up" in class and that they enjoy the opportunity
  • Geared to lifelong learning
    • George Dale
      While I'm not a LMS hater, I do see this as a problem in the way LMSs keep a death grip on the content and learning. I'd like to develop a plugin for Balckboard that allows a student to easily "pack up" and take their work with them as they complete a course.
  • as a result of the relative anonymity
    • George Dale
      It's almost ironic that the initial anonimity can lead to deeper connections relative to F2F interactions.
  • online education can be done well,
    • George Dale
      It seems that some examples that are used to demonstrate a poor online course are often as good as a "normal" (i.e. F2F) class. Being as good as a traditional lecture class is a low bar to set.
    • Arnaldo Robles
      I can see this serving as a useful tool for writing activities!
  • In their everyday lives, individuals do not have a teacher at their side to direct them in their acquisition of new information. One of the roles that we need to perform as educators, then, is to teach students to find and learn information on their own or in concert with their colleagues. The online environment fosters self-motivated education. Students direct their own use of Internet links, search engines, discussion boards, chat, e-mail, and other media. While such resources cannot guarantee student initiative, they establish a framework that gives precedence to the autonomy of the learner.
    • Arnaldo Robles
      I like this!
  • develop course materials among themselves in a manner rarely seen in the F2F classroom.
    • dkiesel
      In f2f classes at masters public health program, we do extensive group projects. I think that k--12 classes may not have had many project-based classes of which hopefully will be more as we are seeing the influence of online teaching and how for practical learning the online environment can greatly compliment a practical session.  But I don't agree that all the practical project based work I have done for my profession with other students and teachers is not as well integrated compared to all the practical group work I have done in my profession with students and teachers. Also the quality of spoken live discussion in group work is very challenging when it is live. Maybe online is helping by giving us more time to think before we say something. 
    Sorry I didn't want these to go public. These were just my notes to myself so that I could further do some research. Is there a way to remove these or make these private again. Guess I'm still testing the water.

Test-Taking Cements Knowledge Better Than Studying, Researchers Say - - 0 views

  • students who read a passage, then took a test asking them to recall what they had read, retained about 50 percent more of the information a week later than students who used two other methods.
  • the illusion that they know material better than they do.
  • “I think that learning is all about retrieving, all about reconstructing our knowledge,” said the lead author, Jeffrey Karpicke, an assistant professor of psychology at Purdue University. “I think that we’re tapping into something fundamental about how the mind works when we talk about retrieval.”
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • These other methods not only are popular, the researchers reported; they also seem to give students
  • The final group took a “retrieval practice” test. Without the passage in front of them, they wrote what they remembered in a free-form essay for 10 minutes. Then they reread the passage and took another retrieval practice test.
  • But when they were evaluated a week later, the students in the testing group did much better than the concept mappers. They even did better when they were evaluated not with a short-answer test but with a test requiring them to draw a concept map from memory.
  • we are organizing it and creating cues and connections that our brains later recognize.
  • But “when we use our memories by retrieving things, we change our access” to that information, Dr. Bjork said. “What we recall becomes more recallable in the future. In a sense you are practicing what you are going to need to do later.”
  • The Purdue study supports findings of a recent spate of research showing learning benefits from testing, including benefits when students get questions wrong.
  • Howard Gardner, an education professor at Harvard who advocates constructivism — the idea that children should discover their own approach to learning, emphasizing reasoning over memorization — said in an e-mail that the results “throw down the gauntlet to those progressive educators, myself included.” “Educators who embrace seemingly more active approaches, like concept mapping,” he continued, “are challenged to devise outcome measures that can demonstrate the superiority of such constructivist approaches.”
    • lkryder
      I am impressed by the constructivist community realizing what a powerful study this is. I think this is an indication of what we will start to see as brain based learning studies increasingly show us what is happening biologically when we learn.
    This NYTimes article does contain a link to the actual study but you need an account. The excerpts though and the responses by Gardner was very interesting
    This NYTimes article does contain a link to the actual study but you need an account. The excerpts though and the responses by Gardner was very interesting. I will try to find access to the study in the library database
    This NYTimes article does contain a link to the actual study but you need an account. The excerpts though and the responses by Gardner was very interesting. I will try to locate the study in the library database

