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Diane Gusa

Relational Context of Teaching - 3 views

  • He continues that we can face the future with confidence if we know how to teach ourselves, read between the subjective lines of media, process the vast amount of information that will be available, work collaboratively, and reaching for resources that will expand our capacities – for example a resource like this course!!
  • I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experience behind him.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      You can do this!!! You are doing this diane!!! Thank you for being brave and persisting. you just made my day!! : )
  • However, to be part of the social network and be actively involve citizens, each must become life-long learners. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      ... and like it or not life is now technology mediated. No matter who you end up being "when you grow up" if you are not comfortable with technology, can't assess/evaluate information, can't find information when you need it, you will be at a disadvantage.
    • Diane Gusa
      I agree. I am concern for the students who are not exposed to this technology. In our district, the computer teacher was laid off, yet we kept all the coaches/sports. Adults, who are not on board with the technological needs of their students, are the ones making these decisions.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
    • alexandra m. pickett
      don't forget to self-assess!
  • I am going to give this blog a 3.
  • Teacher presence
  • June 21st,
    • alexandra m. pickett
      diane: the blogging assignment for module 2 was due on june 19th.
  • What I would like is to have the option of posting and assessing it as NG (no grade)
    • Donna Angley
      I too feel that the blog area should be a little more relaxed. I like your idea of a NG post. I'm wondering if you could create a separate "page" just for social commentary. Just a thought.
  • Finally, I carefully considers there are no place where Alex might say “can you tell me more”
    • Donna Angley
      It's okay if Alex asks you to elaborate a little more, that's the role of the instructor if the students aren't providing enough feedback.
  • Since our blogs are shared work-spaces, we are suppose to engage in collaborative reflective discourses,  creating a shared understanding, leading to collaborative knowledge
    • Donna Angley
      Yes, it has taken me a while to figure all this out as well. I never take the straight path from point A to point B. I always take the detour, but I do get there eventually :-)
  • Dewey states: “I assume that amid all uncertainties there is one permanent frame of reference: namely the organic connection between education and personal experience. (Dewey 1939:25).
    • Donna Angley
      Dewey was a great believer in the connection between the educational system and the social community. "It was forgotten that to become integral parts of the child's conduct and chracter they must be assimilated; not as mere items of information, but as organic parts of his present needs and aims -- which in turn are social" (Dewey). In his book, The School and Society, he talks about the deep connection between home and school, between home and work, and the importance of the school as the connector.
  • pay attention
    • Donna Angley
      I had a doctor describe ADD very aptly to me. He said think about your child's surroundings as radio waves. Your child is picking up every radio wave that is out there and he does not have the ability to ignore any of it. When my son was 11 he described his inability to understand things in school like this: it's like I'm looking through a window that is foggy. I can see, but it's not clear enough to make sense.
    • Diane Gusa
      This was a good explanation of ADD. Do you know that there is a college that is set up for ADD students? It is called Landmark College and it is a remarkable place!
  • then I go on an adventure and troll through the internet and my books to satisfy my desire to learn. I continue, immerse in my hyper-focus state of mind, until I feel that I have a deep understanding of whatever I am exploring.
    • Donna Angley
      This is a good thing; it's what online learning is all about. I realize it's probably frustrating to you because you focus so intensely on what you're doing, but I definitely see your presence in this course, so I wouldn't worry that you're not interacting enough. Just for the record, 12 posts is difficult for me as well when you consider how much research goes into each one.
  • I will investigate and use group Wikis
    • Donna Angley
      I've decided to have my students use Wiki as well for a group project. I think it will be a good learning activity and will give them the opportunity to collaborate outside of the forum. They will be writing their own short stories in small groups.
  • detailed rubric
    • Donna Angley
      I need to create a rubric for my "Book Club" forum. Any suggestions for where to start? Do I reinvent the wheel, or are there sites that have pre-fabricated rubrics that can be tweaked to fit my needs?
    • Diane Gusa
      Hi Donna, Whenever youi can do not reinvent the wheel. I am going to post either today or tomorrow a post on building a rubric. First I need to see what Alex wants us to do
  • plan on using Alex’s rubric for my instructional design,
    • Donna Angley
      Can we do this, just borrow a rubric from somebody else? That would be awesome, but I don't want to plagarize anything.
    • Diane Gusa
      I prefer to think I synthesize....I always search the internet for "ideas" for my rubrics and course syllabi.
    • ian august
      Hey diane, sometimes I never know when I am ready to write. I thought I had the pattern down. Read the material, take notes, reflect and research on what interests or inspres me, but this module I was not ready to blog and i started writing something, and some crazy stuff just came out. It might have been the two best blog posts of the semester. 
