How do I post a screenshot from diigo to - 110 views
#1 marmaladeinfp on 03 May 11I'm new to diigo. I just made my first screenshot and saved it. I tried to post it to my wordrpess blog, but it doesn't seem to be working. I tried copying and posting the image. And then I tried copying and posting the image url. At first, it seemed to be working fine. It showed in my blog post last night, but today the image doesn't show. Is there an incompatibility issue between diigo and wordpress? Can anyone offer some assistance?
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#3 marmaladeinfp on 03 May 11Okay, I give up. After a few minutes, I refreshed the blog page and the image stopped showing again. Someone please help me. I'd really like to be able to post screenshots in my blog. It seems like such a simple thing to do, but I can't figure it out.
#4 marmaladeinfp on 04 May 11Is there anyone active on the Diigo Community? I've only had 7 people view my request for help and not a single person has responded. Is there anywhere on this site I can get help or find info about this problem? Could someone respond to this just to acknowledge my existence? Wouldn't diigo be absolutely useless if you can't find help for even the most basic of issues?