Moodle - Creating a Quiz - 0 views

  •  In “Adaptive mode” under Question behavior-- "How questions behave" drop down menu, students can immediately submit an answer to an individual question, receive feedback, and attempt it again if they answered it incorrectly. Incorrect answers will receive a penalty determined by the “Penalty factor” that you specify in each question’s settings.
    • lkryder
      Here is a great way to include formative assessment and student feedback loops adaptively in the online course
  • Here you may select the group mode for the quiz and if the quiz is visible to students right away.  An ID number for the activity may also be entered.  This number will be used as a way to identify the quiz for grade calculating purposes.
  • An ID number for the activity may also be entered.  This number will be used as a way to identify the quiz for grade calculating purposes.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • An ID number for the activity may also be entered.  This number will be used as a way to identify the quiz for grade calculating purposes.
  •  An ID number for the activity may also be entered.  This number will be used as a way to identify the quiz for grade calculating purposes.
  • Make sure that one of the “Overall feedback” boxes in the “Review options” settings is checked if you want students to see overall feedback.
  •  An ID number for the activity may also be entered.  This number will be used as a way to identify the quiz for grade calculating purposes.
  •  Common Module Settings: Here you may select the group mode for the quiz and if the quiz is visible to students right away.  An ID number for the activity may also be entered.  This number will be used as a way to identify the quiz for grade calculating purposes.
  • An ID number for the activity may also be entered.  This number will be used as a way to identify the quiz for grade calculating purposes. 13. Restrict Access: Access to the quiz can be restricted to only a certain time period here.  Also a grade requirement from another activity may be set.
    Item 7 in this list of quiz creation steps has a good explanataion of how to use the adaptive aspect of the quizzing tool with the "penalty factor"
Mike Fortune

Blooms Digital Taxonomy v2.12 - 4 views

    Wow, thanks Mike. This is exactly what I have been looking for - although I did not know it until now! Combining Bloom's taxonomy with technology seems almost too obvious. But until someone takes the trouble to painstakingly match the thinking skills with the technology skills, things will continue to remain in the air. Thanks for sharing this important idea.
    You're welcome Joy! Professor Pickett suggested I search it. I am also so glad to have found something like this, where new instructional technology forms can get the necessary reinforcement from a well regarded and widely used guide like Bloom's taxonomy. BTW I learn a great deal from your posts!
alexandra m. pickett