    • ian august
      Give this women a thousand points for quoting me :)!!
    • Diane Gusa
      Yes Ian I have learned much from you all. I also could use the 1,000 points! :)
    • ian august
      While i agree with you I think I would not push myself sometimes if I wasnt forced. I might have chosen to slack instead of worked when I was tired or busy with life.  Do you think you can use different models of teaching with different students in the same class?
    • Kimberly Barss
      I agree with reminds me of doing sports in high school. If my coach didn't push us harder and harder we wouldn't ever have been successful! Alex is our coach and we can either choose to step up to the plate and work our butts off or we can sit on the bench and let the game, or in this case the learning, pass us by!
    • Kimberly Barss
      On a side note, I loved kung fu panda!!
  • I am saddened and concern for the positivist, behaviorist methods she employs and models. I
    • Donna Angley
      I don't understand this comment.
    • Diane Gusa
      This was base on reading only half of the rubric...
  • poor grade.
    • Donna Angley
      This is the second time you've brought up this issue. The way I see, Alex is the instructor, and she has designed a course with rubrics. I really don't see that the rubrics are that difficult to understand. I understand you wanting to get an "A" but if you want the "A" you have to work hard for it. If your life circumstances prevent you from doing what she considers the fair amount of work, that's not her problem. I don't feel an instructor should change the syllabus or rubrics for every student that complains about the work load, unless the instructor has received numerous complaints. I think that perhaps you have a lot on your plate right now, atleast that's the feeling I get from reading some of your posts. I can understand that, I've been through a lot myself this semester. However, it's unfair to expect Alex to change the point system just for you. May I suggest something: Clearly you are a hard working student, but circumstances are obviously preventing you from putting in the amount of work needed to earn an "A." Just accept that and work toward a "B" which is a perfectly acceptable grade. Take the pressure off of yourself. It's just a grade. A year or two from now it won't matter. All that will matter is that you learned about online teaching and came away with a robust course that you can teach. I think that's a good deal.
    • Diane Gusa
      Donna My comment is a pedagogical one and not an attack on Alex. The point I may not be making clearly, why the number 12? I am not the only student who has stated that a post takes several hours. Does Alex require this? No. Why I take this time is because of the quality I expect to bring to the discussion forum. I was not posting prior knowlege, but new understandings. Learning takes time and the #12 does not seem to recognize this time. I again do not see "choice" in this rubric. I agree the knowlege is the goal, and I have no problem with what I have learned and will continue to learn. However, with the exception of the last grading I have not gotten a "B" but failed every discussion forum except the last. Yes I was teaching a summer online course. I also have home responisblilites. These were stresses, but not obstacles. According to the expectations we were expected to do ~ 45 hours in class work and 100+ hours building our course. I don't know about you but the class work I have done over 150 hours just in class work. Finally, why do I bring this argument up for a second time. It is not for Alex to change; but for you all in this class to not simply copy and use Alex's rubric in your own courses. That is why I speak out.
    • Diane Gusa
      Again if I had scrolled down I would have seen that 12 posts were not required.
  • In the future I will build my course off line,
    • Donna Angley
      Good idea!
  • when a student finally understands that their discussions need to encompass teaching, cognitive engagement, and social presence, then the discussion forum truly becomes a awesome learning tool!!!!!!  
    • Donna Angley
      I guess that's what it's all about in the end. I'm not sure all online students understand this concept when they first delve into it. I've actually added a resource that explains the generalities of social learning theory and the students part in it.
  • Alex, my  Shifu, has diligently pushed me down the road of online pedagogy. There were many times when I landed hard and bounced a few times. However, just like the panda, I too will become capable in my bumbling ways. I too realize there is no secret ingredients in 21st century teaching….it still is best practices in education with technology embedded in it.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      i TOTALLY LOVE this image : ) thank you! : )
  • I have changed in many ways as a result of this class. I am now and will continue to be a blogger, and use blogs  as one way to facilitate learning for my students. I understand the Community of inquiry approach, and have now created a rubric for my discussion forums that reflect the elements of teacher, cognitive, and social presence. I was fortunate to be teaching online as I took this class, and I observed my discussion forums going from conversations to dialogue that exhibit depth of learning. I have observed the pedagogy of my professor and will incorporate similar ways of interacting with my students, using the tools that web 2.0 affords me. I have moved from having little enthusiasm for online learning to embracing it as an essential medium for learning.  
  • I will do this because I care about their learning.
  • I knew I needed this course to become the better online teacher, what I didn’t know was the transformative change  that I would experience this summer.
  • ulnerability, especially with the knowledge that their efforts will be evaluated by their instructor.
alexandra m. pickett