Learning Online Learning - 2 views

    • alexandra m. pickett
      exactly!!! : )
  • Teaching is less about transferring knowledge to learners than giving them the chances to ask the questions and to find answers on their own.
  • Now I know that’s not the only way to teach, not the only way to achieve the teaching goals, and, most importantly, not the most effective way to teach.
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • In my course, it is important that students are able to learn the basics correctly. So I think the course design should foresee situations like these, and, there should be some modules or learning activities within modules that are designed to have the effect of lectures, i.e., a more systematic presentation of the subject matter. I am not sure at this moment whether this will work or not, but to me it seems to be the logical solution to the problems.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      Why do you do things the way that you do? why do you believe what you believe?
  • July 3rd,
  • On top of it is that it allows the Professor to reach to individual student in a personal tone. I am so used to read assignment and feedback in written format that I don’t remember when was the last time a professor went through my assignment in front of me. Almost always the case that the feedbacks were scribed down on the tiny margins of the papers, with often less then eligible handwritings. I did the same thing to my students when grading their papers and exams. So, using Podcast to give feedback is marvelous. It can easily create a strong sense of connection and trust between the instructor and the student. It helps out the most for those students who may be on the brink of feeling isolated from the learning community or fall behind in the middle of a long and demanding semester.
  • I wouldn’t be surprised if we are asked to when our courses are implemented in coming weeks, and it certainly would be a lot of fun.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      it's coming!! : )
  • Careful choice of words
  • Sharing personal story.
  • It feels real.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      great observations! how will you use this in your own instruction?
  • Professor was right in pointing out that during online course the predominant form of student participation is discussion forum, and it’s up to the course designer to devise ways that can evaluate student’s understanding of the course materials.
  • Discussion Forum Exploring the ethical world Ask it like Socrates Website critique Case study Peer review M1 V V M2 V V M3 V V V M4 V V V V M5 V V V M6 V V V V M7 V V V
    • alexandra m. pickett
      brilliant!!! way to make your thinking and your design visible to me/us!!!
  • Trust your students, and we will be amazed by what they can come up with.
  • , I also assign a discussion forum dedicated to the topic: how does the online learning work? How to succeed
    • Melissa Pietricola
      Great idea!
  • guess I am not the only one in the class who feels weird not be able to share thoughts and reflections as we’ve been doing for weeks. I miss it very much.
    • Melissa Pietricola
      It has been a little strange, but a welcome break to focus on our courses!
  • Larry was right
    • Joy Quah Yien-ling
      I became very disorientated as well. I did one blog instead ot 2, and I did not refer to the prompts. This has given me an insight about how I should try to find ways to helping students deal with the disorientation. Like you say, it's not the course design. It's other psychological factors. I want to study this effect more and try to understand it. I think it is something important to deal with in online learning.
  • I believe my problem is typical of first-time online course takers. Online learning environment requires a very different mindset and learning style from the students (from teachers as well) in order for the course to be effective and successful. When learners are not aware of this fact, of what their responsibilities are in making it work, online courses are less likely to move forward.
  • detach themselves
    • Joan Erickson
      Hi Shoubang, I am glad you found the peer reviews helpful. I did wonder if my review was too blunt. I visited your course again today. You've covered so much ground in 2 weeks! The course looks fantastic! And yes I saw your inserted "seinfeld" video!
  • Peirce suggests that, since students come to class with loads of opinions about the topics (even more so moral issues, I’d say) whether they are well-informed or not, a way to generate interest in assigned readings is to take a survey of their opinions, or to pre-test their knowledge of the information. (p. 310) I find this suggestion interesting and it leads me back to my earlier reflections on quizzes. Quizzes may not be needed in taking attendance, nor reliable in assessing whether students come to class well-prepared or not, but quizzes may still be useful in inspiring curiosity among students.
  • Provoking discomfort (point 5) is very useful.
  • Creating cognitive dissonance is also a very useful triggering event that may eventually lead to the completion of the cognitive inquiry.
  • I’ve been trying to reflect on my learning process in a very personal way, and I will continue to do this even after the semester finished.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      cool!! i hoped you would : )
  • Given the opportunity, the learners are more likely to express their true selves on consistent basis.
  • I felt like my understanding of the criteria of good course design had increased significantly simply by changing the perspectives back and forth between reviewer and self-reviewer.
    ", I also assign a discussion forum dedicated to the topic: how does the online learning work? How to succeed"
alexandra m. pickett

Historical Reflection on Learning Theories and Instructional Design - 0 views

    Employing my research and practical experience in the field of educational psychology, with a specialty in instructional design and technology, I would like to reflect on the theoretical foundations of instructional design. My purpose is to show the growth of the field through theories associated with learning psychology and educational technology. Both human psychology and technology are the main foundations for instructional psychology. Evaluation and assessment continue to be integral to the field but more in the form of tools. Included is my view of the field in reference to work I and my colleagues have done in what we label as a linking theory of instructional design. That is, linking learning theory directly with research findings and practice I argue that educators need to clearly propose and define their own theoretical foundations when engaging in the design of effective learning environments...
Lauren D

Communication in Online Courses: Strategies for Providing Feedback - 0 views

  • Here are strategies for providing feedback in the Virtual Classroom
  • Clearly communicate exactly how participants will be graded.
  • Set evening hours if most of your students work during the day.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Be prepared to use a variety of delivery systems for feedback in case the technological system fails
  • Take note of students who don’t participate during the first session, and contact them individually after class. They may have technological difficulties
  • Provide substantive critique, comment, and/or evaluation for work submitted by individual students or groups, referring to additional sources for supplementary information where appropriate.
  • Provide private, weekly updates to EACH participant on their grade status.
  • Thank students publicly for comments submitted to the Virtual Classroom showing insight or depth. This will serve to model the types of responses and critical thinking skills you expect from other participants as well as give positive reinforcement to the student who contributed the message.
  • Make interpretive as well as descriptive comments.
  • the instructor should recognize quality work and intervene as the work is being developed to steer students in the right direction
  • Do not comment on every student posting. Much like in face-to-face class discussions let the conversation develop and give students a chance to participate before jumping in with in depth comments/feedback or analysis.
  • Use your students' feedback regarding course content, relevancy, pace, delivery problems, and instructional concerns to improve your course for the next time you teach it.
  • formative assessment
    The importance of continuous and prompt teacher feedback in the virtual classroom.
    Online students need more support and feedback because they may feel alienated online. Read some strategies to provide feedback here!
Diane Gusa

Teachers as experts in . . . inquiry? « Fires in the Mind - 0 views

  • Browse: Home / Featured Posts / Teachers as experts in . . . inquiry? Teachers as experts in . . . inquiry? A study just published in Science magazine sure makes one think twice about how we deliver “content knowledge” the classroom. The method by which a course is taught, it indicates, may be even more important than the instructor’s background. In a college physics class, listening to a lecture by a highly experienced and respected professor yielded fa
  • a control group performed more than twice as well when their teachers—a research associate and a graduate student—used discussions, active learning, and assignments in which students had to grapple with both new and old information.
  • “deliberate practice,
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • These students had time to synthesize and incorporate new ideas from the lecture into their prior knowledge and experiences.
  • ombined in-class practice and frequent formative assessments (such as pretests) with an emphasis on real-world applications.
Diane Gusa

ETAP640amp2011: Search results - 0 views

  • In my f2f General Psychology class I plan on having students submit a draft of their paper, everyone exchange in class, and then together we go through the rubric. My self-regulation professor, Dr. Heidi Andrade suggested going through the rubric with student in class and having them use different colored pencils to underline sections in the paper that meet or do not meet specific rubric requirements.
Diane Gusa

Indigenous Knowledge Systems/Alaska Native Ways of Knowing - 0 views

  • This article seeks to extend our understanding of the processes of learning that occur within and at the intersection of diverse world views and knowledge systems, drawing on experiences derived from across Fourth World contexts, with an emphasis on the Alaska context in particular
  • Until recently there was very little literature that addressed how to get Western scientists and educators to understand Native worldviews and ways of knowing as constituting knowledge systems in their own right, and even less on what it means for participants when such divergent systems coexist in the same person, organization or community.
  • issues on a two-way street, rather than view them as a one-way challenge to get Native people to buy into the western system.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • ecognize the limitations of a mono-cultural education system,
  • While western science and education tend to emphasize compartmentalized knowledge which is often de-contextualized and taught in the detached setting of a classroom or laboratory, indigenous people have traditionally acquired their knowledge through direct experience in the natural world.
  • The incongruities between western institutional structures and practices and indigenous cultural forms will not be easy to reconcile
  • The complexities that come into play when two fundamentally different worldviews converge present a formidable challenge.
  • As a concept, indigenous knowledge benchmarks the limitations of Eurocentric theory — its methodology, evidence, and conclusions — reconceptualizes the resilience and self-reliance of indigenous peoples, and underscores the importance of their own philosophies, heritages, and educational processes. Indigenous knowledge fills the ethical and knowledge gaps in Eurocentric education, research, and scholarship (2002:5).
  • The study of indigenous knowledge systems as it relates to education falls into three inter-related research themes: documentation and articulation of indigenous knowledge systems; delineating epistemological structures and learning/cognitive processes associated with indigenous ways of knowing; and developing/assessing educational strategies integrating indigenous and western knowledge and ways of knowing.
Diane Gusa