Learning by Doing | ETAP 640 Introduction to Online Teaching - 0 views

  • it wasn’t terrible!
    • alexandra m. pickett
      Glad you dove in!! Looking forward to your second post for module 1!
  • Her example was “what does it mean to be human?”  The reason this struck a chord with me is that many students are either uninterested in research or they think that they are already expert researchers.  Unfortunately, very few of them have the research skills required at the college level.  This interview served as an important reminder to me that it’s my job to make the course both relevant and engaging.  I want to do my best at writing engaging and thought provoking discussion questions.
  • Pickett discusses the importance of establishing trust in the online classroom.  One thing that has been surprising to me but upon reflection makes sense is that this is about both design and instruction.  The icebreaker module takes on a new significance in this light – as it’s not only the launch of the course but also the launch of the community.
    • alexandra m. pickett
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • “just because you call it a discussion doesn’t make it a discussion.” 
  • so maybe I’ll work on developing my very own perplexity fairy. 
  • In this course not only will I remember my instructor’s name – I will also remember my classmates’ names. That’s pretty remarkable!
Heather Kurto

JTE v24n1 - Transfer of Learning: Connecting Concepts During Problem Solving - 0 views

  • There are several factors that affect learning transfer. These include whether students understand or simply memorize knowledge, the amount of time spent on learning the task, the amount of deliberate practice that is done beyond learning the task, the motivation of the student, how the problem is represented, the transfer conditions, and the metacognition of the solver (Dweck, 1989; Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Romer, 1993; Johnson et al., 2011; Palinscar & Brown, 1984; Singley & Anderson, 1989).
  • A student’s comprehension of a problem and his or her ultimate ability to transfer concepts learned previously to the current problem is inextricably linked to his or her ability to properly represent the problem.
  • ognitive research shows that the organization of learning and how new learning relates to what a student already knows are the strongest predictors of how well a student will transfer knowledge (National Research Council, 2000). Schunn and Silk (2011) articulated, however, that in science and engineering students often “lack relevant conceptual frameworks or have frameworks that are not developed enough to support new learning adequately” (p. 9). The absence of such frameworks makes it difficult for students to connect and apply other knowledge where relevant.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • The problem solving process begins as soon as the problem solver generates enough information about the problem space to gain an understanding of the problem.
  • Representation in the problem-solving process refers to how the solver mentally represents the problem. The solver’s representation of the problem is directly related to his or her existing knowledge structure of the content of the problem.
  • Students have to increase their reflective practice to aid their metacognition and transfer of STEM concepts.
  • Different individuals have different conceptual knowledge and will make different associations to their knowledge. Exposure to the constraints and affordances of a particular context in which a problem exists will invariably influence the way in which the student represents a problem in a similar context.
  • Sanders (2009) admitted that it is difficult to prepare a teacher that is competent in all three bodies of knowledge, given the volume of content knowledge necessary to be an effective science, mathematics or technology educator.
  • This pedagogical approach is not without its challenges, as students may still compartmentalize their knowledge. Also, it is often difficult logistically and in terms of instructional timing for teachers across STEM discipline to collaborate effectively (Crismond, 2011; Kimbell & Stables, 2008).
  • Good and poor problem solvers differ in their recall of information from previously encountered problems and by extension their ability to transfer concepts to the target problem. This difference exists because poor problem solvers tend to remember surface similarities between problems, while good problem solvers remember underlying conceptual structures that make two problems similar although they have different surface features (Sutton, 2003).
  • Until student assessment methods are modified to reflect less dependency on standardized tests, engineering and technology educators will garner greater collaboration from math and science teachers when the latter can see that engineering and design-based curriculums does improve students’ ability to solve standardized test problems.
Diana Cary

A Meta-Analysis of Three Types of Interaction Treatments in Distance Education - 0 views

  • ITs are the instructional and/or media conditions designed into DE courses, which are intended to facilitate student–student (SS), student–teacher (ST), or student–content (SC) interactions
Irene Watts-Politza

Keys to Success: are you ready to develop an online course? - 0 views

    Alex's Breeze presentation
alexandra m. pickett

ETAP640amp2012: are you prepared to change the way you teach? - 0 views

  • I wonder if this is part of Alex's intentional instructional design or if that's purely a coincidence.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      there are NO accidents!!
Lisa Martin

Pedagogical and Andragogical Learning (article) by Lloydene F Hill on AuthorsDen - 0 views

  • With the pedagogical learning model, students do not take the initiative to acquire new knowledge, rather they wait until the educator believes that they are ready to absorb new ideas, subjects and practices. In this model, the learning orientation of a student is centered around the subjects studied, content of the instructional materials, and teacher experiences that are required to reach their academic goal, and any learning motivation that they possess usually comes from an external source, i.e., grades, favorable or unfavorable rewards from parents or teachers, and family duress.
    • Lisa Martin
      Pedagogical model definition
  • An adult learner must first investigate why they must undertake the learning task, and assess the possible positive or negative outcomes associated with learning this body of knowledge, or not. Once this has been accomplished, the adult learner will focus an extreme amount of energy and time into the task of obtaining this knowledge, and be responsible for his own decisions with regards to that knowledge. Adults possess a deep desire to be recognized as self-disciplined, self-motivated, and independent self-helping individuals. If they are treated like the students in the pedagogical learning model, they become psychologically conflicted as the need to be independent and self-focused battles with the dependency that was established in early on in their education.
    • Lisa Martin
      Andragogical learning model definition
  • The andragogical learning model was designed to encompass the adult learner, and it works extremely well in that capacity, however, there are instances where a pedagogical model can be more appropriate for the adult learner, i.e., when learning unfamiliar subject matter.
    • Lisa Martin
      I agree that there are cases where adults can benefit from the pedagogical model.
Catherine Strattner