Bloom's Taxonomy - Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology - 0 views

  • , Lorin Anderson, led a new assembly which met for the purpose of updating the taxonomy, hoping to add relevance for 21st century students and teachers
  • Note the change from Nouns to Verb
  • Revised Bloom's Taxonomy takes the form of a two-dimensional tabl
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Emphasis is placed upon its use as a "more authentic tool for curriculum planning, instructional delivery and assess
    Scroll down to Table 1 and scroll further to see animation.
Diane Gusa

From behaviorism to humanism: Incorporating self-direction in learning concept - 0 views

  • It appears that many adult educators today, especially those recognizing the value of self-direction in learning, operate primarily from humanist beliefs and c
  • It also has been our observation that some instructional designers (and many other educators) seem to have difficulty accepting or incorporating humanist beliefs and instead appear guided primarily by behaviorist or neobehaviorist beliefs and paradigms based primarily on logical positivism, although cognitive psychology is increasingly informing the instructional design field.
  • We consider it important to understand why some of the philosophical differences between the two disciplines exist.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • instructional design as a separate discipline, has developed from several forms of inquiry: (a) research pertaining to media usage and communications theory; (b) general systems theory and development; and (c) psychological and learning theory. Reigeluth (1983) suggests that the three theorists most responsible for the current development of instructional design knowledge include B. F. Skinner (1954), David Ausubel (1968), and Jerome Bruner (1966). Skinner is identified because of his work with behaviorism and Bruner and Ausubel are recognized because of their contributions to cognitive psychology. Reigeluth (1987) has also compiled information on several other authors, theories, and models he believes important to the development of instructional design as a profession. Gagne (1985), Piaget (1966), and Thorndike (and colleagues) (1928) are other scholars frequently cited as foundational for much of today's thinking about instructional design.
  • As Hollis (1991) notes, "traditionally, instructional technologists have largely ignored the humanists' ideas among all the available theories from which to draw upon and incorporate into their schemes. Theoretically, instructional technology has been based on research in human learning and communications theories. In reality, more borrowing of ideas is needed, especially from the ranks of the humanists" (p. 51
  • Humanism generally is associated with beliefs about freedom and autonomy and notions that "human beings are capable of making significant personal choices within the constraints imposed by heredity, personal history, and environment"
  • Humanist principles stress the importance of the individual and specific human needs. Among the major assumptions underlying humanism are the following: (a) human nature is inherently good; (b) individuals are free and autonomous, thus they are capable of making major personal choices; (c) human potential for growth and development is virtually unlimited; (d) self-concept plays an important role in growth and development; (e) individuals have an urge toward self-actualization; (f) reality is defined by each person; and (g) individuals have responsibility to both themselves and to others (Elias & Merriam, 1980).
  • "If an individual is concerned primarily with personal growth and development, how can that person truly be concerned with what is good for all of society?"
  • The learning environment should allow each learner to proceed at a pace best suited to the individual.
  • It is important to help learners continuously assess their progress and make feedback a part of the learning process. 5. The learner's previous experience is an invaluable resource for future learning and thus enhancing the value of advanced organizers or making clear the role for mastery of necessary prerequisites.
  • We do recognize there may be times when self-directed opportunities are minimal, such as when involved in collaborative learning or when learning entirely new content, but believe that the assumption of personal responsibility is possible in ways not tied to the type of learning or content.
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