Critical Thinking Testing and Assessment - 0 views

  • Rubrics for assessing student reasoning abilities. A useful tool in assessing the extent to which students are reasoning well through course content.  
  • Critical Thinking Grid.doc
    This is a great source for utilizing critical thinking in designing instruction as well as assessing students' critical thinking skills.
alexandra m. pickett

My Reflections in ETAP 640 - 0 views

  • it would be interesting to see the numbers for 2012,
    • alexandra m. pickett
      I wish i had access to that data. When we decentralized in our move to ANGEL we lost access to system-wide data like this.
  • this study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were present,
  • this study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were present,
  • ...64 more annotations...
  • study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were present,
  • study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were present,
  • study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were present,
  • study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were present,
  • study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were present,
  • study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were presen
  • study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were presen
  • this study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were present,
  • this study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were present,
    • alexandra m. pickett
      I would have liked more detail and critical analysis of these reports.
  • this study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were present,
  • this study and this study support that the most gains in online classroom learning from F2F learning were in areas where these technologies were present,
  • I miss the ability and opportunity to chat casually with students in an online course the same way I would before or after a F2F course, even if it doesn’t directly relate to my learning. 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      are you not comfortable initiating that in the bulletin board created for that purpose?
    • alexandra m. pickett
      your blog looks great Amy! check the blog roll. you are missing my blog from the list and george is no longer in the course. someone else is missing too.
  • I am following the directions.
  • Are there things that Moodle (or even Angel, per the courses for observation) can do that don’t replicate this structure? 
    • alexandra m. pickett
      part of the problem is that the LMS imposes a pedagogy. They have embedded into their DNA a teacher-centric cultrure-specific pedagogy. just look at how they label things... you can't get any more teacher-centered that referring to things as "lessons!" Fortunately in ANGEL at least you can change that... not so in BB. i chaffe under that imposition. This imposed pedagogy is largely due, in my opinion, to the fact that it is application developers, not instructional designers, that developed the LMS. We are stuck having to use tools that are inadequate for the purposes to which we must apply them. They are NOT flexible, they do NOT allow for creativity and innovation. It is a constant fight/struggle to work around their limitations and constraints to get them to DO what you want need them to do. I hate all LMSs equally.
  • Reiss doesn’t believe that all children are or should be curious and that curiosity doesn’t always motivate student learning. 
  • Should every class be for every student?
  • developing the course isn’t enough, classroom management is required throughout the course, especially for students who drop in and out. 
  • I learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • I learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • I learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • I learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • I learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • I learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • I learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • I learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • earned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • learned that a lot of what I teach will be limited by the functionality of the LMS.  I learned that there is so much more.
  • I care.
    • alexandra m. pickett
      the fact that you care about "her" and the fact that you understand that you are still learning mean it is highly unlikely that you will fail her  : ) 
Catherine Strattner

a_series_of_unfortunate_online_events.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 1 views

    Assume nothing! Excellent advice for new online instructors.
  • ...4 more comments...
    "Explicit orientations to each module with due dates, time frames, and details about what the module contains, as well as redundant, clear, explicit expectations and instructions are necessary to ensure students are at all times well oriented to the content, activities, and tasks in the course."
    "My best advice the first time through is -- keep it simple. Go for vanilla the first time and work your way up to rocky road. : )"
    Course Reading
    What things to think about when designing an online course.
    Quoted with regard to the 24/7 faux pas.
    Many common threads with the Ragan article.
Irene Watts-Politza

Do Online Students Dreamof Electric Teacher? Scorza - 0 views

    Empathy as a means of efficient and effective online course design and instruction.
    Course reading on balancing student interaction and instructor interaction
Maria Guadron

Voicethread 4 Education - College - 0 views

  • I am using voicethreads in a college course as part of an icebreaking activity to have the members of the course introduce themselves. the audio and video features of voicethread will add to the sense of class community in the course.
  • as a tool to assist me in extending communications and professional development conversations with a community of 40+ instructional designers that I lead.
    VoiceThread for Education. This is the section of the wiki on VoiceThread uses in college.
Maria Guadron

Less is not more | On Teaching Online - 0 views

    "more information, not less, is the way to plan for online engagement."
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